package be.bagofwords.db; import be.bagofwords.db.combinator.OverWriteCombinator; import be.bagofwords.db.helper.TestObject; import be.bagofwords.iterator.CloseableIterator; import be.bagofwords.util.KeyValue; import be.bagofwords.util.Utils; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import java.util.*; @RunWith(Parameterized.class) public class TestDataInterface extends BaseTestDataInterface { public TestDataInterface(DatabaseCachingType type, DatabaseBackendType backendType) throws Exception { super(type, backendType); } @Test public void sanityCheck() throws Exception { Random random = new Random(1204); DataInterface<TestObject> dataInterface = dataInterfaceFactory.createDataInterface(type, "sanityCheck", TestObject.class, new OverWriteCombinator<TestObject>()); dataInterface.dropAllData(); writeRandomObjects(dataInterface, 200, random); TestObject randomObj = createRandomObject(random); dataInterface.write("obj", randomObj); writeRandomObjects(dataInterface, 200, random); TestObject readObj ="obj"); Assert.assertEquals(randomObj, readObj); } @Test public void testDropData() throws Exception { Random random = new Random(); TestObject randomObj = createRandomObject(random); DataInterface<TestObject> dataInterface = dataInterfaceFactory.createDataInterface(type, "testDropData", TestObject.class, new OverWriteCombinator<TestObject>()); dataInterface.write("obj", randomObj); dataInterface.flush(); TestObject readObj ="obj"); Assert.assertEquals(randomObj, readObj); dataInterface.dropAllData(); Assert.assertNull("obj")); } @Test public void testIterator() throws Exception { int numOfExamples = 100; DataInterface<Integer> dataInterface = dataInterfaceFactory.createDataInterface(type, "testIterator", Integer.class, new OverWriteCombinator<>()); dataInterface.dropAllData(); for (int i = 0; i < numOfExamples; i++) { dataInterface.write(i, i); } dataInterface.flush(); assertIteratorReturnsCorrectValues(numOfExamples, dataInterface); assertIteratorReturnsCorrectValues(numOfExamples, dataInterface); //we test this twice because it has happened that a second invocation gave a different iterator } private void assertIteratorReturnsCorrectValues(int numOfExamples, DataInterface<Integer> dataInterface) { CloseableIterator<KeyValue<Integer>> it = dataInterface.iterator(); int numOfValuesInIterator = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { KeyValue<Integer> next =; long key = next.getKey(); Integer value = next.getValue(); Assert.assertEquals(value.intValue(), (int) key); numOfValuesInIterator++; } Assert.assertEquals(numOfExamples, numOfValuesInIterator); it.close(); } @Test public void testRandomValues() throws Exception { long numOfExamples = 200; DataInterface<TestObject> dataInterface = dataInterfaceFactory.createDataInterface(type, "testRandomValues", TestObject.class, new OverWriteCombinator<TestObject>()); dataInterface.dropAllData(); for (int i = 0; i < numOfExamples; i++) { dataInterface.write(Integer.toString(i), new TestObject(i, Integer.toString(i))); } dataInterface.flush(); for (int i = 0; i < numOfExamples; i++) { TestObject obj =; Assert.assertNotNull(obj); Assert.assertEquals(i, obj.getValue1()); } } @Test public void testCountsWithPause() throws Exception { long numOfExamples = 10000; DataInterface<Long> dataInterface = createCountDataInterface("testCountsWithPause"); dataInterface.dropAllData(); for (int i = 0; i < numOfExamples; i++) { dataInterface.write((long) i, 2l * i); } dataInterface.flush(); Utils.threadSleep(1000); //Give the cleanup threads time to run for (int i = 0; i < numOfExamples; i++) { long val = dataInterface.readCount(i); if (val != 2l * i) { dataInterface.readCount(i); } Assert.assertEquals(2l * i, val); } } @Test public void testWriteCountMap() throws Exception { int numOfExamples = 100; DataInterface<Long> dataInterface1 = createCountDataInterface("testWriteCountMap"); dataInterface1.dropAllData(); List<KeyValue<Long>> values = new ArrayList<>(); Map<Integer, Long> expectedValues = new HashMap<>(); Random random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < numOfExamples; i++) { long nextVal = random.nextLong(); values.add(new KeyValue<>(i, nextVal)); expectedValues.put(i, nextVal); } dataInterface1.write(values.iterator()); dataInterface1.flush(); for (int i = 0; i < numOfExamples; i++) { long nextVal = dataInterface1.readCount(i); Assert.assertEquals(expectedValues.get(i).longValue(), nextVal); } } @Test public void testDeleteValue() throws Exception { int numOfExamples = 100; DataInterface<Long> db = createCountDataInterface("testDeleteValue"); db.dropAllData(); for (int i = 0; i < numOfExamples; i++) { db.increaseCount(Integer.toString(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < numOfExamples; i += 2) { db.write(Integer.toString(i), null); } db.flush(); for (int i = 0; i < numOfExamples; i++) { Long count = db.readCount(Integer.toString(i)); if (i % 2 == 0) { Assert.assertEquals(0, count.intValue()); } else { Assert.assertEquals(1, count.intValue()); } } } @Test public void testApproximateSize() throws Exception { int numOfExamples = 1000; DataInterface<Long> db = createCountDataInterface("testApproximateSize"); db.dropAllData(); for (int i = 0; i < numOfExamples; i++) { db.increaseCount(Integer.toString(i)); } db.flush(); long apprSize = db.apprSize(); Assert.assertTrue(apprSize > 100); Assert.assertTrue(apprSize < 10000); db.flush(); apprSize = db.apprSize(); Assert.assertTrue(apprSize > 100); Assert.assertTrue(apprSize < 10000); } @Test public void testReadValuesWithIterator() throws Exception { int numOfExamples = 100; DataInterface<Long> db = createCountDataInterface("testReadValuesWithIterator"); db.dropAllData(); List<Long> valuesToRead = new ArrayList<>(); for (long i = 0; i < numOfExamples; i++) { db.write(i, i); if (i % 10 == 0) { valuesToRead.add(i); } } db.flush();; CloseableIterator<KeyValue<Long>> valueIterator = db.iterator(valuesToRead.iterator()); int numOfValuesRead = 0; Long prevKey = null; while (valueIterator.hasNext()) { KeyValue<Long> value =; Assert.assertNotNull(value); Assert.assertNotNull(value.getValue()); Assert.assertEquals(value.getKey(), value.getValue().longValue()); numOfValuesRead++; Assert.assertTrue("Received " + prevKey + " before " + value.getKey(), prevKey == null || prevKey < value.getKey()); prevKey = value.getKey(); } Assert.assertEquals(valuesToRead.size(), numOfValuesRead); valueIterator.close(); } @Test public void testKeyIterator() throws Exception { int numOfExamples = 100; DataInterface<Long> db = createCountDataInterface("testReadValuesWithIterator"); db.dropAllData(); Random random = new Random(1); List<Long> allKeys = new ArrayList<>(); for (long i = 0; i < numOfExamples; i++) { long key = random.nextLong(); db.write(key, key); allKeys.add(key); } db.flush(); Collections.sort(allKeys); CloseableIterator<Long> keyIterator = db.keyIterator(); while (keyIterator.hasNext()) { Long value =; Assert.assertNotNull(value); allKeys.remove(value); } Assert.assertTrue(allKeys.isEmpty()); keyIterator.close(); } @Test public void testDataChecksumIsConsistent() throws Exception { int numOfExamples = 10; DataInterface<Long> db = createCountDataInterface("testDataChecksumIsConsistent"); db.dropAllData(); Random random = new Random(10); Set<Long> keysToIncludeInChecksum = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < numOfExamples; i++) { long key = random.nextLong(); keysToIncludeInChecksum.add(key); db.write(key, random.nextLong()); } db.flush(); long checkSum = db.dataCheckSum(); Set<Long> keysToExcludeFromCheckSum = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < numOfExamples; i++) { long key = random.nextLong(); if (!keysToIncludeInChecksum.contains(key)) { keysToExcludeFromCheckSum.add(key); db.write(key, random.nextLong()); } } db.flush(); long checkSum2 = db.dataCheckSum(); Assert.assertNotSame(checkSum, checkSum2); for (Long key : keysToExcludeFromCheckSum) { db.remove(key); } for (Long key : keysToIncludeInChecksum) { db.write(key, 2l); } for (Long key : keysToIncludeInChecksum) { db.write(key, -2l); } db.flush(); long checkSum3 = db.dataCheckSum(); Assert.assertEquals(checkSum, checkSum3); db.close(); } @Test public void testNullString() { DataInterface<String> db = dataInterfaceFactory.createDataInterface(type, "testNullString", String.class, new OverWriteCombinator<String>()); db.dropAllData(); db.write("test", "null"); db.flush(); Assert.assertEquals("null","test")); db.write("test", null); db.flush(); Assert.assertEquals(null,"test")); db.write("test", "null"); db.flush(); Assert.assertEquals("null","test")); } @Test public void testMightContain() { DataInterface<String> db = dataInterfaceFactory.createDataInterface(type, "testMightContain", String.class, new OverWriteCombinator<String>()); db.write("doescontain", "hoi"); db.write("someothervalue1", "daag"); db.flush(); Assert.assertTrue(db.mightContain("doescontain")); Assert.assertTrue(db.mightContain("someothervalue1")); Assert.assertFalse(db.mightContain("someothervalue2")); } @Test public void testAccents() { DataInterface<String> dataInterface = dataInterfaceFactory.createDataInterface(type, "testAccents", String.class, new OverWriteCombinator<String>()); String valuesWithAccents = "mé$àç7€"; String keyWithAccents = "à§péçïàĺķĕƛ"; dataInterface.write("key", valuesWithAccents); dataInterface.write(keyWithAccents, valuesWithAccents); dataInterface.flush(); Assert.assertEquals(valuesWithAccents,"key")); Assert.assertEquals(valuesWithAccents,; } @Test public void testFlushIfNotClosed() { final DataInterface<Long> dataInterface = createCountDataInterface("testFlushIfNotClosed"); dataInterface.ifNotClosed(() -> dataInterface.flush()); dataInterface.close(); dataInterface.ifNotClosed(() -> dataInterface.flush()); } @Test public void testDataAppearsEventually() { DataInterface<Long> dataInterface = createCountDataInterface("testDataAppearsEventually"); long key = 42; dataInterface.write(key, 10l); Assert.assertTrue(findValue(dataInterface, key, 10l)); dataInterface.write(key, 1l); Assert.assertTrue(findValue(dataInterface, key, 11l)); } private boolean findValue(DataInterface<Long> dataInterface, long key, Long targetValue) { long started = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean foundValue = false; while (!foundValue && System.currentTimeMillis() - started < 5000) { foundValue = targetValue.equals(; Utils.threadSleep(10); } dataInterface.flush(); while (!foundValue && System.currentTimeMillis() - started < 10000) { foundValue = targetValue.equals(; Utils.threadSleep(10); } return foundValue; } private void writeRandomObjects(DataInterface<TestObject> dataInterface, int numOfExamples, Random random) throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < numOfExamples; i++) { dataInterface.write(Integer.toString(random.nextInt(10000)), createRandomObject(random)); } dataInterface.flush(); } private TestObject createRandomObject(Random random) { TestObject obj = new TestObject(); obj.setValue1(random.nextInt()); obj.setValue2(Integer.toString(random.nextInt())); return obj; } }