package be.bagofwords.db.remote; import be.bagofwords.application.ApplicationContext; import be.bagofwords.application.BaseServer; import be.bagofwords.application.memory.MemoryManager; import be.bagofwords.application.memory.MemoryStatus; import be.bagofwords.application.status.StatusViewable; import be.bagofwords.db.DataInterface; import be.bagofwords.db.DataInterfaceFactory; import be.bagofwords.db.DatabaseCachingType; import be.bagofwords.db.combinator.Combinator; import be.bagofwords.iterator.CloseableIterator; import be.bagofwords.iterator.IterableUtils; import be.bagofwords.iterator.SimpleIterator; import be.bagofwords.ui.UI; import be.bagofwords.util.*; import; import org.xerial.snappy.Snappy; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; public class RemoteDataInterfaceServer extends BaseServer implements StatusViewable { private static final long CLONE_BATCH_SIZE_PRIMITIVE = 100000; private static final long CLONE_BATCH_SIZE_NON_PRIMITIVE = 100; private final DataInterfaceFactory dataInterfaceFactory; /* This list keeps references to the data interfaces created by this server, so they are not garbage collected when the last socket handler for that interface is closed. We want them to be kept in memory, so the cached values are also kept in memory, and they can be reused quickly when the next connection is created to that interface. We probably don't want to use this list to look-up things, because the list kept by the DataInterfaceFactory should be considered the 'master' version. */ private final List<DataInterface> createdInterfaces; private final Object createNewInterfaceLock = new Object(); private final MemoryManager memoryManager; public RemoteDataInterfaceServer(ApplicationContext context) { super("RemoteDataInterfaceServer", Integer.parseInt(context.getConfig("remote_interface_port", "1208"))); this.dataInterfaceFactory = context.getBean(DataInterfaceFactory.class); this.memoryManager = context.getBean(MemoryManager.class); this.createdInterfaces = new ArrayList<>(); } @Override protected SocketRequestHandler createSocketRequestHandler(Socket socket) throws IOException { byte connectionTypeAsByte = (byte) socket.getInputStream().read(); if (connectionTypeAsByte < ConnectionType.values().length) { ConnectionType connectionType = ConnectionType.values()[connectionTypeAsByte]; if (connectionType == ConnectionType.CONNECT_TO_INTERFACE) { return new DataInterfaceSocketRequestHandler(new WrappedSocketConnection(socket)); } else if (connectionType == ConnectionType.BATCH_READ_FROM_INTERFACE) { return new DataInterfaceSocketRequestHandler(new WrappedSocketConnection(socket, true, false)); } else if (connectionType == ConnectionType.BATCH_WRITE_TO_INTERFACE) { return new DataInterfaceSocketRequestHandler(new WrappedSocketConnection(socket, false, true)); } } throw new RuntimeException("Unknown connection type " + connectionTypeAsByte); } public class DataInterfaceSocketRequestHandler extends BaseServer.SocketRequestHandler { private DataInterface dataInterface; private long startTime; private long totalNumberOfRequests; private DataInterfaceSocketRequestHandler(WrappedSocketConnection wrappedSocketConnection) throws IOException { super(wrappedSocketConnection); } private void prepareHandler() throws Exception { startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); String interfaceName = connection.readString(); boolean isTemporary = connection.readBoolean(); Class objectClass = readClass(); Class combinatorClass = readClass(); Combinator combinator = (Combinator) ReflectionUtils.createObject(combinatorClass); synchronized (createNewInterfaceLock) { dataInterface = findInterface(interfaceName); if (dataInterface != null) { if (dataInterface.getCombinator().getClass() != combinator.getClass() || dataInterface.getObjectClass() != objectClass || dataInterface.isTemporaryDataInterface() != isTemporary) { writeError(" Data interface " + interfaceName + " was already initialized!"); } else if (dataInterface.wasClosed()) { writeError(" Data interface " + interfaceName + " was closed!"); } } else { dataInterface = dataInterfaceFactory.createDataInterface(DatabaseCachingType.CACHED, interfaceName, objectClass, combinator, isTemporary); createdInterfaces.add(dataInterface); } } setName(getName() + "_" + dataInterface.getName()); connection.writeLong(LONG_OK); connection.flush(); } private DataInterface findInterface(String interfaceName) { synchronized (dataInterfaceFactory.getAllInterfaces()) { for (DataInterfaceFactory.DataInterfaceReference reference : dataInterfaceFactory.getAllInterfaces()) { if (reference.getSubsetName().equals(interfaceName)) { DataInterface dataInterface = reference.get(); if (dataInterface != null) { return dataInterface; } } } } return null; } @Override protected void handleRequests() throws Exception { prepareHandler(); connection.getOs().flush(); boolean keepReadingCommands = true; while (keepReadingCommands && !isTerminateRequested()) { keepReadingCommands = handleRequest(); totalNumberOfRequests++; connection.getOs().flush(); } } private boolean handleRequest() throws Exception { Action action = readNextAction(); if (action == Action.CLOSE_CONNECTION) { terminate(); } else { if (action == Action.EXACT_SIZE) { handleExactSize(); } else if (action == Action.APPROXIMATE_SIZE) { handleApproximateSize(); } else if (action == Action.READVALUE) { handleReadValue(); } else if (action == Action.WRITEVALUE) { handleWriteValue(); } else if (action == Action.READALLVALUES) { handleReadAllValues(); } else if (action == Action.READVALUES) { handleReadValues(); } else if (action == Action.WRITEVALUES) { handleWriteValues(); } else if (action == Action.READKEYS) { handleReadKeys(); } else if (action == Action.DROPALLDATA) { handleDropAllData(); } else if (action == Action.FLUSH) { handleFlush(); } else if (action == Action.MIGHT_CONTAIN) { handleMightContain(); } else if (action == Action.OPTMIZE_FOR_READING) { handleOptimizeForReading(); } else if (action == Action.READ_CACHED_VALUES) { handleReadCachedValues(); } else { writeError("Unkown action " + action); return false; } } return true; } private void handleReadCachedValues() throws IOException { CloseableIterator<KeyValue> iterator = dataInterface.cachedValueIterator(); writeValuesInBatches(iterator); iterator.close(); } private Action readNextAction() throws IOException { byte actionAsByte = connection.readByte(); return Action.values()[actionAsByte]; } @Override public long getTotalNumberOfRequests() { return totalNumberOfRequests; } @Override protected void reportUnexpectedError(Exception ex) { if (dataInterface != null) { UI.writeError("Unexpected exception in request handler for data interface " + dataInterface.getName(), ex); } else { UI.writeError("Unexpected exception in request handler", ex); } } public DataInterface getDataInterface() { return dataInterface; } public long getStartTime() { return startTime; } private void handleReadValues() throws IOException { CloseableIterator<KeyValue> valueIt = dataInterface.iterator(IterableUtils.iterator(new SimpleIterator<Long>() { @Override public Long next() throws Exception { return connection.readLong(); } }, LONG_END)); writeValuesInBatches(valueIt); valueIt.close(); } private void writeError(String errorMessage) throws IOException { connection.writeLong(LONG_ERROR); connection.writeString(errorMessage); } private void handleFlush() throws IOException { dataInterface.flush(); connection.writeLong(LONG_OK); } private void handleApproximateSize() throws IOException { long appSize = dataInterface.apprSize(); connection.writeLong(LONG_OK); connection.writeLong(appSize); } private void handleExactSize() throws IOException { long exactSize = dataInterface.exactSize(); connection.writeLong(LONG_OK); connection.writeLong(exactSize); } private void handleDropAllData() throws IOException { dataInterface.dropAllData(); connection.writeLong(LONG_OK); } private void handleOptimizeForReading() throws IOException { dataInterface.optimizeForReading(); connection.writeLong(LONG_OK); } private void handleWriteValues() throws IOException { dataInterface.write(new Iterator<KeyValue>() { private KeyValue nextValue; { //psuedo constructor readNextValue(); } private void readNextValue() { try { long key = connection.readLong(); if (key == LONG_END) { nextValue = null; } else { Object value = connection.readValue(dataInterface.getObjectClass()); nextValue = new KeyValue(key, value); } } catch (IOException exp) { throw new RuntimeException("Received exception while reading list of values", exp); } } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return nextValue != null; } @Override public KeyValue next() { KeyValue result = nextValue; readNextValue(); return result; } @Override public void remove() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented!"); } }); connection.writeLong(LONG_OK); } private void handleReadKeys() throws IOException { CloseableIterator<Long> it = dataInterface.keyIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Long key =; connection.writeLong(key); } it.close(); connection.writeLong(LONG_END); } private void handleReadAllValues() throws IOException { CloseableIterator<KeyValue> iterator = dataInterface.iterator(); writeValuesInBatches(iterator); iterator.close(); } private void writeValuesInBatches(CloseableIterator<KeyValue> iterator) throws IOException { //will write data in batches so we can compress key's and values separately List<Long> currentBatchKeys = new ArrayList<>(); List<Object> currentBatchValues = new ArrayList<>(); int widthOfObject = SerializationUtils.getWidth(dataInterface.getObjectClass()); long batchSize = widthOfObject != -1 && widthOfObject < 16 ? CLONE_BATCH_SIZE_PRIMITIVE : CLONE_BATCH_SIZE_NON_PRIMITIVE; while (iterator.hasNext()) { KeyValue curr =; currentBatchKeys.add(curr.getKey()); currentBatchValues.add(curr.getValue()); if (currentBatchKeys.size() >= batchSize || memoryManager.getMemoryStatus() != MemoryStatus.FREE) { writeCurrentBatch(currentBatchKeys, currentBatchValues); currentBatchKeys.clear(); currentBatchValues.clear(); } } if (!currentBatchKeys.isEmpty()) { writeCurrentBatch(currentBatchKeys, currentBatchValues); } connection.writeLong(LONG_END); connection.flush(); } private void writeCurrentBatch(List<Long> currentBatchKeys, List<Object> currentBatchValues) throws IOException { //write keys connection.writeLong(currentBatchKeys.size()); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(bos); for (Long key : currentBatchKeys) { dos.writeLong(key); } dos.close(); byte[] origKeys = bos.toByteArray(); connection.writeByteArray(origKeys); //write values bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); dos = new DataOutputStream(bos); for (Object value : currentBatchValues) { byte[] objectAsBytes = SerializationUtils.objectToBytesCheckForNull(value, dataInterface.getObjectClass()); if (SerializationUtils.getWidth(dataInterface.getObjectClass()) == -1) { dos.writeInt(objectAsBytes.length); } dos.write(objectAsBytes); } dos.close(); byte[] origValues = bos.toByteArray(); byte[] compressedValues = Snappy.compress(origValues); // UI.write("Compressed values from " + origValues.length + " to " + compressedValues.length); connection.writeByteArray(compressedValues); } private void handleReadValue() throws IOException { long key = connection.readLong(); Object value =; connection.writeValue(value, dataInterface.getObjectClass()); } private void handleMightContain() throws IOException { long key = connection.readLong(); boolean mightContain = dataInterface.mightContain(key); connection.writeBoolean(mightContain); } private void handleWriteValue() throws IOException { long key = connection.readLong(); Object value = connection.readValue(dataInterface.getObjectClass()); dataInterface.write(key, value); connection.writeLong(LONG_OK); } private Class readClass() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { String className = connection.readString(); return Class.forName(className); } @Override public void doTerminate() { IOUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } } public static enum Action { READVALUE, WRITEVALUE, READVALUES, READKEYS, WRITEVALUES, DROPALLDATA, CLOSE_CONNECTION, FLUSH, READALLVALUES, READ_CACHED_VALUES, APPROXIMATE_SIZE, MIGHT_CONTAIN, EXACT_SIZE, OPTMIZE_FOR_READING, } public static enum ConnectionType { CONNECT_TO_INTERFACE, BATCH_WRITE_TO_INTERFACE, BATCH_READ_FROM_INTERFACE } @Override public void doTerminate() { super.doTerminate(); } @Override public void printHtmlStatus(StringBuilder sb) { sb.append("<h1>Printing database server statistics</h1>"); ln(sb, "<table>"); ln(sb, "<tr><td>Used memory is </td><td>" + UI.getMemoryUsage() + "</td></tr>"); ln(sb, "<tr><td>Total number of connections </td><td>" + getTotalNumberOfConnections() + "</td></tr>"); List<RemoteDataInterfaceServer.SocketRequestHandler> runningRequestHandlers = getRunningRequestHandlers(); ln(sb, "<tr><td>Current number of handlers </td><td>" + runningRequestHandlers.size() + "</td></tr>"); List<RemoteDataInterfaceServer.SocketRequestHandler> sortedRequestHandlers; synchronized (runningRequestHandlers) { sortedRequestHandlers = new ArrayList<>(runningRequestHandlers); } Collections.sort(sortedRequestHandlers, (o1, o2) ->, o2.getTotalNumberOfRequests())); for (int i = 0; i < sortedRequestHandlers.size(); i++) { DataInterfaceSocketRequestHandler handler = (DataInterfaceSocketRequestHandler) sortedRequestHandlers.get(i); if (handler.getDataInterface() != null) { ln(sb, "<tr><td>" + i + " subset </td><td>" + handler.getDataInterface().getName() + "</td></tr>"); } ln(sb, "<tr><td>" + i + " Started at </td><td>" + new Date(handler.getStartTime()) + "</td></tr>"); ln(sb, "<tr><td>" + i + " Total number of requests </td><td>" + handler.getTotalNumberOfRequests() + "</td></tr>"); double requestsPerSec = handler.getTotalNumberOfRequests() * 1000.0 / (System.currentTimeMillis() - handler.getStartTime()); ln(sb, "<tr><td>" + i + " Average requests/s</td><td>" + NumUtils.fmt(requestsPerSec) + "</td></tr>"); } ln(sb, "</table>"); } private void ln(StringBuilder sb, String s) { sb.append(s); sb.append("\n"); } }