package org.exist.indexing.lucene; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field; import org.apache.lucene.document.FieldSelector; import org.apache.lucene.document.FieldSelectorResult; import org.apache.lucene.document.NumericField; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter; import org.apache.lucene.index.Term; import org.apache.lucene.index.TermDocs; import org.apache.lucene.index.TermEnum; import org.apache.lucene.index.TermFreqVector; import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException; import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.QueryParser; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.lucene.util.NumericUtils; import org.apache.lucene.util.OpenBitSet; import org.exist.collections.Collection; import org.exist.dom.AttrImpl; import org.exist.dom.CharacterDataImpl; import org.exist.dom.DocumentImpl; import org.exist.dom.DocumentSet; import org.exist.dom.ElementImpl; import org.exist.dom.Match; import org.exist.dom.NewArrayNodeSet; import org.exist.dom.NodeProxy; import org.exist.dom.NodeSet; import org.exist.dom.QName; import org.exist.dom.StoredNode; import org.exist.dom.SymbolTable; import org.exist.indexing.AbstractStreamListener; import org.exist.indexing.IndexController; import org.exist.indexing.IndexWorker; import org.exist.indexing.MatchListener; import org.exist.indexing.OrderedValuesIndex; import org.exist.indexing.QNamedKeysIndex; import org.exist.indexing.StreamListener; import org.exist.numbering.NodeId; import; import; import; import; import; import org.exist.util.ByteConversion; import org.exist.util.DatabaseConfigurationException; import org.exist.util.Occurrences; import org.exist.xquery.Expression; import org.exist.xquery.XPathException; import org.exist.xquery.XQueryContext; import org.exist.xquery.value.IntegerValue; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; public class LuceneIndexWorker implements OrderedValuesIndex, QNamedKeysIndex { public static final String OPTION_DEFAULT_OPERATOR = "default-operator"; public static final String OPTION_PHRASE_SLOP = "phrase-slop"; public static final String OPTION_LEADING_WILDCARD = "leading-wildcard"; public static final String OPTION_FILTER_REWRITE = "filter-rewrite"; public static final String DEFAULT_OPERATOR_OR = "or"; private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(LuceneIndexWorker.class); private static final FieldSelector NODE_FIELD_SELECTOR = new NodeFieldSelector(); private LuceneIndex index; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private IndexController controller; private LuceneMatchListener matchListener = null; private XMLToQuery queryTranslator; private DBBroker broker; private DocumentImpl currentDoc = null; private int mode = 0; private LuceneConfig config; private Stack<TextExtractor> contentStack = null; private Set<NodeId> nodesToRemove = null; private List<PendingDoc> nodesToWrite = null; private int cachedNodesSize = 0; private int maxCachedNodesSize = 4096 * 1024; private Analyzer analyzer; public static final String FIELD_NODE_ID = "nodeId"; public static final String FIELD_DOC_ID = "docId"; public LuceneIndexWorker(LuceneIndex parent, DBBroker broker) { this.index = parent; = broker; this.queryTranslator = new XMLToQuery(index); } public String getIndexId() { return LuceneIndex.ID; } public String getIndexName() { return index.getIndexName(); } public Object configure(IndexController controller, NodeList configNodes, Map namespaces) throws DatabaseConfigurationException { this.controller = controller; LOG.debug("Configuring lucene index..."); config = new LuceneConfig(configNodes, namespaces); return config; } public void flush() { switch (mode) { case StreamListener.STORE: write(); break; case StreamListener.REMOVE_ALL_NODES: removeDocument(currentDoc.getDocId()); break; case StreamListener.REMOVE_SOME_NODES: removeNodes(); break; } } public void setDocument(DocumentImpl document) { setDocument(document, StreamListener.UNKNOWN); } public void setDocument(DocumentImpl document, int newMode) { currentDoc = document; //config = null; contentStack = null; IndexSpec indexConf = document.getCollection().getIndexConfiguration(broker); if (indexConf != null) { config = (LuceneConfig) indexConf.getCustomIndexSpec(LuceneIndex.ID); if (config != null) // Create a copy of the original LuceneConfig (there's only one per db instance), // so we can safely work with it. config = new LuceneConfig(config); } mode = newMode; } public void setMode(int mode) { this.mode = mode; switch (mode) { case StreamListener.STORE: if (nodesToWrite == null) nodesToWrite = new ArrayList<PendingDoc>(); else nodesToWrite.clear(); cachedNodesSize = 0; break; case StreamListener.REMOVE_SOME_NODES: nodesToRemove = new TreeSet<NodeId>(); break; } } public DocumentImpl getDocument() { return currentDoc; } public int getMode() { return this.mode; } public StoredNode getReindexRoot(StoredNode node, NodePath path, boolean includeSelf) { if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) return null; if (config == null) return null; NodePath p = new NodePath(path); boolean reindexRequired = false; if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && !includeSelf) p.removeLastComponent(); for (int i = 0; i < p.length(); i++) { if (config.matches(p)) { reindexRequired = true; break; } p.removeLastComponent(); } if (reindexRequired) { p = new NodePath(path); StoredNode topMost = null; StoredNode currentNode = node; if (currentNode.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) currentNode = currentNode.getParentStoredNode(); while (currentNode != null) { if (config.matches(p)) topMost = currentNode; currentNode = currentNode.getParentStoredNode(); p.removeLastComponent(); } return topMost; } return null; } private StreamListener listener = new LuceneStreamListener(); public StreamListener getListener() { return listener; } public MatchListener getMatchListener(DBBroker broker, NodeProxy proxy) { boolean needToFilter = false; Match nextMatch = proxy.getMatches(); while (nextMatch != null) { if (nextMatch.getIndexId() == LuceneIndex.ID) { needToFilter = true; break; } nextMatch = nextMatch.getNextMatch(); } if (!needToFilter) return null; if (matchListener == null) matchListener = new LuceneMatchListener(index, broker, proxy); else matchListener.reset(broker, proxy); return matchListener; } protected void removeDocument(int docId) { IndexReader reader = null; try { reader = index.getWritingReader(); Term dt = new Term(FIELD_DOC_ID, NumericUtils.intToPrefixCoded(docId)); reader.deleteDocuments(dt); reader.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Error while removing lucene index: " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { index.releaseWritingReader(reader); mode = StreamListener.STORE; } } public void removeCollection(Collection collection, DBBroker broker) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Removing collection " + collection.getURI()); IndexReader reader = null; try { reader = index.getWritingReader(); for (Iterator<DocumentImpl> i = collection.iterator(broker); i.hasNext(); ) { DocumentImpl doc =; Term dt = new Term(FIELD_DOC_ID, NumericUtils.intToPrefixCoded(doc.getDocId())); TermDocs td = reader.termDocs(dt); while ( { reader.deleteDocument(td.doc()); } } reader.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Error while removing lucene index: " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { index.releaseWritingReader(reader); mode = StreamListener.STORE; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Collection removed."); } /** * Remove specific nodes from the index. This method is used for node updates * and called from flush() if the worker is in {@link StreamListener#REMOVE_SOME_NODES} * mode. */ protected void removeNodes() { if (nodesToRemove == null) return; IndexReader reader = null; try { reader = index.getWritingReader(); Term dt = new Term(FIELD_DOC_ID, NumericUtils.intToPrefixCoded(currentDoc.getDocId())); TermDocs docsEnum = reader.termDocs(dt); while ( { Document doc = reader.document(docsEnum.doc()); NodeId nodeId = readNodeId(doc); if (nodesToRemove.contains(nodeId)) { reader.deleteDocument(docsEnum.doc()); } } nodesToRemove = null; reader.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Error while deleting lucene index entries: " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { index.releaseWritingReader(reader); } } /** * Query the index. Returns a node set containing all matching nodes. Each node * in the node set has a {@link org.exist.indexing.lucene.LuceneIndexWorker.LuceneMatch} * element attached, which stores the score and a link to the query which generated it. * * @param context current XQuery context * @param contextId current context id, identify to track the position inside nested XPath predicates * @param docs query will be restricted to documents in this set * @param contextSet if specified, returned nodes will be descendants of the nodes in this set * @param qnames query will be restricted to nodes with the qualified names given here * @param queryStr a lucene query string * @param axis which node is returned: the node in which a match was found or the corresponding ancestor * from the contextSet * @return node set containing all matching nodes * * @throws IOException * @throws ParseException */ public NodeSet query(XQueryContext context, int contextId, DocumentSet docs, NodeSet contextSet, List<QName> qnames, String queryStr, int axis, Properties options) throws IOException, ParseException { qnames = getDefinedIndexes(qnames); NodeSet resultSet = new NewArrayNodeSet(); boolean returnAncestor = axis == NodeSet.ANCESTOR; IndexSearcher searcher = null; try { searcher = index.getSearcher(); for (QName qname : qnames) { String field = encodeQName(qname); Analyzer analyzer = getAnalyzer(null, qname, context.getBroker(), docs); QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(field, analyzer); setOptions(options, parser); Query query = parser.parse(queryStr); searchAndProcess(contextId, qname, docs, contextSet, resultSet, returnAncestor, searcher, query); } } finally { index.releaseSearcher(searcher); } return resultSet; } private void setOptions(Properties options, QueryParser parser) throws ParseException { if (options == null) return; String option = options.getProperty(OPTION_DEFAULT_OPERATOR); if (option != null) { if (DEFAULT_OPERATOR_OR.equals(option)) parser.setDefaultOperator(QueryParser.OR_OPERATOR); else parser.setDefaultOperator(QueryParser.AND_OPERATOR); } option = options.getProperty(OPTION_LEADING_WILDCARD); if (option != null) parser.setAllowLeadingWildcard(option.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")); option = options.getProperty(OPTION_PHRASE_SLOP); if (option != null) { try { int slop = Integer.parseInt(option); parser.setPhraseSlop(slop); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ParseException("value for option " + OPTION_PHRASE_SLOP + " needs to be a number"); } } option = options.getProperty(OPTION_FILTER_REWRITE); if (option != null) { if (option.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) parser.setMultiTermRewriteMethod(MultiTermQuery.CONSTANT_SCORE_FILTER_REWRITE); else parser.setMultiTermRewriteMethod(MultiTermQuery.CONSTANT_SCORE_BOOLEAN_QUERY_REWRITE); } } /** * Query the index. Returns a node set containing all matching nodes. Each node * in the node set has a {@link org.exist.indexing.lucene.LuceneIndexWorker.LuceneMatch} * element attached, which stores the score and a link to the query which generated it. * * @param context current XQuery context * @param contextId current context id, identify to track the position inside nested XPath predicates * @param docs query will be restricted to documents in this set * @param contextSet if specified, returned nodes will be descendants of the nodes in this set * @param qnames query will be restricted to nodes with the qualified names given here * @param queryRoot an XML representation of the query, see {@link XMLToQuery}. * @param axis which node is returned: the node in which a match was found or the corresponding ancestor * from the contextSet * @return node set containing all matching nodes * * @throws IOException * @throws ParseException */ public NodeSet query(XQueryContext context, int contextId, DocumentSet docs, NodeSet contextSet, List<QName> qnames, Element queryRoot, int axis, Properties options) throws IOException, ParseException, XPathException { qnames = getDefinedIndexes(qnames); NodeSet resultSet = new NewArrayNodeSet(); boolean returnAncestor = axis == NodeSet.ANCESTOR; IndexSearcher searcher = null; try { searcher = index.getSearcher(); for (QName qname : qnames) { String field = encodeQName(qname); analyzer = getAnalyzer(null, qname, context.getBroker(), docs); Query query = queryTranslator.parse(field, queryRoot, analyzer, options); if (query != null) { searchAndProcess(contextId, qname, docs, contextSet, resultSet, returnAncestor, searcher, query); } } } finally { index.releaseSearcher(searcher); } return resultSet; } public NodeSet queryField(XQueryContext context, int contextId, DocumentSet docs, NodeSet contextSet, String field, Element queryRoot, int axis, Properties options) throws IOException, XPathException { NodeSet resultSet = new NewArrayNodeSet(); boolean returnAncestor = axis == NodeSet.ANCESTOR; IndexSearcher searcher = null; try { searcher = index.getSearcher(); analyzer = getAnalyzer(field, null, context.getBroker(), docs); Query query = queryTranslator.parse(field, queryRoot, analyzer, options); if (query != null) { searchAndProcess(contextId, null, docs, contextSet, resultSet, returnAncestor, searcher, query); } } finally { index.releaseSearcher(searcher); } return resultSet; } private void searchAndProcess(int contextId, QName qname, DocumentSet docs, NodeSet contextSet, NodeSet resultSet, boolean returnAncestor, IndexSearcher searcher, Query query) throws IOException { LuceneHitCollector collector = new LuceneHitCollector();, collector); processHits(collector.getDocs(), searcher, contextId, qname, docs, contextSet, resultSet, returnAncestor, query); } public NodeSet queryField(XQueryContext context, int contextId, DocumentSet docs, NodeSet contextSet, String field, String queryString, int axis, Properties options) throws IOException, ParseException { NodeSet resultSet = new NewArrayNodeSet(); boolean returnAncestor = axis == NodeSet.ANCESTOR; IndexSearcher searcher = null; try { searcher = index.getSearcher(); Analyzer analyzer = getAnalyzer(field, null, context.getBroker(), docs); LOG.debug("Using analyzer " + analyzer + " for " + queryString); QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(field, analyzer); setOptions(options, parser); Query query = parser.parse(queryString); searchAndProcess(contextId, null, docs, contextSet, resultSet, returnAncestor, searcher, query); } finally { index.releaseSearcher(searcher); } return resultSet; } /** * Process the query results collected from the Lucene index and * map them to the corresponding XML nodes in eXist. */ private void processHits(List<ScoreDoc> hits, IndexSearcher searcher, int contextId, QName qname, DocumentSet docs, NodeSet contextSet, NodeSet resultSet, boolean returnAncestor, Query query) { for (ScoreDoc scoreDoc : hits) { try { Document doc = searcher.doc(scoreDoc.doc, NODE_FIELD_SELECTOR); String fDocId = doc.get(FIELD_DOC_ID); int docId = Integer.parseInt(fDocId); DocumentImpl storedDocument = docs.getDoc(docId); if (storedDocument == null) continue; NodeId nodeId = readNodeId(doc); NodeProxy storedNode = new NodeProxy(storedDocument, nodeId); if (qname != null) storedNode.setNodeType(qname.getNameType() == ElementValue.ATTRIBUTE ? Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE : Node.ELEMENT_NODE); // if a context set is specified, we can directly check if the // matching node is a descendant of one of the nodes // in the context set. if (contextSet != null) { int sizeHint = contextSet.getSizeHint(storedDocument); if (returnAncestor) { NodeProxy parentNode = contextSet.get(storedNode); // NodeProxy parentNode = contextSet.parentWithChild(storedNode, false, true, NodeProxy.UNKNOWN_NODE_LEVEL); if (parentNode != null) { LuceneMatch match = new LuceneMatch(contextId, nodeId, query); match.setScore(scoreDoc.score); parentNode.addMatch(match); resultSet.add(parentNode, sizeHint); if (Expression.NO_CONTEXT_ID != contextId) { parentNode.deepCopyContext(storedNode, contextId); } else parentNode.copyContext(storedNode); } } else { LuceneMatch match = new LuceneMatch(contextId, nodeId, query); match.setScore(scoreDoc.score); storedNode.addMatch(match); resultSet.add(storedNode, sizeHint); } } else { LuceneMatch match = new LuceneMatch(contextId, nodeId, query); match.setScore(scoreDoc.score); storedNode.addMatch(match); resultSet.add(storedNode); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private static class LuceneHitCollector extends Collector { private List<ScoreDoc> docs = new ArrayList<ScoreDoc>(); private int docBase; private Scorer scorer; private LuceneHitCollector() { //Nothing special to do } public List<ScoreDoc> getDocs() { Collections.sort(docs, new Comparator<ScoreDoc>() { public int compare(ScoreDoc scoreDoc, ScoreDoc scoreDoc1) { if (scoreDoc.doc == scoreDoc1.doc) return 0; else if (scoreDoc.doc < scoreDoc1.doc) return -1; return 1; } }); return docs; } @Override public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) throws IOException { this.scorer = scorer; } @Override public void setNextReader(IndexReader indexReader, int docBase) throws IOException { this.docBase = docBase; } @Override public boolean acceptsDocsOutOfOrder() { return false; } @Override public void collect(int doc) { try { float score = scorer.score(); docs.add(new ScoreDoc(doc + docBase, score)); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private NodeId readNodeId(Document doc) { byte[] temp = doc.getBinaryValue(FIELD_NODE_ID); int units = ByteConversion.byteToShort(temp, 0); return index.getBrokerPool().getNodeFactory() .createFromData(units, temp, 2); } /** * Check index configurations for all collection in the given DocumentSet and return * a list of QNames, which have indexes defined on them. * * @return List of QName objects on which indexes are defined */ private List<QName> getDefinedIndexes(List<QName> qnames) { List<QName> indexes = new ArrayList<QName>(20); if (qnames != null && !qnames.isEmpty()) { for (QName qname : qnames) { if (qname.getLocalName() == null || qname.getNamespaceURI() == null) getDefinedIndexesFor(qname, indexes); else indexes.add(qname); } return indexes; } return getDefinedIndexesFor(null, indexes); } private List<QName> getDefinedIndexesFor(QName qname, List<QName> indexes) { IndexReader reader = null; try { reader = index.getReader(); java.util.Collection<String> fields = reader.getFieldNames(IndexReader.FieldOption.INDEXED); for (String field: fields) { if (!FIELD_DOC_ID.equals(field)) { QName name = decodeQName(field); if (name != null && (qname == null || matchQName(qname, name))) indexes.add(name); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { index.releaseReader(reader); } return indexes; } private static boolean matchQName(QName qname, QName candidate) { boolean match = true; if (qname.getLocalName() != null) match = qname.getLocalName().equals(candidate.getLocalName()); if (match && qname.getNamespaceURI() != null && qname.getNamespaceURI().length() > 0) match = qname.getNamespaceURI().equals(candidate.getNamespaceURI()); return match; } /** * Return the analyzer to be used for the given field or qname. Either field * or qname should be specified. */ private Analyzer getAnalyzer(String field, QName qname, DBBroker broker, DocumentSet docs) { for (Iterator<Collection> i = docs.getCollectionIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Collection collection =; IndexSpec idxConf = collection.getIndexConfiguration(broker); if (idxConf != null) { LuceneConfig config = (LuceneConfig) idxConf.getCustomIndexSpec(LuceneIndex.ID); if (config != null) { Analyzer analyzer; if (field == null) analyzer = config.getAnalyzer(qname); else analyzer = config.getAnalyzer(field); if (analyzer != null) return analyzer; } } } return index.getDefaultAnalyzer(); } public boolean checkIndex(DBBroker broker) { return false; //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } public Occurrences[] scanIndex(XQueryContext context, DocumentSet docs, NodeSet nodes, Map hints) { List<QName> qnames = hints == null ? null : (List<QName>)hints.get(QNAMES_KEY); qnames = getDefinedIndexes(qnames); //Expects a StringValue String start = null, end = null; long max = Long.MAX_VALUE; if (hints != null) { Object vstart = hints.get(START_VALUE); Object vend = hints.get(END_VALUE); start = vstart == null ? null : vstart.toString(); end = vend == null ? null : vend.toString(); IntegerValue vmax = (IntegerValue) hints.get(VALUE_COUNT); max = vmax == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : vmax.getValue(); } if (nodes == null || max < Long.MAX_VALUE) return scanIndexByQName(qnames, docs, nodes, start, end, max); return scanIndexByNodes(qnames, docs, nodes, start, end, max); } private Occurrences[] scanIndexByQName(List<QName> qnames, DocumentSet docs, NodeSet nodes, String start, String end, long max) { TreeMap<String, Occurrences> map = new TreeMap<String, Occurrences>(); IndexReader reader = null; try { reader = index.getReader(); for (QName qname : qnames) { String field = encodeQName(qname); TermEnum terms; if (start == null) terms = reader.terms(new Term(field, "")); else terms = reader.terms(new Term(field, start)); if (terms == null) continue; Term term; TermDocs termDocs = reader.termDocs(); do { term = terms.term(); if (term != null && term.field().equals(field)) { boolean include = true; if (end != null) { if (term.text().compareTo(start) > 0) include = false; } else if (start != null && !term.text().startsWith(start)) include = false; if (include) {; while ( { if (reader.isDeleted(termDocs.doc())) continue; Document doc = reader.document(termDocs.doc()); String fDocId = doc.get(FIELD_DOC_ID); int docId = Integer.parseInt(fDocId); DocumentImpl storedDocument = docs.getDoc(docId); if (storedDocument == null) continue; NodeId nodeId = null; if (nodes != null) { // load document to check if the current node is in the passed context set, if any nodeId = readNodeId(doc); } if (nodeId == null || nodes.get(storedDocument, nodeId) != null) { Occurrences oc = map.get(term.text()); if (oc == null) { oc = new Occurrences(term.text()); map.put(term.text(), oc); } oc.addDocument(storedDocument); oc.addOccurrences(termDocs.freq()); } } termDocs.close(); } } if (map.size() >= max) break; } while (; termDocs.close(); terms.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Error while scanning lucene index entries: " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { index.releaseReader(reader); } Occurrences[] occur = new Occurrences[map.size()]; return map.values().toArray(occur); } private Occurrences[] scanIndexByNodes(List<QName> qnames, DocumentSet docs, NodeSet nodes, String start, String end, long max) { TreeMap<String, Occurrences> map = new TreeMap<String, Occurrences>(); FieldSelector selector = new FieldSelector() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3270211696620175721L; public FieldSelectorResult accept(String field) { if (field.equals(FIELD_NODE_ID)) return FieldSelectorResult.LOAD_AND_BREAK; return FieldSelectorResult.NO_LOAD; } }; IndexSearcher searcher = null; try { searcher = index.getSearcher(); IndexReader reader = searcher.getIndexReader(); for (Iterator<DocumentImpl> i = docs.getDocumentIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { DocumentImpl doc =; Query query = new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD_DOC_ID, NumericUtils.intToPrefixCoded(doc.getDocId()))); DocumentCollector collector = new DocumentCollector(searcher.maxDoc());, collector); DocIdSetIterator iter =; int next; while ((next = iter.nextDoc()) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) { NodeId nodeId = null; if (nodes != null) { // load document to check if the current node is in the passed context set, if any Document luceneDoc = searcher.doc(next, selector); nodeId = readNodeId(luceneDoc); } if (nodeId == null || nodes.get(doc, nodeId) != null) { for (QName qname : qnames) { String field = encodeQName(qname); TermFreqVector tfv = reader.getTermFreqVector(next, field); if (tfv != null) { String[] terms = tfv.getTerms(); int[] freq = tfv.getTermFrequencies(); for (int j = 0; j < terms.length; j++) { boolean include = true; if (end != null) { if (terms[j].compareTo(start) > 0) include = false; } else if (start != null && !terms[j].startsWith(start)) include = false; if (include) { Occurrences oc = map.get(terms[j]); if (oc == null) { oc = new Occurrences(terms[j]); map.put(terms[j], oc); } oc.addDocument(doc); oc.addOccurrences(freq[j]); } } } } } } } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Error while scanning lucene index entries: " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { index.releaseSearcher(searcher); } return occurrencesToArray(map); } private Occurrences[] occurrencesToArray(TreeMap<String, Occurrences> map) { Occurrences[] occur = new Occurrences[map.size()]; return map.values().toArray(occur); } private static class DocumentCollector extends Collector { OpenBitSet docs; int base = 0; private DocumentCollector(int size) { docs = new OpenBitSet(size); } @Override public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) throws IOException { //What to do there ? } @Override public void collect(int doc) throws IOException { docs.set(base + doc); } @Override public void setNextReader(IndexReader indexReader, int base) throws IOException { this.base = base; } @Override public boolean acceptsDocsOutOfOrder() { return true; } } /** * Adds the passed character sequence to the lucene index. We * create one lucene document per XML node, using 2 fields to identify * the node: * * <ul> * <li>docId: eXist-internal document id of the node, stored as string.</li> * <li>nodeId: the id of the node, stored in binary compressed form.</li> * </ul> * * The text is indexed into a field whose name encodes the qualified name of * the node. The qualified name is stored as a hex sequence pointing into the * global symbol table. * * @param nodeId * @param qname * @param content */ protected void indexText(NodeId nodeId, QName qname, NodePath path, LuceneIndexConfig config, CharSequence content) { PendingDoc pending = new PendingDoc(nodeId, qname, path, content, config); nodesToWrite.add(pending); cachedNodesSize += content.length(); if (cachedNodesSize > maxCachedNodesSize) write(); } private class PendingDoc { NodeId nodeId; CharSequence text; QName qname; LuceneIndexConfig idxConf; private PendingDoc(NodeId nodeId, QName qname, NodePath path, CharSequence text, LuceneIndexConfig idxConf) { this.nodeId = nodeId; this.qname = qname; this.text = text; this.idxConf = idxConf; } } private void write() { if (nodesToWrite == null || nodesToWrite.size() == 0) return; IndexWriter writer = null; try { writer = index.getWriter(); // by default, Lucene only indexes the first 10,000 terms in a field writer.setMaxFieldLength(Integer.MAX_VALUE); NumericField fDocId = new NumericField(FIELD_DOC_ID, Field.Store.YES, true); Field fNodeId = new Field(FIELD_NODE_ID, new byte [] { 0 }, Field.Store.YES); for (PendingDoc pending : nodesToWrite) { Document doc = new Document(); if (pending.idxConf.getBoost() > 0) doc.setBoost(pending.idxConf.getBoost()); else if (config.getBoost() > 0) doc.setBoost(config.getBoost()); // store the node id int nodeIdLen = pending.nodeId.size(); byte[] data = new byte[nodeIdLen + 2]; ByteConversion.shortToByte((short) pending.nodeId.units(), data, 0); pending.nodeId.serialize(data, 2); String contentField; // the text content is indexed in a field using either // the qname of the element or attribute or the field // name defined in the configuration if (pending.idxConf.isNamed()) contentField = pending.idxConf.getName(); else contentField = encodeQName(pending.qname); fDocId.setIntValue(currentDoc.getDocId()); fNodeId.setValue(data); doc.add(fDocId); doc.add(fNodeId); doc.add(new Field(contentField, pending.text.toString(), Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.ANALYZED, Field.TermVector.YES)); if (pending.idxConf.getAnalyzer() == null) writer.addDocument(doc); else { writer.addDocument(doc, pending.idxConf.getAnalyzer()); } } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("An exception was caught while indexing document: " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { index.releaseWriter(writer); nodesToWrite = new ArrayList<PendingDoc>(); cachedNodesSize = 0; } } /** * Optimize the Lucene index by merging all segments into a single one. This * may take a while and write operations will be blocked during the optimize. * * @see */ public void optimize() { IndexWriter writer = null; try { writer = index.getWriter(); writer.optimize(true); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("An exception was caught while optimizing the lucene index: " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { index.releaseWriter(writer); } } /** * Encode an element or attribute qname into a lucene field name using the * internal ids for namespace and local name. * * @param qname * @return encoded qname */ private String encodeQName(QName qname) { SymbolTable symbols = index.getBrokerPool().getSymbols(); short namespaceId = symbols.getNSSymbol(qname.getNamespaceURI()); short localNameId = symbols.getSymbol(qname.getLocalName()); long nameId = qname.getNameType() | (namespaceId & 0xFFFF) << 16 | (localNameId & 0xFFFFFFFFL) << 32; return Long.toHexString(nameId); } /** * Decode the lucene field name into an element or attribute qname. * * @param s * @return the qname */ private QName decodeQName(String s) { SymbolTable symbols = index.getBrokerPool().getSymbols(); try { long l = Long.parseLong(s, 16); short namespaceId = (short) ((l >>> 16) & 0xFFFFL); short localNameId = (short) ((l >>> 32) & 0xFFFFL); byte type = (byte) (l & 0xFFL); if (namespaceId < 0 || localNameId < 0) return null; String namespaceURI = symbols.getNamespace(namespaceId); String localName = symbols.getName(localNameId); if (namespaceURI == null || localName == null) return null; QName qname = new QName(localName, namespaceURI, ""); qname.setNameType(type); return qname; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } } private class LuceneStreamListener extends AbstractStreamListener { @Override public void startElement(Txn transaction, ElementImpl element, NodePath path) { if (mode == STORE && config != null) { if (contentStack != null && !contentStack.isEmpty()) { for (TextExtractor extractor : contentStack) { extractor.startElement(element.getQName()); } } Iterator<LuceneIndexConfig> configIter = config.getConfig(path); if (configIter != null) { if (contentStack == null) contentStack = new Stack<TextExtractor>(); while (configIter.hasNext()) { LuceneIndexConfig configuration =; if (configuration.match(path)) { TextExtractor extractor = new DefaultTextExtractor(); extractor.configure(config, configuration); contentStack.push(extractor); } } } } super.startElement(transaction, element, path); } @Override public void endElement(Txn transaction, ElementImpl element, NodePath path) { if (config != null) { if (mode == STORE && contentStack != null && !contentStack.isEmpty()) { for (TextExtractor extractor : contentStack) { extractor.endElement(element.getQName()); } } Iterator<LuceneIndexConfig> configIter = config.getConfig(path); if (mode != REMOVE_ALL_NODES && configIter != null) { if (mode == REMOVE_SOME_NODES) { nodesToRemove.add(element.getNodeId()); } else { while (configIter.hasNext()) { LuceneIndexConfig configuration =; if (configuration.match(path)) { TextExtractor extractor = contentStack.pop(); indexText(element.getNodeId(), element.getQName(), path, extractor.getIndexConfig(), extractor.getText()); } } } } } super.endElement(transaction, element, path); } @Override public void attribute(Txn transaction, AttrImpl attrib, NodePath path) { path.addComponent(attrib.getQName()); Iterator<LuceneIndexConfig> configIter = null; if (config != null) configIter = config.getConfig(path); if (mode != REMOVE_ALL_NODES && configIter != null) { if (mode == REMOVE_SOME_NODES) { nodesToRemove.add(attrib.getNodeId()); } else { while (configIter.hasNext()) { LuceneIndexConfig configuration =; if (configuration.match(path)) { indexText(attrib.getNodeId(), attrib.getQName(), path, configuration, attrib.getValue()); } } } } path.removeLastComponent(); super.attribute(transaction, attrib, path); } @Override public void characters(Txn transaction, CharacterDataImpl text, NodePath path) { if (contentStack != null && !contentStack.isEmpty()) { for (TextExtractor extractor : contentStack) { extractor.beforeCharacters(); extractor.characters(text.getXMLString()); } } super.characters(transaction, text, path); } @Override public IndexWorker getWorker() { return LuceneIndexWorker.this; } } /** * Match class containing the score of a match and a reference to * the query that generated it. */ public class LuceneMatch extends Match { private float score = 0.0f; private Query query; public LuceneMatch(int contextId, NodeId nodeId, Query query) { super(contextId, nodeId, null); this.query = query; } public LuceneMatch(LuceneMatch copy) { super(copy); this.score = copy.score; this.query = copy.query; } @Override public Match createInstance(int contextId, NodeId nodeId, String matchTerm) { return null; } public Match createInstance(int contextId, NodeId nodeId, Query query) { return new LuceneMatch(contextId, nodeId, query); } @Override public Match newCopy() { return new LuceneMatch(this); } @Override public String getIndexId() { return LuceneIndex.ID; } public Query getQuery() { return query; } public float getScore() { return score; } private void setScore(float score) { this.score = score; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if(!(other instanceof LuceneMatch)) return false; LuceneMatch o = (LuceneMatch) other; return (nodeId == o.nodeId || nodeId.equals(o.nodeId)) && query == ((LuceneMatch)other).query; } @Override public boolean matchEquals(Match other) { return equals(other); } } private static class NodeFieldSelector implements FieldSelector { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4899170629980829109L; public FieldSelectorResult accept(String fieldName) { if (FIELD_DOC_ID.equals(fieldName)) return FieldSelectorResult.LOAD; if (FIELD_NODE_ID.equals(fieldName)) return FieldSelectorResult.LOAD_AND_BREAK; return FieldSelectorResult.NO_LOAD; } } }