/** * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.devcoin.core; import com.google.devcoin.crypto.EncryptedPrivateKey; import com.google.devcoin.crypto.KeyCrypter; import com.google.devcoin.crypto.KeyCrypterScrypt; import com.google.devcoin.crypto.TransactionSignature; import com.google.devcoin.params.MainNetParams; import com.google.devcoin.params.TestNet3Params; import com.google.devcoin.params.UnitTestParams; import com.google.devcoin.utils.BriefLogFormatter; import com.google.protobuf.ByteString; import org.devcoinj.wallet.Protos; import org.devcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScryptParameters; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.spongycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter; import org.spongycastle.util.encoders.Hex; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.security.SecureRandom; import java.security.SignatureException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Random; import java.io.InputStream; import static com.google.devcoin.core.Utils.reverseBytes; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class ECKeyTest { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ECKeyTest.class); private SecureRandom secureRandom; private KeyCrypter keyCrypter; private static CharSequence PASSWORD1 = "my hovercraft has eels"; private static CharSequence WRONG_PASSWORD = "it is a snowy day today"; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { secureRandom = new SecureRandom(); byte[] salt = new byte[KeyCrypterScrypt.SALT_LENGTH]; secureRandom.nextBytes(salt); Protos.ScryptParameters.Builder scryptParametersBuilder = Protos.ScryptParameters.newBuilder().setSalt(ByteString.copyFrom(salt)); ScryptParameters scryptParameters = scryptParametersBuilder.build(); keyCrypter = new KeyCrypterScrypt(scryptParameters); BriefLogFormatter.init(); } @Test public void testSignatures() throws Exception { // Test that we can construct an ECKey from a private key (deriving the public from the private), then signing // a message with it. BigInteger privkey = new BigInteger(1, Hex.decode("180cb41c7c600be951b5d3d0a7334acc7506173875834f7a6c4c786a28fcbb19")); ECKey key = new ECKey(privkey); byte[] output = key.sign(Sha256Hash.ZERO_HASH).encodeToDER(); assertTrue(key.verify(Sha256Hash.ZERO_HASH.getBytes(), output)); // Test interop with a signature from elsewhere. byte[] sig = Hex.decode( "3046022100dffbc26774fc841bbe1c1362fd643609c6e42dcb274763476d87af2c0597e89e022100c59e3c13b96b316cae9fa0ab0260612c7a133a6fe2b3445b6bf80b3123bf274d"); assertTrue(key.verify(Sha256Hash.ZERO_HASH.getBytes(), sig)); } @Test public void testASN1Roundtrip() throws Exception { byte[] privkeyASN1 = Hex.decode( "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"); ECKey decodedKey = ECKey.fromASN1(privkeyASN1); // Now re-encode and decode the ASN.1 to see if it is equivalent (it does not produce the exact same byte // sequence, some integers are padded now). ECKey roundtripKey = ECKey.fromASN1(decodedKey.toASN1()); assertArrayEquals(decodedKey.getPrivKeyBytes(), roundtripKey.getPrivKeyBytes()); for (ECKey key : new ECKey[] {decodedKey, roundtripKey}) { byte[] message = reverseBytes(Hex.decode( "11da3761e86431e4a54c176789e41f1651b324d240d599a7067bee23d328ec2a")); byte[] output = key.sign(new Sha256Hash(message)).encodeToDER(); assertTrue(key.verify(message, output)); output = Hex.decode( "304502206faa2ebc614bf4a0b31f0ce4ed9012eb193302ec2bcaccc7ae8bb40577f47549022100c73a1a1acc209f3f860bf9b9f5e13e9433db6f8b7bd527a088a0e0cd0a4c83e9"); assertTrue(key.verify(message, output)); } // Try to sign with one key and verify with the other. byte[] message = reverseBytes(Hex.decode( "11da3761e86431e4a54c176789e41f1651b324d240d599a7067bee23d328ec2a")); assertTrue(roundtripKey.verify(message, decodedKey.sign(new Sha256Hash(message)).encodeToDER())); assertTrue(decodedKey.verify(message, roundtripKey.sign(new Sha256Hash(message)).encodeToDER())); } @Test public void testKeyPairRoundtrip() throws Exception { byte[] privkeyASN1 = Hex.decode( "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"); ECKey decodedKey = ECKey.fromASN1(privkeyASN1); // Now re-encode and decode the ASN.1 to see if it is equivalent (it does not produce the exact same byte // sequence, some integers are padded now). ECKey roundtripKey = new ECKey(decodedKey.getPrivKeyBytes(), decodedKey.getPubKey()); for (ECKey key : new ECKey[] {decodedKey, roundtripKey}) { byte[] message = reverseBytes(Hex.decode( "11da3761e86431e4a54c176789e41f1651b324d240d599a7067bee23d328ec2a")); byte[] output = key.sign(new Sha256Hash(message)).encodeToDER(); assertTrue(key.verify(message, output)); output = Hex.decode( "304502206faa2ebc614bf4a0b31f0ce4ed9012eb193302ec2bcaccc7ae8bb40577f47549022100c73a1a1acc209f3f860bf9b9f5e13e9433db6f8b7bd527a088a0e0cd0a4c83e9"); assertTrue(key.verify(message, output)); } // Try to sign with one key and verify with the other. byte[] message = reverseBytes(Hex.decode( "11da3761e86431e4a54c176789e41f1651b324d240d599a7067bee23d328ec2a")); assertTrue(roundtripKey.verify(message, decodedKey.sign(new Sha256Hash(message)).encodeToDER())); assertTrue(decodedKey.verify(message, roundtripKey.sign(new Sha256Hash(message)).encodeToDER())); } @Test public void base58Encoding() throws Exception { String addr = "mqAJmaxMcG5pPHHc3H3NtyXzY7kGbJLuMF"; String privkey = "92shANodC6Y4evT5kFzjNFQAdjqTtHAnDTLzqBBq4BbKUPyx6CD"; ECKey key = new DumpedPrivateKey(TestNet3Params.get(), privkey).getKey(); assertEquals(privkey, key.getPrivateKeyEncoded(TestNet3Params.get()).toString()); assertEquals(addr, key.toAddress(TestNet3Params.get()).toString()); } @Test public void base58Encoding_leadingZero() throws Exception { String privkey = "91axuYLa8xK796DnBXXsMbjuc8pDYxYgJyQMvFzrZ6UfXaGYuqL"; ECKey key = new DumpedPrivateKey(TestNet3Params.get(), privkey).getKey(); assertEquals(privkey, key.getPrivateKeyEncoded(TestNet3Params.get()).toString()); assertEquals(0, key.getPrivKeyBytes()[0]); } @Test public void base58Encoding_stress() throws Exception { // Replace the loop bound with 1000 to get some keys with leading zero byte for (int i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i++) { ECKey key = new ECKey(); ECKey key1 = new DumpedPrivateKey(TestNet3Params.get(), key.getPrivateKeyEncoded(TestNet3Params.get()).toString()).getKey(); assertEquals(Utils.bytesToHexString(key.getPrivKeyBytes()), Utils.bytesToHexString(key1.getPrivKeyBytes())); } } @Test public void signTextMessage() throws Exception { ECKey key = new ECKey(); String message = "聡中本"; String signatureBase64 = key.signMessage(message); log.info("Message signed with " + key.toAddress(MainNetParams.get()) + ": " + signatureBase64); // Should verify correctly. key.verifyMessage(message, signatureBase64); try { key.verifyMessage("Evil attacker says hello!", signatureBase64); fail(); } catch (SignatureException e) { // OK. } } @Test public void verifyMessage() throws Exception { // Test vector generated by Bitcoin-Qt. String message = "hello"; String sigBase64 = "HxNZdo6ggZ41hd3mM3gfJRqOQPZYcO8z8qdX2BwmpbF11CaOQV+QiZGGQxaYOncKoNW61oRuSMMF8udfK54XqI8="; Address expectedAddress = new Address(MainNetParams.get(), "14YPSNPi6NSXnUxtPAsyJSuw3pv7AU3Cag"); ECKey key = ECKey.signedMessageToKey(message, sigBase64); Address gotAddress = key.toAddress(MainNetParams.get()); assertEquals(expectedAddress, gotAddress); } @Test public void keyRecovery() throws Exception { ECKey key = new ECKey(); String message = "Hello World!"; Sha256Hash hash = Sha256Hash.create(message.getBytes()); ECKey.ECDSASignature sig = key.sign(hash); key = new ECKey(null, key.getPubKey()); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ECKey key2 = ECKey.recoverFromSignature(i, sig, hash, true); if (key.equals(key2)) { found = true; break; } } assertTrue(found); } @Test public void testUnencryptedCreate() throws Exception { ECKey unencryptedKey = new ECKey(); // The key should initially be unencrypted. assertTrue(!unencryptedKey.isEncrypted()); // Copy the private key bytes for checking later. byte[] originalPrivateKeyBytes = new byte[32]; System.arraycopy(unencryptedKey.getPrivKeyBytes(), 0, originalPrivateKeyBytes, 0, 32); log.info("Original private key = " + Utils.bytesToHexString(originalPrivateKeyBytes)); // Encrypt the key. ECKey encryptedKey = unencryptedKey.encrypt(keyCrypter, keyCrypter.deriveKey(PASSWORD1)); // The key should now be encrypted. assertTrue("Key is not encrypted but it should be", encryptedKey.isEncrypted()); // The unencrypted private key bytes of the encrypted keychain // should be null or all be blank. byte[] privateKeyBytes = encryptedKey.getPrivKeyBytes(); if (privateKeyBytes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < privateKeyBytes.length; i++) { assertEquals("Byte " + i + " of the private key was not zero but should be", 0, privateKeyBytes[i]); } } // Decrypt the key. unencryptedKey = encryptedKey.decrypt(keyCrypter, keyCrypter.deriveKey(PASSWORD1)); // The key should be unencrypted assertTrue("Key is not unencrypted but it should be", !unencryptedKey.isEncrypted()); // The reborn unencrypted private key bytes should match the // original private key. privateKeyBytes = unencryptedKey.getPrivKeyBytes(); log.info("Reborn decrypted private key = " + Utils.bytesToHexString(privateKeyBytes)); for (int i = 0; i < privateKeyBytes.length; i++) { assertEquals("Byte " + i + " of the private key did not match the original", originalPrivateKeyBytes[i], privateKeyBytes[i]); } } @Test public void testEncryptedCreate() throws Exception { ECKey unencryptedKey = new ECKey(); // Copy the private key bytes for checking later. byte[] originalPrivateKeyBytes = new byte[32]; System.arraycopy(unencryptedKey.getPrivKeyBytes(), 0, originalPrivateKeyBytes, 0, 32); log.info("Original private key = " + Utils.bytesToHexString(originalPrivateKeyBytes)); EncryptedPrivateKey encryptedPrivateKey = keyCrypter.encrypt(unencryptedKey.getPrivKeyBytes(), keyCrypter.deriveKey(PASSWORD1)); ECKey encryptedKey = new ECKey(encryptedPrivateKey, unencryptedKey.getPubKey(), keyCrypter); // The key should initially be encrypted assertTrue("Key not encrypted at start", encryptedKey.isEncrypted()); // The unencrypted private key bytes of the encrypted keychain should all be blank. byte[] privateKeyBytes = encryptedKey.getPrivKeyBytes(); if (privateKeyBytes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < privateKeyBytes.length; i++) { assertEquals("Byte " + i + " of the private key was not zero but should be", 0, privateKeyBytes[i]); } } // Decrypt the key. ECKey rebornUnencryptedKey = encryptedKey.decrypt(keyCrypter, keyCrypter.deriveKey(PASSWORD1)); // The key should be unencrypted assertTrue("Key is not unencrypted but it should be", !rebornUnencryptedKey.isEncrypted()); // The reborn unencrypted private key bytes should match the original private key. privateKeyBytes = rebornUnencryptedKey.getPrivKeyBytes(); log.info("Reborn decrypted private key = " + Utils.bytesToHexString(privateKeyBytes)); for (int i = 0; i < privateKeyBytes.length; i++) { assertEquals("Byte " + i + " of the private key did not match the original", originalPrivateKeyBytes[i], privateKeyBytes[i]); } } @Test public void testEncryptionIsReversible() throws Exception { ECKey originalUnencryptedKey = new ECKey(); EncryptedPrivateKey encryptedPrivateKey = keyCrypter.encrypt(originalUnencryptedKey.getPrivKeyBytes(), keyCrypter.deriveKey(PASSWORD1)); ECKey encryptedKey = new ECKey(encryptedPrivateKey, originalUnencryptedKey.getPubKey(), keyCrypter); // The key should be encrypted assertTrue("Key not encrypted at start", encryptedKey.isEncrypted()); // Check that the key can be successfully decrypted back to the original. assertTrue("Key encryption is not reversible but it should be", ECKey.encryptionIsReversible(originalUnencryptedKey, encryptedKey, keyCrypter, keyCrypter.deriveKey(PASSWORD1))); // Check that key encryption is not reversible if a password other than the original is used to generate the AES key. assertTrue("Key encryption is reversible with wrong password", !ECKey.encryptionIsReversible(originalUnencryptedKey, encryptedKey, keyCrypter, keyCrypter.deriveKey(WRONG_PASSWORD))); // Change one of the encrypted key bytes (this is to simulate a faulty keyCrypter). // Encryption should not be reversible byte[] goodEncryptedPrivateKeyBytes = encryptedPrivateKey.getEncryptedBytes(); // Break the encrypted private key and check it is broken. byte[] badEncryptedPrivateKeyBytes = goodEncryptedPrivateKeyBytes; // XOR the 16th byte with 0x0A (this is fairly arbitary) to break it. badEncryptedPrivateKeyBytes[16] = (byte) (badEncryptedPrivateKeyBytes[12] ^ new Byte("12").byteValue()); encryptedPrivateKey.setEncryptedPrivateBytes(badEncryptedPrivateKeyBytes); ECKey badEncryptedKey = new ECKey(encryptedPrivateKey, originalUnencryptedKey.getPubKey(), keyCrypter); assertTrue("Key encryption is reversible with faulty encrypted bytes", !ECKey.encryptionIsReversible(originalUnencryptedKey, badEncryptedKey, keyCrypter, keyCrypter.deriveKey(PASSWORD1))); } @Test public void testToString() throws Exception { ECKey key = new ECKey(BigInteger.TEN); // An example private key. assertEquals("pub:04a0434d9e47f3c86235477c7b1ae6ae5d3442d49b1943c2b752a68e2a47e247c7893aba425419bc27a3b6c7e693a24c696f794c2ed877a1593cbee53b037368d7", key.toString()); assertEquals("pub:04a0434d9e47f3c86235477c7b1ae6ae5d3442d49b1943c2b752a68e2a47e247c7893aba425419bc27a3b6c7e693a24c696f794c2ed877a1593cbee53b037368d7 priv:0a", key.toStringWithPrivate()); } @Test public void keyRecoveryWithEncryptedKey() throws Exception { ECKey unencryptedKey = new ECKey(); KeyParameter aesKey = keyCrypter.deriveKey(PASSWORD1); ECKey encryptedKey = unencryptedKey.encrypt(keyCrypter,aesKey); String message = "Goodbye Jupiter!"; Sha256Hash hash = Sha256Hash.create(message.getBytes()); ECKey.ECDSASignature sig = encryptedKey.sign(hash, aesKey); unencryptedKey = new ECKey(null, unencryptedKey.getPubKey()); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ECKey key2 = ECKey.recoverFromSignature(i, sig, hash, true); if (unencryptedKey.equals(key2)) { found = true; break; } } assertTrue(found); } @Test public void roundTripDumpedPrivKey() throws Exception { ECKey key = new ECKey(); assertTrue(key.isCompressed()); NetworkParameters params = UnitTestParams.get(); String base58 = key.getPrivateKeyEncoded(params).toString(); ECKey key2 = new DumpedPrivateKey(params, base58).getKey(); assertTrue(key2.isCompressed()); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(key.getPrivKeyBytes(), key2.getPrivKeyBytes())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(key.getPubKey(), key2.getPubKey())); } @Test public void clear() throws Exception { ECKey unencryptedKey = new ECKey(); ECKey encryptedKey = (new ECKey()).encrypt(keyCrypter, keyCrypter.deriveKey(PASSWORD1)); checkSomeBytesAreNonZero(unencryptedKey.getPrivKeyBytes()); unencryptedKey.clearPrivateKey(); checkAllBytesAreZero(unencryptedKey.getPrivKeyBytes()); // The encryptedPrivateKey should be null in an unencrypted ECKey anyhow but check all the same. assertTrue(unencryptedKey.getEncryptedPrivateKey() == null); checkSomeBytesAreNonZero(encryptedKey.getPrivKeyBytes()); checkSomeBytesAreNonZero(encryptedKey.getEncryptedPrivateKey().getEncryptedBytes()); checkSomeBytesAreNonZero(encryptedKey.getEncryptedPrivateKey().getInitialisationVector()); encryptedKey.clearPrivateKey(); checkAllBytesAreZero(encryptedKey.getPrivKeyBytes()); checkAllBytesAreZero(encryptedKey.getEncryptedPrivateKey().getEncryptedBytes()); checkAllBytesAreZero(encryptedKey.getEncryptedPrivateKey().getInitialisationVector()); } @Test public void testCanonicalSigs() throws Exception { // Tests the canonical sigs from the reference client unit tests InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream("sig_canonical.json"); // Poor man's JSON parser (because pulling in a lib for this is overkill) while (in.available() > 0) { while (in.available() > 0 && in.read() != '"') ; if (in.available() < 1) break; StringBuilder sig = new StringBuilder(); int c; while (in.available() > 0 && (c = in.read()) != '"') sig.append((char)c); assertTrue(TransactionSignature.isEncodingCanonical(Hex.decode(sig.toString()))); } in.close(); } @Test public void testNonCanonicalSigs() throws Exception { // Tests the noncanonical sigs from the reference client unit tests InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream("sig_noncanonical.json"); // Poor man's JSON parser (because pulling in a lib for this is overkill) while (in.available() > 0) { while (in.available() > 0 && in.read() != '"') ; if (in.available() < 1) break; StringBuilder sig = new StringBuilder(); int c; while (in.available() > 0 && (c = in.read()) != '"') sig.append((char)c); try { assertFalse(TransactionSignature.isEncodingCanonical(Hex.decode(sig.toString()))); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } // Expected for non-hex strings in the JSON that we should ignore } in.close(); } @Test public void testCreatedSigAndPubkeyAreCanonical() throws Exception { // Tests that we will not generate non-canonical pubkeys or signatures // We dump failed data to error log because this test is not expected to be deterministic ECKey key = new ECKey(); if (!ECKey.isPubKeyCanonical(key.getPubKey())) { log.error(Utils.bytesToHexString(key.getPubKey())); fail(); } byte[] hash = new byte[32]; new Random().nextBytes(hash); byte[] sigBytes = key.sign(new Sha256Hash(hash)).encodeToDER(); byte[] encodedSig = Arrays.copyOf(sigBytes, sigBytes.length + 1); encodedSig[sigBytes.length] = (byte) (Transaction.SigHash.ALL.ordinal() + 1); if (!TransactionSignature.isEncodingCanonical(encodedSig)) { log.error(Utils.bytesToHexString(sigBytes)); fail(); } } private static boolean checkSomeBytesAreNonZero(byte[] bytes) { if (bytes == null) return false; for (byte b : bytes) if (b != 0) return true; return false; } private static boolean checkAllBytesAreZero(byte[] bytes) { if (bytes == null) return true; for (byte b : bytes) if (b != 0) return false; return true; } }