package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class ShareComponentHook implements ComponentHook { public synchronized ArrayList<Action> handleComponent(String id) throws DTFException { ArrayList<Action> result = new ArrayList<Action>(); HashMap<String, Share> sps = ShareOperation.getShares(); ArrayList<String> sent = getSentShares(id); Iterator<Entry<String, Share>> entries = sps.entrySet().iterator(); ArrayList<String> addme = new ArrayList<String>(); while ( entries.hasNext() ) { Entry<String,Share> entry =; String key = entry.getKey(); if ( !sent.contains(key) ) { Share share = entry.getValue(); ShareCreate sc = new ShareCreate(); sc.setId(key); sc.setType(share.getType()); sc.setCid(Action.getLocalID()); result.add(sc); addme.add(key); } } sent.addAll(addme); return result; } public static void removeShare(String id) throws DTFException { Components components = Action.getComponents(); Comm comm = Action.getComm(); if ( components == null ) return; Iterator<String> cids = components._elems.keySet().iterator(); while ( cids.hasNext() ) { String cid =; ArrayList<String> sent = getSentShares(cid); if ( sent.contains(id) ) { Lock lock = components.getComponent(cid); Share_destroy sd = new Share_destroy(); sd.setId(id); comm.sendActionToCaller(lock.getId(), sd).execute(); sent.remove(id); } } } public static void createOnAll(String id, String type, String cid) throws DTFException { Components components = Action.getComponents(); Comm comm = Action.getComm(); if ( components == null ) return; Iterator<String> cids = components._elems.keySet().iterator(); while ( cids.hasNext() ) { String component =; ArrayList<String> sent = getSentShares(component); Lock lock = components.getComponent(component); // don't recreate the share on the same component it came from if ( !lock.getId().equals(cid) ) { if ( Action.getLogger().isDebugEnabled() ) { Action.getLogger().debug("Sending share [" + id + "] to [" + lock.getId() + "] from [" + cid + "]"); } ShareCreate sc = new ShareCreate(); sc.setId(id); sc.setType(type); sc.setCid(cid); comm.executeOnComponent(component, sc); } // make sure all components are known to have this share sent.add(id); } } /* * Keep track of the sent sync points per component */ private static Object _mapLock = new Object(); private static ArrayList<String> getSentShares(String id) { synchronized(_mapLock) { HashMap<String,ArrayList<String>> map = (HashMap<String,ArrayList<String>>) Action.getGlobalContext("sentsyncpoints." + id); if (map == null) { map = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>(); Action.registerGlobalContext("sentsyncpoints." + id, map); } ArrayList<String> sent = map.get(id); if ( sent == null) { sent = new ArrayList<String>(); map.put(id,sent); } return sent; } } }