package org.exist.examples.xmldb; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys; import; import org.exist.util.serializer.SAXSerializer; import org.exist.util.serializer.SerializerPool; import org.exist.xmldb.XQueryService; import org.xmldb.api.DatabaseManager; import org.xmldb.api.base.Collection; import org.xmldb.api.base.CompiledExpression; import org.xmldb.api.base.Database; import org.xmldb.api.base.ResourceSet; import org.xmldb.api.modules.XMLResource; /** * Reads an XQuery file and executes it. To run this example enter: * * bin/ org.exist.examples.xmldb.XQueryExample <xqueryfile> * * in the root directory of the distribution. * *@author Wolfgang Meier <> *created 20. September 2002 */ public class XQueryExample { protected static String URI = "xmldb:exist://"; protected static String driver = "org.exist.xmldb.DatabaseImpl"; /** * Read the xquery file and return as string. */ protected static String readFile(String file) throws IOException { BufferedReader f = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String line; StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer(); while((line = f.readLine()) != null) xml.append(line); f.close(); return xml.toString(); } public static void main( String args[] ) { try { if ( args.length < 1 ) usage(); Class cl = Class.forName( driver ); Database database = (Database) cl.newInstance(); database.setProperty( "create-database", "true" ); DatabaseManager.registerDatabase( database ); String query = readFile(args[0]); // get root-collection Collection col = DatabaseManager.getCollection(URI + DBBroker.ROOT_COLLECTION); // get query-service XQueryService service = (XQueryService) col.getService( "XQueryService", "1.0" ); // set pretty-printing on service.setProperty( OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes" ); service.setProperty( OutputKeys.ENCODING, "UTF-8" ); CompiledExpression compiled = service.compile( query ); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); // execute query and get results in ResourceSet ResourceSet result = service.execute( compiled ); long qtime = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; start = System.currentTimeMillis(); Properties outputProperties = new Properties(); outputProperties.setProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); SAXSerializer serializer = (SAXSerializer) SerializerPool.getInstance().borrowObject(SAXSerializer.class); serializer.setOutput(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out), outputProperties); for ( int i = 0; i < (int) result.getSize(); i++ ) { XMLResource resource = (XMLResource) result.getResource( (long) i ); resource.getContentAsSAX(serializer); } SerializerPool.getInstance().returnObject(serializer); long rtime = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; System.out.println("hits: " + result.getSize()); System.out.println("query time: " + qtime); System.out.println("retrieve time: " + rtime); } catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } protected static void usage() { System.out.println( "usage: examples.xmldb.XQueryExample xquery-file" ); System.exit( 0 ); } }