package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; /** * @dtf.tag choices * * @dtf.since 1.0 * Rodney Gomes * * @dtf.tag.desc Choices tag can be used at any point you want to execute a * group of different actions with a probability associated with * executing each of the actions. This way you can generate a load * pattern that is a bit more complex than just the number of * operations per second. * * @dtf.tag.example * <distribute workers="3" iterations="1..10"> * <choices> * <choose howoften="25%"> * <event name="test.event2"/> * </choose> * <choose howoften="25%"> * <event name="test.event1"/> * </choose> * <choose howoften="50%"> * <event name="test.event3"/> * </choose> * </choices> * </distribute> * * @dtf.tag.example * <for property="i" range="1..1000"> * <choices> * <choose howoften="5%"> * <event name="test.event2"/> * </choose> * <choose howoften="5%"> * <event name="test.event1"/> * </choose> * <choose howoften="90%"> * <event name="test.event3"/> * </choose> * </choices> * </for> * */ public class Choices extends Action { private static final String CHOICESTATE = "dtf.choices.state"; private static class Chosen { public Choose choose = null; public double chosen = 0; public double howoften = 0; } private static class ChoiceState { public long totalchoices = 1; public ArrayList<Chosen> chosen = null; } private static Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]%"); private Integer percToInt(String value) throws ParseException { if (!pattern.matcher(value).matches()) throw new ParseException("Percentage value expected for [" + value + "] should match " + pattern.toString()); try { value = value.replace("%",""); return new Integer(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ParseException("Value is not a Integer [" + value + "]",e); } } private static Object _csLock = new Object(); private HashMap<String, ChoiceState> getChoiceStates() { synchronized (_csLock) { HashMap<String, ChoiceState> cs = (HashMap<String, ChoiceState>)getGlobalContext(CHOICESTATE); if (cs == null) { cs = new HashMap<String, ChoiceState>(); registerGlobalContext(CHOICESTATE, cs); } return cs; } } public void execute() throws DTFException { HashMap<String, ChoiceState> css = getChoiceStates(); ChoiceState cs = null; // synchronize on the Choices list for all threads to find if we already // have the ChoiceState object created otherwise create it just once. synchronized (css) { cs = css.get(""+ this.hashCode()); if (cs == null) { cs = new ChoiceState(); ArrayList<Choose> choices = findActions(Choose.class); // sort the choices by the percentage number ;) Collections.sort(choices, new Comparator<Choose>() { public int compare(Choose o1, Choose o2) { try { Integer thisWhen = percToInt(o1.getHowoften()); Integer otherWhen = percToInt(o2.getHowoften()); // reverse order return otherWhen.compareTo(thisWhen); } catch (ParseException e) { return 0; } } }); ArrayList<Chosen> chosen = new ArrayList<Chosen>(); for(int i = 0; i < choices.size(); i++) { Chosen aux = new Chosen(); aux.choose = choices.get(i); aux.howoften = percToInt(aux.choose.getHowoften())/100.0f; chosen.add(aux); } cs = new ChoiceState(); cs.chosen = chosen; css.put(""+this.hashCode(), cs); } } Chosen chosen = null; synchronized (cs) { int whonext = -1; double maxdist = Long.MIN_VALUE; int total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cs.chosen.size(); i++) { Chosen aux = cs.chosen.get(i); /* * Calculate the percentage of times I have been chosen and then * calculate the distance between that and the actual percentage of * tiem I should have been chosen. */ double got = (aux.chosen/cs.totalchoices); double distance = aux.howoften-got; total += aux.howoften * 100; /* * The next choice should be the one with the biggest distance left * to go to be at the percentage that we are requiring. */ if (distance > maxdist) { whonext = i; maxdist = distance; } } if ( total > 100 ) throw new ParseException("Adding up choices yields more than 100% at [" + total + "]"); chosen = cs.chosen.get(whonext); if ((chosen.chosen/cs.totalchoices) <= chosen.howoften) { chosen.chosen++; } else { chosen = null; } cs.totalchoices++; } if ( chosen != null ) chosen.choose.execute(); } }