package org.exist.jboss.exist; import; import org.exist.util.Configuration; import org.exist.EXistException; import org.jboss.system.ServiceMBeanSupport; import org.apache.log4j.Category; import; import; import; /** * This service handles the lifecycle of the eXist XML database * * @author Per Nyfelt */ public class EXistService extends ServiceMBeanSupport implements EXistServiceMBean { private static Category LOG = Category.getInstance( EXistService.class.getName() ); protected String confFile; protected Configuration configuration; protected String eXistHome; private static final String DEFAULT_CONFIG = "<?xml version='1.0'?> " + "<exist> " + "<db-connection database='native' files='data' " + "buffers='512' words_buffers='8192' " + "elements_buffers='1024' free_mem_min='2000000' " + "grow='32' compress='false'/> " + "<indexer batchLoad='true' tmpDir='tmp' " + "stemming='false' controls='ctl' caseSensitive='false' " + "suppress-whitespace='both'> " + "<stopwords file='stopword'/> " + "</indexer> " + "</exist>"; public String getEXistHome() { return eXistHome; } public void setEXistHome(String existHome) { this.eXistHome = existHome; } protected void startService() throws Exception { // get path to the deploy target directory String jbossServerDir = System.getProperty("jboss.server.home.dir"); LOG.debug("jbossServerDir is " + jbossServerDir + ", eXistHome is " + eXistHome); File eXistHomeDir = new File(jbossServerDir, eXistHome); LOG.debug("eXistHomeDir set to " + eXistHomeDir); eXistHome = eXistHomeDir.getAbsolutePath(); LOG.debug("eXistHome set to " + eXistHome); if (!eXistHomeDir.exists()) {"exist home directory not found at " + eXistHome + ", creating new directory"); eXistHomeDir.mkdirs(); } System.setProperty("exist.home", eXistHome); File dataDir = new File(eXistHomeDir, "data"); if (!dataDir.exists()) {"creating data dir in eXist home"); dataDir.mkdirs(); } confFile = new File(eXistHome, "conf.xml").getAbsolutePath(); LOG.debug("confFile set to " + confFile); File f = new File(confFile); if (!f.exists()) {"Config file does not exist, creating default configuration..."); createDefaultConfigFile(f); } if (!f.canRead()) { throw new IOException("configuration file " + confFile + " is not readable"); } configuration = new Configuration(confFile, eXistHome); if (configuration == null) { throw new Exception("Failed to create configuration for database"); } if (!BrokerPool.isConfigured()) { LOG.debug("Configuring database"); BrokerPool.configure(1, 5, configuration); } } private void createDefaultConfigFile(File file) throws IOException { FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(file); writer.write(DEFAULT_CONFIG); writer.flush(); writer.close(); } protected void stopService() throws Exception { if (BrokerPool.isConfigured()) { BrokerPool.stop(); } } /** * This is for the JMX HTML adapter to display som status info about the server * @return an HTML string containing the db stauts */ public String getStatus() { String output = ""; try { if (!BrokerPool.isConfigured()) output += "<p>Server is not running ...</p>"; else { output += "<p>The database server is running ...</p>"; BrokerPool pool = BrokerPool.getInstance(); Configuration conf = pool.getConfiguration(); output += "<table width=\"80%\"><tr> <th colspan=\"2\" align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"#0086b2\"><b>Status</b></th></tr>"; output += "<tr><td>Configuration:</td><td>" + conf.getPath() + "</td></tr>"; output += "<tr><td>Data directory:</td><td>" + (String) conf.getProperty(BrokerPool.PROPERTY_DATA_DIR) + "</td></tr>"; output += "<tr><td>Active instances:</td><td>" + + "</td></tr>"; output += "<tr><td>Available instances:</td><td>" + pool.available() + "</td></tr>"; output += "</table>"; } } catch (EXistException e) { output += e.toString(); } return output; } }