/** * Copyright (c) 2012-2016 André Bargull * Alle Rechte vorbehalten / All Rights Reserved. Use is subject to license terms. * * <https://github.com/anba/es6draft> */ package com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.objects; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.AbstractOperations.Get; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.AbstractOperations.ToFlatString; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.AbstractOperations.ToNumber; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.Errors.newURIError; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.Properties.createProperties; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.objects.Eval.indirectEval; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.Undefined.UNDEFINED; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import com.github.anba.es6draft.compiler.CompilationException; import com.github.anba.es6draft.parser.ParserException; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.ExecutionContext; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.Realm; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.CompatibilityOption; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.Initializable; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.Messages; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.Properties.Attributes; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.Properties.CompatibilityExtension; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.Properties.Function; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.Properties.Value; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.RuntimeContext; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.Strings; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.Intrinsics; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.Undefined; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.builtins.OrdinaryObject; /** * <h1>18 The Global Object</h1> * <ul> * <li>18.1 Value Properties of the Global Object * <li>18.2 Function Properties of the Global Object * <li>18.3 Constructor Properties of the Global Object * <li>18.4 Other Properties of the Global Object * </ul> */ public class GlobalObject extends OrdinaryObject implements Initializable { private final Realm realm; /** * Constructs a new Global object. * * @param realm * the realm object */ public GlobalObject(Realm realm) { super(realm); this.realm = realm; } @Override public final void initialize(Realm realm) { createProperties(realm, this, ValueProperties.class); createProperties(realm, this, FunctionProperties.class); createProperties(realm, this, ConstructorProperties.class); createProperties(realm, this, OtherProperties.class); if (realm.isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.System) || realm.isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.SystemGlobal)) { createProperties(realm, this, SystemProperty.class); } createProperties(realm, this, SIMDProperty.class); createProperties(realm, this, ObservableProperty.class); createProperties(realm, this, AtomicsProperties.class); createProperties(realm, this, AdditionalProperties.class); } /** * Executes any initialization scripts which should be run for this global instance. * * @throws IOException * if there was any I/O error * @throws URISyntaxException * the URL is not a valid URI * @throws ParserException * if the source contains any syntax errors * @throws CompilationException * if the parsed source could not be compiled */ public void initializeScripted() throws IOException, URISyntaxException, ParserException, CompilationException { /* empty */ } /** * Initializes implementation defined extensions. */ public void initializeExtensions() { /* empty */ } /** * Creates user-defined native global functions. * * @param <T> * the owner type * @param object * the owner object instance * @param clazz * the class which holds the properties * @return the owner object */ public final <T> T createGlobalProperties(T object, Class<T> clazz) { return getRealm().createGlobalProperties(object, clazz); } /** * Returns the {@link Realm} of this global object. * * @return the realm instance */ public final Realm getRealm() { return realm; } /** * Returns the {@link RuntimeContext} of this global object. * * @return the runtime context instance */ public final RuntimeContext getRuntimeContext() { return getRealm().getWorld().getContext(); } /** * 18.1 Value Properties of the Global Object */ public enum ValueProperties { ; /** * 18.1.2 NaN */ @Value(name = "NaN", attributes = @Attributes(writable = false, enumerable = false, configurable = false)) public static final Double NaN = Double.NaN; /** * 18.1.1 Infinity */ @Value(name = "Infinity", attributes = @Attributes(writable = false, enumerable = false, configurable = false)) public static final Double Infinity = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; /** * 18.1.3 undefined */ @Value(name = "undefined", attributes = @Attributes(writable = false, enumerable = false, configurable = false)) public static final Undefined undefined = UNDEFINED; } /** * 18.2 Function Properties of the Global Object */ public enum FunctionProperties { ; /** * 18.2.1 eval (x) * * @param cx * the execution context * @param caller * the caller context * @param thisValue * the function this-value * @param args * the arguments * @return the evaluation result */ @Function(name = "eval", arity = 1) public static Object eval(ExecutionContext cx, ExecutionContext caller, Object thisValue, Object... args) { return indirectEval(cx, caller, args); } /** * 18.2.2 isFinite (number) * * @param cx * the execution context * @param thisValue * the function this-value * @param number * the number value * @return {@code true} if the argument is a finite number */ @Function(name = "isFinite", arity = 1) public static Object isFinite(ExecutionContext cx, Object thisValue, Object number) { /* steps 1-2 */ double num = ToNumber(cx, number); /* step 3 */ if (Double.isNaN(num) || Double.isInfinite(num)) { return false; } /* step 4 */ return true; } /** * 18.2.3 isNaN (number) * * @param cx * the execution context * @param thisValue * the function this-value * @param number * the number value * @return {@code true} if the number is the NaN value */ @Function(name = "isNaN", arity = 1) public static Object isNaN(ExecutionContext cx, Object thisValue, Object number) { /* steps 1-2 */ double num = ToNumber(cx, number); /* step 3 */ if (Double.isNaN(num)) { return true; } /* step 4 */ return false; } /** * 18.2.4 parseFloat (string) * * @param cx * the execution context * @return the parsed number */ @Value(name = "parseFloat") public static Object parseFloat(ExecutionContext cx) { return Get(cx, cx.getIntrinsic(Intrinsics.Number), "parseFloat"); } /** * 18.2.5 parseInt (string , radix) * * @param cx * the execution context * @return the parsed integer */ @Value(name = "parseInt") public static Object parseInt(ExecutionContext cx) { return Get(cx, cx.getIntrinsic(Intrinsics.Number), "parseInt"); } /** * 18.2.6 URI Handling Functions<br> * decodeURI (encodedURI) * * @param cx * the execution context * @param thisValue * the function this-value * @param encodedURI * the encoded URI * @return the decoded URI */ @Function(name = "decodeURI", arity = 1) public static Object decodeURI(ExecutionContext cx, Object thisValue, Object encodedURI) { /* steps 1-2 */ String uriString = ToFlatString(cx, encodedURI); /* steps 3-4 */ String decoded = URIFunctions.decodeURI(uriString); if (decoded == null) { throw newURIError(cx, Messages.Key.MalformedURI); } return decoded; } /** * 18.2.6 URI Handling Functions<br> * decodeURIComponent (encodedURIComponent) * * @param cx * the execution context * @param thisValue * the function this-value * @param encodedURIComponent * the encoded URI component * @return the decoded URI component */ @Function(name = "decodeURIComponent", arity = 1) public static Object decodeURIComponent(ExecutionContext cx, Object thisValue, Object encodedURIComponent) { /* steps 1-2 */ String componentString = ToFlatString(cx, encodedURIComponent); /* steps 3-4 */ String decoded = URIFunctions.decodeURIComponent(componentString); if (decoded == null) { throw newURIError(cx, Messages.Key.MalformedURI); } return decoded; } /** * 18.2.6 URI Handling Functions<br> * encodeURI (uri) * * @param cx * the execution context * @param thisValue * the function this-value * @param uri * the URI * @return the encoded URI */ @Function(name = "encodeURI", arity = 1) public static Object encodeURI(ExecutionContext cx, Object thisValue, Object uri) { /* steps 1-2 */ String uriString = ToFlatString(cx, uri); /* steps 3-4 */ String encoded = URIFunctions.encodeURI(uriString); if (encoded == null) { throw newURIError(cx, Messages.Key.MalformedURI); } return encoded; } /** * 18.2.6 URI Handling Functions<br> * encodeURIComponent (uriComponent) * * @param cx * the execution context * @param thisValue * the function this-value * @param uriComponent * the URI component * @return the encoded URI component */ @Function(name = "encodeURIComponent", arity = 1) public static Object encodeURIComponent(ExecutionContext cx, Object thisValue, Object uriComponent) { /* steps 1-2 */ String componentString = ToFlatString(cx, uriComponent); /* steps 3-4 */ String encoded = URIFunctions.encodeURIComponent(componentString); if (encoded == null) { throw newURIError(cx, Messages.Key.MalformedURI); } return encoded; } } /** * 18.3 Constructor Properties of the Global Object */ public enum ConstructorProperties { ; /** * 18.3.1 Array ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "Array") public static final Intrinsics Array = Intrinsics.Array; /** * 18.3.2 ArrayBuffer ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "ArrayBuffer") public static final Intrinsics ArrayBuffer = Intrinsics.ArrayBuffer; /** * 18.3.3 Boolean ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "Boolean") public static final Intrinsics Boolean = Intrinsics.Boolean; /** * 18.3.4 DataView ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "DataView") public static final Intrinsics DataView = Intrinsics.DataView; /** * 18.3.5 Date ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "Date") public static final Intrinsics Date = Intrinsics.Date; /** * 18.3.6 Error ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "Error") public static final Intrinsics Error = Intrinsics.Error; /** * 18.3.7 EvalError ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "EvalError") public static final Intrinsics EvalError = Intrinsics.EvalError; /** * 18.3.8 Float32Array ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "Float32Array") public static final Intrinsics Float32Array = Intrinsics.Float32Array; /** * 18.3.9 Float64Array ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "Float64Array") public static final Intrinsics Float64Array = Intrinsics.Float64Array; /** * 18.3.10 Function ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "Function") public static final Intrinsics Function = Intrinsics.Function; /** * 18.3.11 Int8Array ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "Int8Array") public static final Intrinsics Int8Array = Intrinsics.Int8Array; /** * 18.3.12 Int16Array ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "Int16Array") public static final Intrinsics Int16Array = Intrinsics.Int16Array; /** * 18.3.13 Int32Array ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "Int32Array") public static final Intrinsics Int32Array = Intrinsics.Int32Array; /** * 18.3.14 Map ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "Map") public static final Intrinsics Map = Intrinsics.Map; /** * 18.3.15 Number ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "Number") public static final Intrinsics Number = Intrinsics.Number; /** * 18.3.16 Object ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "Object") public static final Intrinsics Object = Intrinsics.Object; /** * 18.3.17 Proxy ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "Proxy") public static final Intrinsics Proxy = Intrinsics.Proxy; /** * 18.3.18 Promise ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "Promise") public static final Intrinsics Promise = Intrinsics.Promise; /** * 18.3.19 RangeError ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "RangeError") public static final Intrinsics RangeError = Intrinsics.RangeError; /** * 18.3.20 ReferenceError ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "ReferenceError") public static final Intrinsics ReferenceError = Intrinsics.ReferenceError; /** * 18.3.21 RegExp ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "RegExp") public static final Intrinsics RegExp = Intrinsics.RegExp; /** * 18.3.22 Set ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "Set") public static final Intrinsics Set = Intrinsics.Set; /** * 18.3.23 String ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "String") public static final Intrinsics String = Intrinsics.String; /** * 18.3.24 Symbol ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "Symbol") public static final Intrinsics Symbol = Intrinsics.Symbol; /** * 18.3.25 SyntaxError ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "SyntaxError") public static final Intrinsics SyntaxError = Intrinsics.SyntaxError; /** * 18.3.26 TypeError ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "TypeError") public static final Intrinsics TypeError = Intrinsics.TypeError; /** * 18.3.27 UInt8Array ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "Uint8Array") public static final Intrinsics Uint8Array = Intrinsics.Uint8Array; /** * 18.3.28 UInt8ClampedArray ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "Uint8ClampedArray") public static final Intrinsics Uint8ClampedArray = Intrinsics.Uint8ClampedArray; /** * 18.3.29 UInt16Array ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "Uint16Array") public static final Intrinsics Uint16Array = Intrinsics.Uint16Array; /** * 18.3.30 UInt32Array ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "Uint32Array") public static final Intrinsics Uint32Array = Intrinsics.Uint32Array; /** * 18.3.31 URIError ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "URIError") public static final Intrinsics URIError = Intrinsics.URIError; /** * 18.3.32 WeakMap ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "WeakMap") public static final Intrinsics WeakMap = Intrinsics.WeakMap; /** * 18.3.33 WeakSet ( . . . ) */ @Value(name = "WeakSet") public static final Intrinsics WeakSet = Intrinsics.WeakSet; // InternalError @Value(name = "InternalError") public static final Intrinsics InternalError = Intrinsics.InternalError; } /** * 18.4 Other Properties of the Global Object */ public enum OtherProperties { ; /** * 18.4.1 JSON */ @Value(name = "JSON") public static final Intrinsics JSON = Intrinsics.JSON; /** * 18.4.2 Math */ @Value(name = "Math") public static final Intrinsics Math = Intrinsics.Math; /** * 18.4.3 Reflect */ @Value(name = "Reflect") public static final Intrinsics Reflect = Intrinsics.Reflect; // Internationalization API @Value(name = "Intl") public static final Intrinsics Intl = Intrinsics.Intl; } public enum SystemProperty { ; @Value(name = "System") public static final Intrinsics System = Intrinsics.System; } @CompatibilityExtension(CompatibilityOption.SIMD) public enum SIMDProperty { ; @Value(name = "SIMD") public static final Intrinsics SIMD = Intrinsics.SIMD; } @CompatibilityExtension(CompatibilityOption.Observable) public enum ObservableProperty { ; @Value(name = "Observable") public static final Intrinsics Observable = Intrinsics.Observable; } @CompatibilityExtension(CompatibilityOption.Atomics) public enum AtomicsProperties { ; @Value(name = "Atomics") public static final Intrinsics Atomics = Intrinsics.Atomics; @Value(name = "SharedArrayBuffer") public static final Intrinsics SharedArrayBuffer = Intrinsics.SharedArrayBuffer; } /** * B.2.1 Additional Properties of the Global Object */ @CompatibilityExtension(CompatibilityOption.GlobalObject) public enum AdditionalProperties { ; private static int fromHexDigit(char c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return (c - '0'); if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return (c - 'A') + 10; if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return (c - 'a') + 10; return -1; } private static char toHexDigit(int i, int shift) { i = (i >> shift) & 0b1111; return (char) (i + (i < 0x0A ? '0' : ('A' - 10))); } /** * B.2.1.1 escape (string) * * @param cx * the execution context * @param thisValue * the function this-value * @param string * the string * @return the escaped string */ @Function(name = "escape", arity = 1) public static Object escape(ExecutionContext cx, Object thisValue, Object string) { /* steps 1-2 */ String s = ToFlatString(cx, string); /* step 3 */ int length = s.length(); /* step 4 */ StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(length); /* steps 5-6 */ for (int k = 0; k < length; ++k) { char c = s.charAt(k); if ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '@' || c == '*' || c == '_' || c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '.' || c == '/') { r.append(c); } else if (c < 256) { r.append('%').append(toHexDigit(c, 4)).append(toHexDigit(c, 0)); } else { r.append("%u").append(toHexDigit(c, 12)).append(toHexDigit(c, 8)) .append(toHexDigit(c, 4)).append(toHexDigit(c, 0)); } } /* step 7 */ return r.toString(); } /** * B.2.1.2 unescape (string) * * @param cx * the execution context * @param thisValue * the function this-value * @param string * the string * @return the unescaped string */ @Function(name = "unescape", arity = 1) public static Object unescape(ExecutionContext cx, Object thisValue, Object string) { /* steps 1-2 */ String s = ToFlatString(cx, string); /* step 3 */ int length = s.length(); /* step 4 */ StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(length); /* steps 5-6 */ for (int k = 0; k < length; ++k) { char c = s.charAt(k); if (c == '%') { if (k <= length - 6 && s.charAt(k + 1) == 'u') { char c2 = s.charAt(k + 2); char c3 = s.charAt(k + 3); char c4 = s.charAt(k + 4); char c5 = s.charAt(k + 5); int h = fromHexDigit(c2) << 12 | fromHexDigit(c3) << 8 | fromHexDigit(c4) << 4 | fromHexDigit(c5); if (h >= 0) { k += 5; c = (char) h; } } else if (k <= length - 3) { char c1 = s.charAt(k + 1); char c2 = s.charAt(k + 2); int h = fromHexDigit(c1) << 4 | fromHexDigit(c2); if (h >= 0) { k += 2; c = (char) h; } } } r.append(c); } /* step 7 */ return r.toString(); } } /** * 18.2.6 URI Handling Functions */ private static final class URIFunctions { private URIFunctions() { } /** * decodeURI (encodedURI) * * @param encodedURI * the encoded URI * @return the decoded URI or {@code null} if invalid */ public static String decodeURI(String encodedURI) { return decode(encodedURI, RESERVED_LO | HASH, RESERVED_HI); } /** * decodeURIComponent (encodedURIComponent) * * @param encodedURIComponent * the encoded URI component * @return the decoded URI component or {@code null} if invalid */ public static String decodeURIComponent(String encodedURIComponent) { return decode(encodedURIComponent, 0, 0); } /** * encodeURI (uri) * * @param uri * the URI * @return the encoded URI or {@code null} if invalid */ public static String encodeURI(String uri) { return encode(uri, RESERVED_LO | UNESCAPED_LO | HASH, RESERVED_HI | UNESCAPED_HI); } /** * encodeURIComponent (uriComponent) * * @param uriComponent * the URI component * @return the encoded URI component or {@code null} if invalid */ public static String encodeURIComponent(String uriComponent) { return encode(uriComponent, UNESCAPED_LO, UNESCAPED_HI); } // reserved = ; / ? : @ & = + $ , private static final long RESERVED_LO = 0b10101100_00000000_10011000_01010000_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000L; private static final long RESERVED_HI = 0b00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000001L; // alpha = a-z A-Z private static final long ALPHA_LO = 0b00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000L; private static final long ALPHA_HI = 0b00000111_11111111_11111111_11111110_00000111_11111111_11111111_11111110L; // digit = 0-9 private static final long DIGIT_LO = 0b00000011_11111111_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000L; private static final long DIGIT_HI = 0b00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000L; // mark = - _ . ! ~ * ' ( ) private static final long MARK_LO = 0b00000000_00000000_01100111_10000010_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000L; private static final long MARK_HI = 0b01000000_00000000_00000000_00000000_10000000_00000000_00000000_00000000L; // unescaped = alpha | digit | mark private static final long UNESCAPED_LO = ALPHA_LO | DIGIT_LO | MARK_LO; private static final long UNESCAPED_HI = ALPHA_HI | DIGIT_HI | MARK_HI; private static final long HASH = 0b00000000_00000000_00000000_00001000_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000L; static { assert HASH == low('#'); assert RESERVED_LO == low(";/?:&=+$,"); assert RESERVED_HI == high("@"); assert ALPHA_LO == low(""); assert ALPHA_HI == high("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"); assert DIGIT_LO == low("0123456789"); assert DIGIT_HI == high(""); assert MARK_LO == low("-.!*'()"); assert MARK_HI == high("_~"); } private static int readNibble(char c) { if (c >= 'a') { return (c <= 'f') ? (c - ('a' - 10)) : -1; } if (c >= 'A') { return (c <= 'F') ? (c - ('A' - 10)) : -1; } return (c >= '0' && c <= '9') ? (c - '0') : -1; } private static int readByte(String s, int i) { if (s.charAt(i) != '%') return -1; return (readNibble(s.charAt(i + 1)) << 4) | readNibble(s.charAt(i + 2)); } private static StringBuilder writeByte(StringBuilder sb, int b) { int b0 = (b >> 4) & 0b1111; int b1 = b & 0b1111; b0 = b0 + (b0 < 0x0A ? '0' : ('A' - 10)); b1 = b1 + (b1 < 0x0A ? '0' : ('A' - 10)); return sb.append('%').append((char) b0).append((char) b1); } /** * Runtime Semantics: Encode ( string, unescapedSet ) * <p> * Returns the encoded string or {@code null} on error. * * @param s * the string * @param low * the low bit set * @param high * the high bit set * @return the encoded string */ private static String encode(String s, long low, long high) { final int length = s.length(); int j = 0; StringBuilder sb = null; for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (masked(c, low, high)) { continue; } if (sb == null) { // 10 = 5 * encoded ASCII or 1 * encoded supplementary character sb = new StringBuilder(length + 10); } if (j < i) { sb.append(s, j, i); } if (c <= 0x7F) { writeByte(sb, c); } else if (c <= 0x7FF) { writeByte(sb, 0b11000000 | ((c >> 6) & 0b11111)); writeByte(sb, 0b10000000 | (c & 0b111111)); } else if (c <= 0xD7FF || c >= 0xE000) { writeByte(sb, 0b11100000 | ((c >> 12) & 0b1111)); writeByte(sb, 0b10000000 | ((c >> 6) & 0b111111)); writeByte(sb, 0b10000000 | (c & 0b111111)); } else if (Character.isHighSurrogate(c) && i + 1 < length) { char d = s.charAt(i + 1); if (!Character.isLowSurrogate(d)) { // lone high surrogate return null; } int cp = Character.toCodePoint(c, d); writeByte(sb, 0b11110000 | ((cp >> 18) & 0b111)); writeByte(sb, 0b10000000 | ((cp >> 12) & 0b111111)); writeByte(sb, 0b10000000 | ((cp >> 6) & 0b111111)); writeByte(sb, 0b10000000 | (cp & 0b111111)); // Read two chars, increment i accordingly. i += 1; } else { // lone surrogate return null; } j = i + 1; } if (sb == null) { return s; } if (j < length) { sb.append(s, j, length); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Runtime Semantics: Decode ( string, reservedSet ) * <p> * Returns the decoded string or {@code null} on error. * * @param s * the string * @param low * the low bit set * @param high * the high bit set * @return the decoded string */ private static String decode(String s, long low, long high) { int i = s.indexOf('%'); if (i < 0) { return s; } final int length = s.length(); int j = 0; StringBuilder sb = null; while (i >= 0) { if (i + 2 >= length) return null; int c0 = readByte(s, i); if (c0 < 0) return null; int cp; if (c0 <= 0b01111111) { // US-ASCII if (masked(c0, low, high)) { // leave as-is i = s.indexOf('%', i + 3); continue; } cp = (char) c0; } else { cp = decodeNonASCII(c0, s, i, length); if (cp < 0) return null; } int k; if (c0 <= 0b10111111) { // US-ASCII // or: illegal (byte sequence part) k = 3; } else if (c0 <= 0b11011111) { // two byte sequence // or: illegal (two byte encoding for US-ASCII) k = 6; } else if (c0 <= 0b11101111) { // three byte sequence k = 9; } else { // four byte sequence // or: illegal (cf. RFC-3629) k = 12; } if (sb == null) { if (i == 0 && k == length) { // Single character escape return Strings.fromCodePoint(cp); } sb = new StringBuilder(length); } if (j < i) { // append substring before '%' sb.append(s, j, i); } sb.appendCodePoint(cp); j = i + k; i = s.indexOf('%', j); } if (sb == null) { return s; } if (j < length) { // append remaining substring sb.append(s, j, length); } return sb.toString(); } private static int decodeNonASCII(int c0, String s, int i, int len) { if (c0 < 0) return -1; if (c0 <= 0b01111111) { // US-ASCII (handled in caller) return -1; } else if (c0 <= 0b10111111) { // illegal (byte sequence part) return -1; } else if (c0 <= 0b11000001) { // illegal (two byte encoding for US-ASCII) return -1; } else if (c0 <= 0b11011111) { // two byte sequence if (!(i + 2 + 3 < len)) return -1; int c1 = readByte(s, i + 3); if (c1 < 0x80 || c1 > 0xBF) return -1; return (char) ((c0 & 0b11111) << 6 | (c1 & 0b111111)); } else if (c0 <= 0b11101111) { // three byte sequence if (!(i + 2 + 6 < len)) return -1; int c1 = readByte(s, i + 3); int c2 = readByte(s, i + 6); if (c0 == 0b11100000 ? (c1 < 0xA0 || c1 > 0xBF) : c0 == 0b11101101 ? (c1 < 0x80 || c1 > 0x9F) : (c1 < 0x80 || c1 > 0xBF)) return -1; if (c2 < 0x80 || c2 > 0xBF) return -1; return (char) ((c0 & 0b1111) << 12 | (c1 & 0b111111) << 6 | (c2 & 0b111111)); } else if (c0 <= 0b11110100) { // four byte sequence if (!(i + 2 + 9 < len)) return -1; int c1 = readByte(s, i + 3); int c2 = readByte(s, i + 6); int c3 = readByte(s, i + 9); if (c0 == 0b11110000 ? (c1 < 0x90 || c1 > 0xBF) : c0 == 0b11110100 ? (c1 < 0x80 || c1 > 0x8F) : (c1 < 0x80 || c1 > 0xBF)) return -1; if (c2 < 0x80 || c3 < 0x80 || c2 > 0xBF || c3 > 0xBF) return -1; int cp = ((c0 & 0b111) << 18 | (c1 & 0b111111) << 12 | (c2 & 0b111111) << 6 | (c3 & 0b111111)); if (cp <= Character.MAX_CODE_POINT) { return cp; } else { // illegal code point return -1; } } else { // illegal (cf. RFC-3629) return -1; } } /* embedded BitMaskUtil */ private static boolean masked(char c, long low, long high) { return (c == 0) ? false : // (c < 64) ? ((1L << c) & low) != 0 : // (c < 128) ? ((1L << (c - 64)) & high) != 0 : false; } private static boolean masked(int c, long low, long high) { return (c == 0) ? false : // (c < 64) ? ((1L << c) & low) != 0 : // (c < 128) ? ((1L << (c - 64)) & high) != 0 : false; } private static long low(String s) { return low(s.toCharArray()); } private static long high(String s) { return high(s.toCharArray()); } private static long low(char[] cs) { long lo = 0; for (char c : cs) { assert c < 64; lo |= (1L << c); } return lo; } private static long high(char[] cs) { long hi = 0; for (char c : cs) { assert c >= 64 && c < 128; hi |= (1L << (c - 64)); } return hi; } private static long low(char c) { assert c < 64; return (1L << c); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static long high(char c) { assert c >= 64 && c < 128; return (1L << (c - 64)); } } }