/* * Copyright 2012 Google Inc. * Copyright 2012 Matt Corallo. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.devcoin.core; import com.google.devcoin.core.Transaction.SigHash; import com.google.devcoin.params.MainNetParams; import com.google.devcoin.params.UnitTestParams; import com.google.devcoin.script.Script; import com.google.devcoin.store.BlockStoreException; import com.google.devcoin.store.FullPrunedBlockStore; import com.google.devcoin.store.MemoryFullPrunedBlockStore; import com.google.devcoin.utils.BlockFileLoader; import com.google.devcoin.utils.BriefLogFormatter; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.Arrays; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /** * We don't do any wallet tests here, we leave that to {@link ChainSplitTest} */ public class FullPrunedBlockChainTest { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FullPrunedBlockChainTest.class); private NetworkParameters params; private FullPrunedBlockChain chain; private FullPrunedBlockStore store; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { BriefLogFormatter.init(); params = new UnitTestParams() { @Override public int getInterval() { return 10000; } }; } @Test public void testGeneratedChain() throws Exception { // Tests various test cases from FullBlockTestGenerator FullBlockTestGenerator generator = new FullBlockTestGenerator(params); RuleList blockList = generator.getBlocksToTest(false, false, null); store = new MemoryFullPrunedBlockStore(params, blockList.maximumReorgBlockCount); chain = new FullPrunedBlockChain(params, store); for (Rule rule : blockList.list) { if (!(rule instanceof BlockAndValidity)) continue; BlockAndValidity block = (BlockAndValidity) rule; boolean threw = false; try { if (chain.add(block.block) != block.connects) { log.error("Block didn't match connects flag on block " + block.ruleName); fail(); } } catch (VerificationException e) { threw = true; if (!block.throwsException) { log.error("Block didn't match throws flag on block " + block.ruleName); throw e; } if (block.connects) { log.error("Block didn't match connects flag on block " + block.ruleName); fail(); } } if (!threw && block.throwsException) { log.error("Block didn't match throws flag on block " + block.ruleName); fail(); } if (!chain.getChainHead().getHeader().getHash().equals(block.hashChainTipAfterBlock)) { log.error("New block head didn't match the correct value after block " + block.ruleName); fail(); } if (chain.getChainHead().getHeight() != block.heightAfterBlock) { log.error("New block head didn't match the correct height after block " + block.ruleName); fail(); } } } @Test public void testFinalizedBlocks() throws Exception { final int UNDOABLE_BLOCKS_STORED = 10; store = new MemoryFullPrunedBlockStore(params, UNDOABLE_BLOCKS_STORED); chain = new FullPrunedBlockChain(params, store); // Check that we aren't accidentally leaving any references // to the full StoredUndoableBlock's lying around (ie memory leaks) ECKey outKey = new ECKey(); // Build some blocks on genesis block to create a spendable output Block rollingBlock = params.getGenesisBlock().createNextBlockWithCoinbase(outKey.getPubKey()); chain.add(rollingBlock); TransactionOutPoint spendableOutput = new TransactionOutPoint(params, 0, rollingBlock.getTransactions().get(0).getHash()); byte[] spendableOutputScriptPubKey = rollingBlock.getTransactions().get(0).getOutputs().get(0).getScriptBytes(); for (int i = 1; i < params.getSpendableCoinbaseDepth(); i++) { rollingBlock = rollingBlock.createNextBlockWithCoinbase(outKey.getPubKey()); chain.add(rollingBlock); } WeakReference<StoredTransactionOutput> out = new WeakReference<StoredTransactionOutput> (store.getTransactionOutput(spendableOutput.getHash(), spendableOutput.getIndex())); rollingBlock = rollingBlock.createNextBlock(null); Transaction t = new Transaction(params); // Entirely invalid scriptPubKey t.addOutput(new TransactionOutput(params, t, Utils.toNanoCoins(50, 0), new byte[] {})); addInputToTransaction(t, spendableOutput, spendableOutputScriptPubKey, outKey); rollingBlock.addTransaction(t); rollingBlock.solve(); chain.add(rollingBlock); WeakReference<StoredUndoableBlock> undoBlock = new WeakReference<StoredUndoableBlock>(store.getUndoBlock(rollingBlock.getHash())); StoredUndoableBlock storedUndoableBlock = undoBlock.get(); assertNotNull(storedUndoableBlock); assertNull(storedUndoableBlock.getTransactions()); WeakReference<TransactionOutputChanges> changes = new WeakReference<TransactionOutputChanges>(storedUndoableBlock.getTxOutChanges()); assertNotNull(changes.get()); storedUndoableBlock = null; // Blank the reference so it can be GCd. // Create a chain longer than UNDOABLE_BLOCKS_STORED for (int i = 0; i < UNDOABLE_BLOCKS_STORED; i++) { rollingBlock = rollingBlock.createNextBlock(null); chain.add(rollingBlock); } // Try to get the garbage collector to run System.gc(); assertNull(undoBlock.get()); assertNull(changes.get()); assertNull(out.get()); } private void addInputToTransaction(Transaction t, TransactionOutPoint prevOut, byte[] prevOutScriptPubKey, ECKey sigKey) throws ScriptException { TransactionInput input = new TransactionInput(params, t, new byte[]{}, prevOut); t.addInput(input); Sha256Hash hash = t.hashForSignature(0, prevOutScriptPubKey, SigHash.ALL, false); // Sign input try { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new UnsafeByteArrayOutputStream(73); bos.write(sigKey.sign(hash).encodeToDER()); bos.write(SigHash.ALL.ordinal() + 1); byte[] signature = bos.toByteArray(); input.setScriptBytes(Script.createInputScript(signature)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); // Cannot happen. } } @Test public void testFirst100KBlocks() throws BlockStoreException, VerificationException, PrunedException { NetworkParameters params = MainNetParams.get(); File blockFile = new File(getClass().getResource("first-100k-blocks.dat").getFile()); BlockFileLoader loader = new BlockFileLoader(params, Arrays.asList(new File[] {blockFile})); store = new MemoryFullPrunedBlockStore(params, 10); chain = new FullPrunedBlockChain(params, store); for (Block block : loader) chain.add(block); } }