package; import*; import; import; import; import net.jcip.annotations.GuardedBy; import org.devcoin.paymentchannel.Protos; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import static; import static; /** * <p>A handler class which handles most of the complexity of creating a payment channel connection by providing a * simple in/out interface which is provided with protobufs from the client and which generates protobufs which should * be sent to the client.</p> * * <p>Does all required verification of messages and properly stores state objects in the wallet-attached * {@link StoredPaymentChannelServerStates} so that they are automatically closed when necessary and payment * transactions are not lost if the application crashes before it unlocks.</p> */ public class PaymentChannelServer { //TODO: Update JavaDocs with notes for communication over stateless protocols private static final org.slf4j.Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PaymentChannelServer.class); protected final ReentrantLock lock = Threading.lock("channelserver"); // The step in the initialization process we are in, some of this is duplicated in the PaymentChannelServerState private enum InitStep { WAITING_ON_CLIENT_VERSION, WAITING_ON_UNSIGNED_REFUND, WAITING_ON_CONTRACT, WAITING_ON_MULTISIG_ACCEPTANCE, CHANNEL_OPEN } @GuardedBy("lock") private InitStep step = InitStep.WAITING_ON_CLIENT_VERSION; /** * Implements the connection between this server and the client, providing an interface which allows messages to be * sent to the client, requests for the connection to the client to be closed, and callbacks which occur when the * channel is fully open or the client completes a payment. */ public interface ServerConnection { /** * <p>Requests that the given message be sent to the client. There are no blocking requirements for this method, * however the order of messages must be preserved.</p> * * <p>If the send fails, no exception should be thrown, however * {@link PaymentChannelServer#connectionClosed()} should be called immediately.</p> * * <p>Called while holding a lock on the {@link PaymentChannelServer} object - be careful about reentrancy</p> */ public void sendToClient(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage msg); /** * <p>Requests that the connection to the client be closed</p> * * <p>Called while holding a lock on the {@link PaymentChannelServer} object - be careful about reentrancy</p> * * @param reason The reason for the closure, see the individual values for more details. * It is usually safe to ignore this value. */ public void destroyConnection(CloseReason reason); /** * <p>Triggered when the channel is opened and payments can begin</p> * * <p>Called while holding a lock on the {@link PaymentChannelServer} object - be careful about reentrancy</p> * * @param contractHash A unique identifier which represents this channel (actually the hash of the multisig contract) */ public void channelOpen(Sha256Hash contractHash); /** * <p>Called when the payment in this channel was successfully incremented by the client</p> * * <p>Called while holding a lock on the {@link PaymentChannelServer} object - be careful about reentrancy</p> * * @param by The increase in total payment * @param to The new total payment to us (not including fees which may be required to claim the payment) */ public void paymentIncrease(BigInteger by, BigInteger to); } @GuardedBy("lock") private final ServerConnection conn; // Used to keep track of whether or not the "socket" ie connection is open and we can generate messages @GuardedBy("lock") private boolean connectionOpen = false; // Indicates that no further messages should be sent and we intend to close the connection @GuardedBy("lock") private boolean connectionClosing = false; // The wallet and peergroup which are used to complete/broadcast transactions private final Wallet wallet; private final TransactionBroadcaster broadcaster; // The key used for multisig in this channel @GuardedBy("lock") private ECKey myKey; // The minimum accepted channel value private final BigInteger minAcceptedChannelSize; // The state manager for this channel @GuardedBy("lock") private PaymentChannelServerState state; // The time this channel expires (ie the refund transaction's locktime) @GuardedBy("lock") private long expireTime; /** * <p>The amount of time we request the client lock in their funds.</p> * * <p>The value defaults to 24 hours - 60 seconds and should always be greater than 2 hours plus the amount of time * the channel is expected to be used and smaller than 24 hours minus the client <-> server latency minus some * factor to account for client clock inaccuracy.</p> */ public long timeWindow = 24*60*60 - 60; /** * Creates a new server-side state manager which handles a single client connection. * * @param broadcaster The PeerGroup on which transactions will be broadcast - should have multiple connections. * @param wallet The wallet which will be used to complete transactions. * Unlike {@link PaymentChannelClient}, this does not have to already contain a StoredState manager * @param minAcceptedChannelSize The minimum value the client must lock into this channel. A value too large will be * rejected by clients, and a value too low will require excessive channel reopening * and may cause fees to be require to close the channel. A reasonable value depends * entirely on the expected maximum for the channel, and should likely be somewhere * between a few bitcents and a bitcoin. * @param conn A callback listener which represents the connection to the client (forwards messages we generate to * the client and will close the connection on request) */ public PaymentChannelServer(TransactionBroadcaster broadcaster, Wallet wallet, BigInteger minAcceptedChannelSize, ServerConnection conn) { this.broadcaster = checkNotNull(broadcaster); this.wallet = checkNotNull(wallet); this.minAcceptedChannelSize = checkNotNull(minAcceptedChannelSize); this.conn = checkNotNull(conn); } @GuardedBy("lock") private void receiveVersionMessage(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage msg) throws VerificationException { Protos.ServerVersion.Builder versionNegotiationBuilder = Protos.ServerVersion.newBuilder() .setMajor(0).setMinor(1); conn.sendToClient(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage.newBuilder() .setType(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage.MessageType.SERVER_VERSION) .setServerVersion(versionNegotiationBuilder) .build()); ByteString reopenChannelContractHash = msg.getClientVersion().getPreviousChannelContractHash(); if (reopenChannelContractHash != null && reopenChannelContractHash.size() == 32) { Sha256Hash contractHash = new Sha256Hash(reopenChannelContractHash.toByteArray());"New client that wants to resume {}", contractHash); StoredPaymentChannelServerStates channels = (StoredPaymentChannelServerStates) wallet.getExtensions().get(StoredPaymentChannelServerStates.EXTENSION_ID); if (channels != null) { StoredServerChannel storedServerChannel = channels.getChannel(contractHash); if (storedServerChannel != null) { final PaymentChannelServer existingHandler = storedServerChannel.setConnectedHandler(this, false); if (existingHandler != this) { log.warn(" ... and that channel is already in use, disconnecting other user."); existingHandler.close(); storedServerChannel.setConnectedHandler(this, true); }"Got resume version message, responding with VERSIONS and CHANNEL_OPEN"); state = storedServerChannel.getOrCreateState(wallet, broadcaster); step = InitStep.CHANNEL_OPEN; conn.sendToClient(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage.newBuilder() .setType(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage.MessageType.CHANNEL_OPEN) .build()); conn.channelOpen(contractHash); return; } else { log.error(" ... but we do not have any record of that contract! Resume failed."); } } else { log.error(" ... but we do not have any stored channels! Resume failed."); } }"Got initial version message, responding with VERSIONS and INITIATE"); myKey = new ECKey(); wallet.addKey(myKey); expireTime = / 1000 + timeWindow; step = InitStep.WAITING_ON_UNSIGNED_REFUND; Protos.Initiate.Builder initiateBuilder = Protos.Initiate.newBuilder() .setMultisigKey(ByteString.copyFrom(myKey.getPubKey())) .setExpireTimeSecs(expireTime) .setMinAcceptedChannelSize(minAcceptedChannelSize.longValue()); conn.sendToClient(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage.newBuilder() .setInitiate(initiateBuilder) .setType(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage.MessageType.INITIATE) .build()); } @GuardedBy("lock") private void receiveRefundMessage(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage msg) throws VerificationException { checkState(step == InitStep.WAITING_ON_UNSIGNED_REFUND && msg.hasProvideRefund());"Got refund transaction, returning signature"); Protos.ProvideRefund providedRefund = msg.getProvideRefund(); state = new PaymentChannelServerState(broadcaster, wallet, myKey, expireTime); byte[] signature = state.provideRefundTransaction(new Transaction(wallet.getParams(), providedRefund.getTx().toByteArray()), providedRefund.getMultisigKey().toByteArray()); step = InitStep.WAITING_ON_CONTRACT; Protos.ReturnRefund.Builder returnRefundBuilder = Protos.ReturnRefund.newBuilder() .setSignature(ByteString.copyFrom(signature)); conn.sendToClient(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage.newBuilder() .setReturnRefund(returnRefundBuilder) .setType(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage.MessageType.RETURN_REFUND) .build()); } private void multisigContractPropogated(Sha256Hash contractHash) { lock.lock(); try { if (!connectionOpen || connectionClosing) return; state.storeChannelInWallet(PaymentChannelServer.this); conn.sendToClient(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage.newBuilder() .setType(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage.MessageType.CHANNEL_OPEN) .build()); step = InitStep.CHANNEL_OPEN; conn.channelOpen(contractHash); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } @GuardedBy("lock") private void receiveContractMessage(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage msg) throws VerificationException { checkState(step == InitStep.WAITING_ON_CONTRACT && msg.hasProvideContract());"Got contract, broadcasting and responding with CHANNEL_OPEN"); Protos.ProvideContract providedContract = msg.getProvideContract(); //TODO notify connection handler that timeout should be significantly extended as we wait for network propagation? final Transaction multisigContract = new Transaction(wallet.getParams(), providedContract.getTx().toByteArray()); step = InitStep.WAITING_ON_MULTISIG_ACCEPTANCE; state.provideMultiSigContract(multisigContract) .addListener(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { multisigContractPropogated(multisigContract.getHash()); } }, Threading.SAME_THREAD); } @GuardedBy("lock") private void receiveUpdatePaymentMessage(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage msg) throws VerificationException, ValueOutOfRangeException { checkState(step == InitStep.CHANNEL_OPEN && msg.hasUpdatePayment());"Got a payment update"); Protos.UpdatePayment updatePayment = msg.getUpdatePayment(); BigInteger lastBestPayment = state.getBestValueToMe(); state.incrementPayment(BigInteger.valueOf(updatePayment.getClientChangeValue()), updatePayment.getSignature().toByteArray()); BigInteger bestPaymentChange = state.getBestValueToMe().subtract(lastBestPayment); if (bestPaymentChange.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) conn.paymentIncrease(bestPaymentChange, state.getBestValueToMe()); } /** * Called when a message is received from the client. Processes the given message and generates events based on its * content. */ public void receiveMessage(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage msg) { lock.lock(); try { checkState(connectionOpen); if (connectionClosing) return; // If we generate an error, we set errorBuilder and closeReason and break, otherwise we return Protos.Error.Builder errorBuilder; CloseReason closeReason; try { switch (msg.getType()) { case CLIENT_VERSION: checkState(step == InitStep.WAITING_ON_CLIENT_VERSION && msg.hasClientVersion()); if (msg.getClientVersion().getMajor() != 0) { errorBuilder = Protos.Error.newBuilder() .setCode(Protos.Error.ErrorCode.NO_ACCEPTABLE_VERSION); closeReason = CloseReason.NO_ACCEPTABLE_VERSION; break; } receiveVersionMessage(msg); return; case PROVIDE_REFUND: receiveRefundMessage(msg); return; case PROVIDE_CONTRACT: receiveContractMessage(msg); return; case UPDATE_PAYMENT: receiveUpdatePaymentMessage(msg); return; case CLOSE:"Got CLOSE message, closing channel"); connectionClosing = true; if (state != null) state.close(); conn.destroyConnection(CloseReason.CLIENT_REQUESTED_CLOSE); return; case ERROR: checkState(msg.hasError()); log.error("Client sent ERROR {} with explanation {}", msg.getError().getCode().name(), msg.getError().hasExplanation() ? msg.getError().getExplanation() : ""); conn.destroyConnection(CloseReason.REMOTE_SENT_ERROR); return; default: log.error("Got unknown message type or type that doesn't apply to servers."); errorBuilder = Protos.Error.newBuilder() .setCode(Protos.Error.ErrorCode.SYNTAX_ERROR); closeReason = CloseReason.REMOTE_SENT_INVALID_MESSAGE; break; } } catch (VerificationException e) { log.error("Caught verification exception handling message from client {}", e); errorBuilder = Protos.Error.newBuilder() .setCode(Protos.Error.ErrorCode.BAD_TRANSACTION) .setExplanation(e.getMessage()); closeReason = CloseReason.REMOTE_SENT_INVALID_MESSAGE; } catch (ValueOutOfRangeException e) { log.error("Caught value out of range exception handling message from client {}", e); errorBuilder = Protos.Error.newBuilder() .setCode(Protos.Error.ErrorCode.BAD_TRANSACTION) .setExplanation(e.getMessage()); closeReason = CloseReason.REMOTE_SENT_INVALID_MESSAGE; } catch (IllegalStateException e) { log.error("Caught illegal state exception handling message from client {}", e); errorBuilder = Protos.Error.newBuilder() .setCode(Protos.Error.ErrorCode.SYNTAX_ERROR); closeReason = CloseReason.REMOTE_SENT_INVALID_MESSAGE; } conn.sendToClient(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage.newBuilder() .setError(errorBuilder) .setType(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage.MessageType.ERROR) .build()); conn.destroyConnection(closeReason); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * <p>Called when the connection terminates. Notifies the {@link StoredServerChannel} object that we can attempt to * resume this channel in the future and stops generating messages for the client.</p> * * <p>Note that this <b>MUST</b> still be called even after either * {@link ServerConnection#destroyConnection(CloseReason)} or * {@link PaymentChannelServer#close()} is called to actually handle the connection close logic.</p> */ public void connectionClosed() { lock.lock(); try {"Server channel closed."); connectionOpen = false; try { if (state != null && state.getMultisigContract() != null) { StoredPaymentChannelServerStates channels = (StoredPaymentChannelServerStates) wallet.getExtensions().get(StoredPaymentChannelServerStates.EXTENSION_ID); if (channels != null) { StoredServerChannel storedServerChannel = channels.getChannel(state.getMultisigContract().getHash()); if (storedServerChannel != null) { storedServerChannel.clearConnectedHandler(); } } } } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // Expected when we call getMultisigContract() sometimes } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Called to indicate the connection has been opened and messages can now be generated for the client. */ public void connectionOpen() { lock.lock(); try {"New server channel active."); connectionOpen = true; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * <p>Closes the connection by generating a close message for the client and calls * {@link ServerConnection#destroyConnection(CloseReason)}. Note that this does not broadcast * the payment transaction and the client may still resume the same channel if they reconnect</p> * * <p>Note that {@link PaymentChannelServer#connectionClosed()} must still be called after the connection fully * closes.</p> */ public void close() { lock.lock(); try { if (connectionOpen && !connectionClosing) { conn.sendToClient(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage.newBuilder() .setType(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage.MessageType.CLOSE) .build()); conn.destroyConnection(CloseReason.SERVER_REQUESTED_CLOSE); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } }