package be.bagofwords.db.filedb; import be.bagofwords.util.Pair; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; import java.util.List; class FileInfo implements Comparable { private long firstKey; private int readSize; private int writeSize; private byte[] cachedFileContents; //This field is only filled in when the file is clean (i.e. not isDirty) private long[] fileLocationsKeys; private int[] fileLocationsValues; public FileInfo(long firstKey, int readSize, int writeSize) { this.firstKey = firstKey; this.readSize = readSize; this.writeSize = writeSize; if (readSize == 0) { fileLocationsKeys = new long[0]; fileLocationsValues = new int[0]; } } public long getFirstKey() { return firstKey; } public int getReadSize() { return readSize; } public void fileWasRewritten(List<Pair<Long, Integer>> fileLocations, int newReadSize, int newWriteSize) { this.readSize = newReadSize; this.writeSize = newWriteSize; this.fileLocationsKeys = new long[fileLocations.size()]; this.fileLocationsValues = new int[fileLocations.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < fileLocations.size(); i++) { fileLocationsKeys[i] = fileLocations.get(i).getFirst(); fileLocationsValues[i] = fileLocations.get(i).getSecond(); } } @Override public int compareTo(Object o) { if (o instanceof FileInfo) { return, ((FileInfo) o).getFirstKey()); } else if (o instanceof Long) { return, (Long) o); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Can not compare FileInfo with " + o); } } public String toString() { return super.toString() + " " + getFirstKey() + " " + getReadSize() + " " + getWriteSize(); } public void increaseWriteSize(int diff) { this.writeSize += diff; } public long[] getFileLocationsKeys() { return fileLocationsKeys; } public int[] getFileLocationsValues() { return fileLocationsValues; } public long discardFileContents() { int bytesReleased = 0; if (cachedFileContents != null) { bytesReleased = cachedFileContents.length; cachedFileContents = null; } return bytesReleased; } @JsonIgnore public byte[] getCachedFileContents() { return cachedFileContents; } @JsonIgnore public void setCachedFileContents(byte[] cachedFileContents) { this.cachedFileContents = cachedFileContents; } public int getWriteSize() { return writeSize; } @JsonIgnore public boolean isClean() { return readSize == writeSize; } /** * Serialization: */ public FileInfo() { } public void setFirstKey(long firstKey) { this.firstKey = firstKey; } public void setReadSize(int readSize) { this.readSize = readSize; } public void setWriteSize(int writeSize) { this.writeSize = writeSize; } public void setFileLocationsKeys(long[] fileLocationsKeys) { this.fileLocationsKeys = fileLocationsKeys; } public void setFileLocationsValues(int[] fileLocationsValues) { this.fileLocationsValues = fileLocationsValues; } }