import; import; import; import; class Connection implements Runnable, AgentMonitor { private String destHost = null; private int destPort = -1; private Agent fromSrcToDest = null; private Agent fromDestToSrc = null; private Socket srcSocket = null; private Socket destSocket = null; private InputStream srcIn = null; private OutputStream srcOut = null; private InputStream destIn = null; private OutputStream destOut = null; private ConnectionMonitor cm = null; private boolean connectionClosed = false; private boolean echo = false; public Connection ( Socket s, ConnectionMonitor cm, String destHost, int destPort, boolean echo ) { srcSocket = s; = cm; this.destHost = destHost; this.destPort = destPort; this.echo = echo; cm.attemptingConnection(this); try { // Establish read/write for the socket srcIn = s.getInputStream(); srcOut = s.getOutputStream(); // Start ourself, so there's no delay in getting back // to the server to listen for new connections Thread t = new Thread(this); t.start(); } catch(IOException e) { cm.connectionError(this, "" + e); } } public void run() { if(!connectToDest()) { closeSrc(); } else { // Ok, we're all ready ... since we've gotten this far, // add ourselves into the connection list cm.addConnection(this); // Create our two agents fromSrcToDest = new Agent(srcIn, destOut, this, "Client => Server", echo); fromDestToSrc = new Agent(destIn, srcOut, this, "Server => Client", echo); // No need for our thread to continue, we'll be notified if // either of our agents dies } } public synchronized void agentHasDied(Agent a) { // When one agent dies, so will the other ... if the // connection is already closed then we have already been // visited by the first agent ... just return if(connectionClosed) return; closeSrc(); closeDest(); cm.removeConnection(this); connectionClosed = true; } private boolean connectToDest() { // Ok, we've got the host name and port to which we wish to // connect, try to establish a connection try { destSocket = new Socket(destHost, destPort); destIn = destSocket.getInputStream(); destOut = destSocket.getOutputStream(); } catch(Exception e) { cm.connectionError(this, "connect error: " + destHost + "/" + destPort + " " + e); return(false); } return(true); } private void closeSrc() { try { srcIn.close(); srcOut.close(); srcSocket.close(); } catch(Exception e) {} } private void closeDest() { try { destIn.close(); destOut.close(); destSocket.close(); } catch(Exception e) {} } public String getSrcHost() { return(srcSocket.getInetAddress().toString()); } public String getDestHost() { return(destSocket.getInetAddress().toString()); } public int getDestPort() { return(destPort); } }