/** * Copyright (c) 2012-2016 André Bargull * Alle Rechte vorbehalten / All Rights Reserved. Use is subject to license terms. * * <https://github.com/anba/es6draft> */ package com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.objects.number; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.AbstractOperations.ToInteger; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.AbstractOperations.ToString; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.Errors.newRangeError; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.Errors.newTypeError; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.Properties.createProperties; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.objects.intl.NumberFormatConstructor.FormatNumber; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.Undefined.UNDEFINED; import org.mozilla.javascript.DToA; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.ExecutionContext; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.Realm; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.CompatibilityOption; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.Initializable; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.Messages; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.Properties.Function; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.Properties.Prototype; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.Properties.Value; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.objects.intl.NumberFormatConstructor; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.objects.intl.NumberFormatObject; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.Intrinsics; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.Type; /** * <h1>20 Numbers and Dates</h1><br> * <h2>20.1 Number Objects</h2> * <ul> * <li>20.1.3 Properties of the Number Prototype Object * </ul> */ public final class NumberPrototype extends NumberObject implements Initializable { /** * Constructs a new Number prototype object. * * @param realm * the realm object */ public NumberPrototype(Realm realm) { super(realm, 0); } @Override public void initialize(Realm realm) { createProperties(realm, this, Properties.class); } /** * 20.1.3 Properties of the Number Prototype Object */ public enum Properties { ; /** * Abstract operation thisNumberValue(value) * * @param cx * the execution context * @param object * the object * @return the number value */ private static double thisNumberValue(ExecutionContext cx, Object object) { if (Type.isNumber(object)) { return Type.numberValue(object); } if (object instanceof NumberObject) { return ((NumberObject) object).getNumberData(); } throw newTypeError(cx, Messages.Key.IncompatibleObject); } @Prototype public static final Intrinsics __proto__ = Intrinsics.ObjectPrototype; /** * Number.prototype.constructor */ @Value(name = "constructor") public static final Intrinsics constructor = Intrinsics.Number; /** * Number.prototype.toString ( [ radix ] ) * * @param cx * the execution context * @param thisValue * the function this-value * @param radix * the optional radix value * @return the string representation for this number */ @Function(name = "toString", arity = 1) public static Object toString(ExecutionContext cx, Object thisValue, Object radix) { /* steps 1-2 */ double x = thisNumberValue(cx, thisValue); /* steps 3-6 */ double radixNumber = 10; if (!Type.isUndefined(radix)) { radixNumber = ToInteger(cx, radix); } /* step 7 */ if (radixNumber < 2 || radixNumber > 36) { throw newRangeError(cx, Messages.Key.InvalidRadix); } /* step 8 */ if (radixNumber == 10) { return ToString(x); } /* step 9 */ // ToString Applied to the Number Type // steps 1-4 if (x != x) { return "NaN"; } else if (x == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { return "Infinity"; } else if (x == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { return "-Infinity"; } else if (x == 0d) { return "0"; } return DToA.JS_dtobasestr((int) radixNumber, x); } /** * Number.prototype.toLocaleString( [ reserved1 [ ., reserved2 ] ])<br> * 13.2.1 Number.prototype.toLocaleString ([locales [, options ]]) * * @param cx * the execution context * @param thisValue * the function this-value * @param locales * the optional locales array * @param options * the optional options object * @return the locale string representation for this number */ @Function(name = "toLocaleString", arity = 0) public static Object toLocaleString(ExecutionContext cx, Object thisValue, Object locales, Object options) { // N.B. permissible but not encouraged: // return ToString(thisNumberValue(cx, thisValue)); // ECMA-402 /* steps 1-2 */ double x = thisNumberValue(cx, thisValue); /* steps 3-4 */ NumberFormatConstructor ctor = (NumberFormatConstructor) cx .getIntrinsic(Intrinsics.Intl_NumberFormat); NumberFormatObject numberFormat = ctor.construct(cx, ctor, locales, options); /* step 5 */ return FormatNumber(numberFormat, x); } /** * Number.prototype.valueOf ( ) * * @param cx * the execution context * @param thisValue * the function this-value * @return the number value of this number object */ @Function(name = "valueOf", arity = 0) public static Object valueOf(ExecutionContext cx, Object thisValue) { /* steps 1-2 */ return thisNumberValue(cx, thisValue); } /** * Number.prototype.toFixed (fractionDigits) * * @param cx * the execution context * @param thisValue * the function this-value * @param fractionDigits * the number of fraction digits * @return the decimal fixed-point notation of this number */ @Function(name = "toFixed", arity = 1) public static Object toFixed(ExecutionContext cx, Object thisValue, Object fractionDigits) { /* steps 1-2 */ double x = thisNumberValue(cx, thisValue); /* steps 3-4 */ double f = ToInteger(cx, fractionDigits); /* step 5 */ boolean extPrecision = cx.getRealm().isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.ExtendedPrecision); if (f < 0 || f > (extPrecision ? 100 : 20)) { throw newRangeError(cx, Messages.Key.InvalidPrecision); } /* step 6 */ if (x != x) { return "NaN"; } /* steps 7-11 */ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); DToA.JS_dtostr(sb, DToA.DTOSTR_FIXED, (int) f, x); return sb.toString(); } /** * Number.prototype.toExponential (fractionDigits) * * @param cx * the execution context * @param thisValue * the function this-value * @param fractionDigits * the number of fraction digits * @return the decimal exponential notation of this number */ @Function(name = "toExponential", arity = 1) public static Object toExponential(ExecutionContext cx, Object thisValue, Object fractionDigits) { /* steps 1-2 */ double x = thisNumberValue(cx, thisValue); /* steps 3-5 */ double f = ToInteger(cx, fractionDigits); assert fractionDigits != UNDEFINED || f == 0; /* steps 6-9 */ if (x != x) { return "NaN"; } else if (x == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { return "Infinity"; } else if (x == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { return "-Infinity"; } /* step 10 */ boolean extPrecision = cx.getRealm().isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.ExtendedPrecision); if (f < 0 || f > (extPrecision ? 100 : 20)) { throw newRangeError(cx, Messages.Key.InvalidPrecision); } /* steps 11-17 */ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (fractionDigits == UNDEFINED) { DToA.JS_dtostr(sb, DToA.DTOSTR_STANDARD_EXPONENTIAL, 1 + (int) f, x); } else { DToA.JS_dtostr(sb, DToA.DTOSTR_EXPONENTIAL, 1 + (int) f, x); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Number.prototype.toPrecision (precision) * * @param cx * the execution context * @param thisValue * the function this-value * @param precision * the precision argument * @return the decimal exponential notation of this number */ @Function(name = "toPrecision", arity = 1) public static Object toPrecision(ExecutionContext cx, Object thisValue, Object precision) { /* steps 1-2 */ double x = thisNumberValue(cx, thisValue); /* step 3 */ if (precision == UNDEFINED) { return ToString(x); } /* steps 4-5 */ double p = ToInteger(cx, precision); /* steps 6-9 */ if (x != x) { return "NaN"; } else if (x == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { return "Infinity"; } else if (x == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { return "-Infinity"; } /* step 10 */ boolean extPrecision = cx.getRealm().isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.ExtendedPrecision); if (p < 1 || p > (extPrecision ? 100 : 21)) { throw newRangeError(cx, Messages.Key.InvalidPrecision); } /* steps 11-16 */ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); DToA.JS_dtostr(sb, DToA.DTOSTR_PRECISION, (int) p, x); return sb.toString(); } } }