/* * Original version from * 1998-06-24 by John Dumas jdumas@zgs.com * email to the above address bounces... * * Modifications * 1999-12-07 by Carl Forde cforde@backweb.com * 1 - changed args -echo -quiet are default * 2 - added -noecho -verbose * 1999-10-14 by Carl Forde cforde@backweb.com * 1 - removed extraneous "\n" * 2 - default destination port is 80 * 3 - timestamp source/dest messages * 4 - changed names to client/server, server/client * 5 - added hex dump display * */ import java.net.ServerSocket; import java.net.Socket; import java.util.Vector; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Date; public class TCPReflector implements ConnectionMonitor { private int portNumber = -1; private String destHost = null; private int destPortNumber = -1; private boolean echo = true; private boolean verbose = false; private ServerSocket mainSocket = null; private Vector connections = null; private static final String border = "########################################################################"; public TCPReflector(String args[]) throws Exception { boolean error = false; try { processArgs(args); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("TCPReflector error: " + e.getMessage()); error = true; } System.out.println(portNumber +" "+ destPortNumber +" "+ destHost); if(portNumber <= 0 || destPortNumber <= 0 || destHost == null) error = true; if(error) { usage(); System.exit(-1); } connections = new Vector(); mainSocket = new ServerSocket(portNumber); printMsg( "Starting program: " + getClass().getName(), "On port number : " + portNumber, "Server host:port : " + destHost + ":" + destPortNumber ); } private int parsePort(int i, String args[]) throws Exception { int value = 0; if(i >= args.length) { throw new Exception( "Expected numeric argument after -port" ); } try { value = Integer.parseInt(args[i]); } catch(NumberFormatException e) {} if(value <= 0) { throw new Exception( "Value for -port must be a valid integer > 0 [" + args[i] + "]" ); } return(value); } private void parseDest(int i, String args[]) throws Exception { String s1, s2; if(i >= args.length) { throw new Exception( "Expected argument after -server" ); } int colonIndex = args[i].indexOf(':'); if(colonIndex == -1) { s1 = args[i]; s2 = "80"; /* Default port */ } else { s1 = args[i].substring(0, colonIndex).trim(); s2 = args[i].substring(colonIndex + 1).trim(); } if(s1.equals("")) { throw new Exception( "Missing host name in argument to -server [" + args[i] + "]" ); } int value = 0; try { value = Integer.parseInt(s2); } catch(NumberFormatException e) {} if(value <= 0) { throw new Exception( "Port number for -server argument must be an integer > 0 [" + args[i] + "]" ); } destHost = s1; destPortNumber = value; } private void processArgs(String args[]) throws Exception { int i = 0; while(i < args.length) { String s = args[i].toLowerCase(); if(s.equals("-noecho")) echo = false; else if(s.equals("-verbose")) verbose = true; else if(s.equals("-port")) { portNumber = parsePort(++i, args); } else if(s.equals("-server")) { parseDest(++i, args); } else { throw new Exception( "Unrecognized argument: [" + args[i] + "]" ); } i++; } } public static void usage() { System.out.println("Usage: program <args>"); System.out.println(" -port listenPort"); System.out.println(" -server Host:PortNumber"); System.out.println(" -noecho"); System.out.println(" -verbose"); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("-port and -server are required"); } private void printMsg(String s1) { String msg[] = new String[1]; msg[0] = s1; printMsg(msg); } private void printMsg(String s1, String s2) { String msg[] = new String[2]; msg[0] = s1; msg[1] = s2; printMsg(msg); } private void printMsg(String s1, String s2, String s3) { String msg[] = new String[3]; msg[0] = s1; msg[1] = s2; msg[2] = s3; printMsg(msg); } private void printMsg(String msg[]) { if(verbose) { System.out.println(border); System.out.println("# " + new Date().toString()); for(int i = 0; i < msg.length; i ++) System.out.println("# " + msg[i]); System.out.println(border); } } public void serve() { while(true) { try { Socket newSocket = mainSocket.accept(); new Connection(newSocket, (ConnectionMonitor)this, destHost, destPortNumber, echo); } catch(IOException e) {} } } public void attemptingConnection(Connection c) { printMsg( getClass().getName(), "Connection initiated from: " + c.getSrcHost() ); } public void addConnection(Connection c) { printMsg( getClass().getName(), "Connection established from: " + c.getSrcHost() + ":" + portNumber, "To : " + c.getDestHost() + ":" + c.getDestPort() ); synchronized(connections) { connections.addElement(c); } } public void removeConnection(Connection c) { printMsg( getClass().getName(), "Removing connection from: " + c.getSrcHost() + ":" + portNumber, "To : " + c.getDestHost() + ":" + c.getDestPort() ); synchronized(connections) { connections.removeElement(c); } } public void connectionError(Connection c, String errMsg) { printMsg( getClass().getName(), "Error involving connection from:" + c.getSrcHost() + ":" + portNumber, errMsg ); } public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { TCPReflector t = new TCPReflector(args); t.serve(); } }