package be.bagofwords.db; import be.bagofwords.db.combinator.Combinator; import be.bagofwords.iterator.CloseableIterator; import be.bagofwords.iterator.DataIterable; import be.bagofwords.iterator.IterableUtils; import be.bagofwords.iterator.SimpleIterator; import be.bagofwords.text.BowString; import be.bagofwords.ui.UI; import be.bagofwords.util.HashUtils; import be.bagofwords.util.KeyValue; import be.bagofwords.util.StringUtils; import java.util.Iterator; import; public abstract class DataInterface<T extends Object> implements DataIterable<KeyValue<T>> { private final Combinator<T> combinator; private final Class<T> objectClass; private final String name; private final Object closeLock = new Object(); private boolean wasClosed; private boolean closeWasRequested; private final boolean isTemporaryDataInterface; protected DataInterface(String name, Class<T> objectClass, Combinator<T> combinator, boolean isTemporaryDataInterface) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Name can not be null or empty"); } = name; this.objectClass = objectClass; this.combinator = combinator; this.isTemporaryDataInterface = isTemporaryDataInterface; } public abstract T read(long key); public T read(String key) { return read(HashUtils.hashCode(key)); } public T read(BowString key) { return read(HashUtils.hashCode(key)); } public long readCount(long key) { Long result = (Long) read(key); if (result == null) return 0; else return result; } public long readCount(BowString key) { return readCount(HashUtils.hashCode(key)); } public long readCount(String key) { return readCount(HashUtils.hashCode(key)); } public boolean mightContain(String key) { return mightContain(HashUtils.hashCode(key)); } /** * This method can be overwritten in a subclass to improve efficiency */ public boolean mightContain(long key) { return read(key) != null; } public abstract CloseableIterator<KeyValue<T>> iterator(); /** * This method can be overwritten in a subclass to improve efficiency */ public CloseableIterator<Long> keyIterator() { final CloseableIterator<KeyValue<T>> keyValueIterator = iterator(); return new CloseableIterator<Long>() { @Override public boolean hasNext() { return keyValueIterator.hasNext(); } @Override public Long next() { return; } @Override public void closeInt() { keyValueIterator.close(); } }; } /** * This method can be overwritten in a subclass to improve efficiency */ public CloseableIterator<T> valueIterator() { final CloseableIterator<KeyValue<T>> keyValueIterator = iterator(); return new CloseableIterator<T>() { @Override public boolean hasNext() { return keyValueIterator.hasNext(); } @Override public T next() { return; } @Override public void closeInt() { keyValueIterator.close(); } }; } /** * This method can be overwritten in a subclass to improve efficiency */ public CloseableIterator<KeyValue<T>> iterator(final Iterator<Long> keyIterator) { return IterableUtils.iterator(new SimpleIterator<KeyValue<T>>() { @Override public KeyValue<T> next() throws Exception { while (keyIterator.hasNext()) { Long next =; T value = read(next); if (value != null) { return new KeyValue<>(next, value); } } return null; } }); } public CloseableIterator<KeyValue<T>> cachedValueIterator() { return new CloseableIterator<KeyValue<T>>() { @Override protected void closeInt() { //ok } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return false; } @Override public KeyValue<T> next() { return null; } }; } public abstract void optimizeForReading(); public abstract void dropAllData(); public abstract void flush(); public abstract long apprSize(); public Combinator<T> getCombinator() { return combinator; } public abstract DataInterface getCoreDataInterface(); public Class<T> getObjectClass() { return objectClass; } public void write(BowString key, T value) { write(HashUtils.hashCode(key.getS()), value); } public void write(String key, T value) { write(HashUtils.hashCode(key), value); } public abstract void write(long key, T value); public void increaseCount(String key, Long value) { write(key, (T) value); } public void increaseCount(long key, Long value) { write(key, (T) value); } public void increaseCount(String key) { increaseCount(key, 1l); } public void increaseCount(long key) { increaseCount(key, 1l); } public String getName() { return name; } public void remove(String key) { remove(HashUtils.hashCode(key)); } public void remove(long key) { write(key, null); } public long dataCheckSum() { CloseableIterator<KeyValue<T>> valueIterator = iterator(); final int numToSample = 10000; long checksum = 0; int numDone = 0; while (valueIterator.hasNext() && numDone < numToSample) { KeyValue<T> next =; if (next.getValue() == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Iterating over values returned null for key " + next.getKey()); } T value = next.getValue(); checksum += checksum * 31 + value.hashCode(); numDone++; } valueIterator.close(); return checksum; } /** * You don't want to use this if you could use apprSize() */ public long exactSize() { long result = 0; CloseableIterator<Long> keyIt = keyIterator(); while (keyIt.hasNext()) {; result++; } keyIt.close(); return result; } /** * This method can be overwritten in a subclass to improve efficiency */ public void write(Iterator<KeyValue<T>> entries) { while (entries.hasNext()) { KeyValue<T> entry =; write(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } /** * This method can be overwritten in a subclass to improve efficiency */ public Stream<KeyValue<T>> stream() { return, true); } /** * This method can be overwritten in a subclass to improve efficiency */ public Stream<T> streamValues() { return, apprSize(), false); } /** * This method can be overwritten in a subclass to improve efficiency */ public Stream<Long> streamKeys() { return, apprSize(), true); } public final void close() { requestClose(); ifNotClosed(() -> { if (isTemporaryDataInterface) { dropAllData(); } flush(); doClose(); wasClosed = true; } ); } protected void requestClose() { closeWasRequested = true; } protected abstract void doClose(); public final boolean wasClosed() { return wasClosed; } protected final boolean closeWasRequested() { return closeWasRequested; } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { ifNotClosed(() -> { if (!isTemporaryDataInterface()) { //the user did not close the data interface himself? UI.write("Closing data interface " + getName() + " because it is about to be garbage collected."); } close(); }); super.finalize(); } public void ifNotClosed(ActionIfNotClosed action) { synchronized (closeLock) { if (!wasClosed()) { action.doAction(); } } } public interface ActionIfNotClosed { public void doAction(); } public boolean isTemporaryDataInterface() { return isTemporaryDataInterface; } }