// ======================================================================== // Copyright (c) 2002 Mort Bay Consulting (Australia) Pty. Ltd. // $Id$ // ======================================================================== package org.exist.start; import org.exist.xquery.Constants; /** * Utility class for parsing and comparing version strings. * JDK 1.1 compatible. * @author Jan Hlavat� */ public class Version { int _version = 0; int _revision = 0; int _subrevision = 0; String _suffix = ""; public Version() { } public Version(String version_string) { parse(version_string); } /** * parses version string in the form version[.revision[.subrevision[extension]]] * into this instance. */ public void parse(String version_string) { _version = 0; _revision = 0; _subrevision = 0; _suffix = ""; int pos = 0; int startpos = 0; int endpos = version_string.length(); while ( (pos < endpos) && Character.isDigit(version_string.charAt(pos))) { pos++; } _version = Integer.parseInt(version_string.substring(startpos,pos)); if ((pos < endpos) && version_string.charAt(pos)=='.') { startpos = ++pos; while ( (pos < endpos) && Character.isDigit(version_string.charAt(pos))) { pos++; } _revision = Integer.parseInt(version_string.substring(startpos,pos)); } if ((pos < endpos) && version_string.charAt(pos)=='.') { startpos = ++pos; while ( (pos < endpos) && Character.isDigit(version_string.charAt(pos))) { pos++; } _subrevision = Integer.parseInt(version_string.substring(startpos,pos)); } if (pos < endpos) { _suffix = version_string.substring(pos); } } /** * @return string representation of this version */ public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(10); sb.append(_version); sb.append('.'); sb.append(_revision); sb.append('.'); sb.append(_subrevision); sb.append(_suffix); return sb.toString(); } // java.lang.Comparable is Java 1.2! Cannot use it /** * Compares with other version. Does not take extension into account, * as there is no reliable way to order them. * @return Constants.INFERIOR if this is older version that other, * Constants.EQUAL if its same version, * Constants.SUPERIOR if it's newer version than other */ public int compare(Version other) { if (other == null) throw new NullPointerException("other version is null"); if (this._version < other._version) return Constants.INFERIOR; if (this._version > other._version) return Constants.SUPERIOR; if (this._revision < other._revision) return Constants.INFERIOR; if (this._revision > other._revision) return Constants.SUPERIOR; if (this._subrevision < other._subrevision) return Constants.INFERIOR; if (this._subrevision > other._subrevision) return Constants.SUPERIOR; return Constants.EQUAL; } /** * Check whether this verion is in range of versions specified */ public boolean isInRange(Version low, Version high) { return (compare(low)>=0 && compare(high)<=0); } }