package be.bagofwords.db.experimental.rocksdb; import be.bagofwords.db.CoreDataInterface; import be.bagofwords.db.combinator.Combinator; import be.bagofwords.iterator.CloseableIterator; import be.bagofwords.util.DataLock; import be.bagofwords.util.KeyValue; import be.bagofwords.util.SerializationUtils; import; import org.rocksdb.*; import; import java.util.Iterator; /** * Created by Koen Deschacht ( on 9/17/14. */ public class RocksDBDataInterface<T> extends CoreDataInterface<T> { private final boolean useMergeHack; private final DataLock writeLock; private final WriteOptions delayedWriteOptions; private final File dbDirectory; private RocksDB db; public RocksDBDataInterface(String name, Class<T> objectClass, Combinator<T> combinator, String directory, boolean usePatch, boolean isTemporaryDataInterface) { super(name, objectClass, combinator, isTemporaryDataInterface); this.useMergeHack = usePatch; try { if (useMergeHack && objectClass == Long.class) { name = "_long_count_" + name; } dbDirectory = new File(new File(directory), name); if (dbDirectory.isFile()) { throw new RuntimeException(dbDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + " is a file, should be a directory..."); } else if (!dbDirectory.exists()) { boolean success = dbDirectory.mkdirs(); if (!success) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create directory " + dbDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); } } openDatabase(); } catch (RocksDBException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create database", e); } this.writeLock = new DataLock(); this.delayedWriteOptions = new WriteOptions(); } private void openDatabase() throws RocksDBException { Options options = new Options().setCreateIfMissing(true); db =, dbDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); } @Override public void write(Iterator<KeyValue<T>> entries) { writeLock.lockWriteAll(); try { WriteBatch writeBatch = new WriteBatch(); if (useMergeHack && getObjectClass() == Long.class) { while (entries.hasNext()) { KeyValue<T> next =; byte[] keyAsBytes = SerializationUtils.longToBytes(next.getKey()); if (next.getValue() == null) { writeBatch.remove(keyAsBytes); } else { writeBatch.merge(keyAsBytes, SerializationUtils.objectToBytes(next.getValue(), getObjectClass())); } } } else { while (entries.hasNext()) { KeyValue<T> next =; byte[] keyAsBytes = SerializationUtils.longToBytes(next.getKey()); T combinedValue = combineWithCurrentValue(next.getValue(), keyAsBytes); if (combinedValue == null) { writeBatch.remove(keyAsBytes); } else { writeBatch.put(keyAsBytes, SerializationUtils.objectToBytes(combinedValue, getObjectClass())); } } } db.write(delayedWriteOptions, writeBatch); } catch (RocksDBException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Received exception while trying to write multiple values to the DB", e); } finally { writeLock.unlockWriteAll(); } } @Override public void write(long key, T value) { byte[] keyAsBytes = SerializationUtils.longToBytes(key); writeLock.lockWrite(key); try { T combinedValue = combineWithCurrentValue(value, keyAsBytes); if (combinedValue == null) { db.remove(delayedWriteOptions, keyAsBytes); } else { db.put(delayedWriteOptions, keyAsBytes, SerializationUtils.objectToBytes(combinedValue, getObjectClass())); } } catch (RocksDBException exp) { throw new RuntimeException("Received exception while trying to write a single value to the DB", exp); } finally { writeLock.unlockWrite(key); } } private T combineWithCurrentValue(T value, byte[] keyAsBytes) throws RocksDBException { T currentValue = SerializationUtils.bytesToObject(db.get(keyAsBytes), getObjectClass()); T combinedValue; if (currentValue == null || value == null) { combinedValue = value; } else { combinedValue = getCombinator().combine(currentValue, value); } return combinedValue; } @Override public CloseableIterator<KeyValue<T>> iterator() { final RocksIterator rocksIterator = db.newIterator(); rocksIterator.seekToFirst(); return new CloseableIterator<KeyValue<T>>() { @Override protected void closeInt() { rocksIterator.dispose(); } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return rocksIterator.isValid(); } @Override public KeyValue<T> next() { long key = SerializationUtils.bytesToLong(rocksIterator.key()); T value = SerializationUtils.bytesToObject(rocksIterator.value(), getObjectClass());; return new KeyValue<>(key, value); } }; } @Override public void optimizeForReading() { //do nothing? } @Override public T read(long key) { writeLock.lockRead(key); try { T result = SerializationUtils.bytesToObject(db.get(SerializationUtils.longToBytes(key)), getObjectClass()); return result; } catch (RocksDBException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Received exception while reading single value", e); } finally { writeLock.unlockRead(key); } } @Override public synchronized void dropAllData() { writeLock.lockWriteAll(); db.close(); try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(dbDirectory); openDatabase(); } catch (Exception exp) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to drop all data", exp); } writeLock.unlockWriteAll(); } @Override public void flush() { //OK } @Override public synchronized void doClose() { db.close(); db = null; } @Override public long apprSize() { return exactSize(); } }