package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class StorageState implements ComponentHook, ComponentReturnHook, ComponentUnlockHook, CleanUpHook { private static String SSFILES = ""; private static String SSSTORAGE = ""; private static Object getGlobalContext(String id ) { if ( DTFNode.getType().equals(DTFConstants.DTFX_ID) ) { return Action.getGlobalContext(id); } ActionState as = ActionState.getInstance(); return as.getState(Node.BASE_CONFIG).getGlobalContext(id); } private static void registerGlobalContext(String id, Object obj ) { if ( DTFNode.getType().equals(DTFConstants.DTFX_ID) ) { Action.registerGlobalContext(id, obj); } ActionState as = ActionState.getInstance(); as.getState(Node.BASE_CONFIG).registerGlobalContext(id, obj); } private static HashMap<String, HashMap<String,Long>> getSent(String id) { HashMap<String,HashMap<String,HashMap<String,Long>>> sent = (HashMap<String,HashMap<String,HashMap<String,Long>>>) getGlobalContext(SSFILES); if ( sent == null ) { sent = new HashMap<String,HashMap<String,HashMap<String,Long>>>(); registerGlobalContext(SSFILES, sent); } HashMap<String, HashMap<String,Long>> sentfiles = sent.get(id); if ( sentfiles == null ) { sentfiles = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String,Long>>(); sent.put(id, sentfiles); } return sentfiles; } private static ArrayList<String> getStorages(String id) { HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> cstorage = (HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>) getGlobalContext(SSSTORAGE); if ( cstorage == null ) { cstorage = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>(); registerGlobalContext(SSSTORAGE, cstorage); } ArrayList<String> sentstorages = cstorage.get(id); if ( sentstorages == null ) { sentstorages = new ArrayList<String>(); cstorage.put(id, sentstorages); } return sentstorages; } public synchronized ArrayList<Action> handleComponent(String id) throws DTFException { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); ArrayList<Action> result = new ArrayList<Action>(); StorageFactory sf = Action.getStorageFactory(); HashMap<String, StorageIntf> storages = sf.getStorages(); HashMap<String, HashMap<String,Long>> sentfiles = getSent(id); ArrayList<String> sentstorages = getStorages(id); Iterator<Entry<String,StorageIntf>> entries = storages.entrySet().iterator(); boolean exported = false; while ( entries.hasNext() ) { Entry<String,StorageIntf> entry =; String key = entry.getKey(); StorageIntf storage = entry.getValue(); if ( !storage.isExportable() ) continue; exported = true; String cid = Action.getLocalID(); if ( !DTFNode.getType().equals(DTFConstants.DTFX_ID) ) cid = DTFNode.getOwner().getId(); if ( !sentstorages.contains(key) ) { // this storage has not been created on the component mentioned. Createstorage cs = new Createstorage(); cs.setId(key); cs.setPath(storage.getPath()); cs.setExport("true"); if ( Action.getLogger().isDebugEnabled() ) { Action.getLogger().debug("Creating storage [" + key + "] on [" + id + "]"); } StorageStateUpdater ssu = new StorageStateUpdater(cid, storage.getId()); result.add(cs); result.add(ssu); sentstorages.add(key); } else { if ( Action.getLogger().isDebugEnabled() ) Action.getLogger().debug(id + " already has storage [" + key + "]"); } HashMap<String,Long> sfiles = sentfiles.get(key); if ( sfiles == null ) { sfiles = new HashMap<String,Long>(); sentfiles.put(key, sfiles); } String[] files = storage.getFiles(); if ( files != null ) { if ( files.length == 0 ) { if ( Action.getLogger().isDebugEnabled() ) Action.getLogger().debug("[" + storage + "] storage is empty."); } for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { Long l = sfiles.get(files[i]); Long m = storage.getLastModified(files[i]); if ( l == null || l < m ) { String sid = storage.getId(); String uri = "storage://" + sid + "/" + files[i]; PullFile pf = new PullFile(); if ( DTFNode.getType().equals("dtfa") ) pf.setOwner(DTFNode.getOwner().getOwner()); pf.setRemotefile(storage.getFullPath() + "/" + files[i]); pf.setUri(uri); pf.setTo(Action.getLocalID()); if ( DTFNode.getType().equals(DTFConstants.DTFX_ID) ) { pf.setAppend("false"); } else { pf.setAppend("" + storage.openedAsAppend(files[i])); pf.setOffset(storage.lastOpenedOffset(files[i])); } StorageFileUpdater sfu = new StorageFileUpdater(cid, sid, files[i]); result.add(pf); result.add(sfu); if ( Action.getLogger().isDebugEnabled() ) { Action.getLogger().debug("sending file [" + uri + "] to [" + id + "] modified [" + m + "] append [" + pf.getAppend() + "]"); } sfiles.put(files[i], m); } else { if ( Action.getLogger().isDebugEnabled() ) { Action.getLogger().debug("not sending file [" + files[i] + "] to [" + id + "] modified [" + m + "] synced at [" + l + "]"); } } } } else { if ( Action.getLogger().isDebugEnabled() ) { Action.getLogger().debug("[" + storage + "] storage is empty."); } } } long stop = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ( Action.getLogger().isDebugEnabled() && exported ) { long dur = (stop-start); Action.getLogger().debug("Time to sync storages: " + dur + "ms"); } return result; } public ArrayList<Action> returnToRunner(String id) throws DTFException { ArrayList<Action> result = handleComponent(id); return result; } public static void updateStorage(String componentid, String storageid) { ArrayList<String> sentstorages = getStorages(componentid); if ( Action.getLogger().isDebugEnabled() ) { Action.getLogger().debug("Updated storage [" + storageid + "] for [" + componentid + "]"); } sentstorages.add(storageid); } public static void updateLastModified(String componentid, String storageid, String filename) { StorageFactory sf = Action.getStorageFactory(); StorageIntf storage = sf.getStorages().get(storageid); Long m = storage.getLastModified(filename); // get all storages and files that were sent to this componentid HashMap<String, HashMap<String,Long>> sentfiles = getSent(componentid); // only the specific files that were sent for this storageid HashMap<String, Long> sfiles = sentfiles.get(storageid); if ( sfiles == null ) { sfiles = new HashMap<String, Long>(); sentfiles.put(storageid, sfiles); } if ( Action.getLogger().isDebugEnabled() ) { Action.getLogger().debug("Updating [" + storageid + ": " + filename + "] for [" + componentid + "] modified at [" + m + "]"); } // simply update the last modified so we have a starting point sfiles.put(filename, m); } public void unlockComponent(String id) throws DTFException { HashMap<String, HashMap<String,Long>> sentfiles = getSent(id); ArrayList<String> sentstorages = getStorages(id); if ( sentstorages != null ) sentstorages.clear(); if ( sentfiles != null ) sentfiles.clear(); } public void cleanup() throws DTFException { Action.unRegisterGlobalContext(SSFILES); Action.unRegisterGlobalContext(SSSTORAGE); } }