/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.cocoon.components.parser; import org.apache.avalon.framework.activity.Disposable; import org.apache.avalon.framework.component.ComponentException; import org.apache.avalon.framework.component.ComponentManager; import org.apache.avalon.framework.component.Composable; import org.apache.cocoon.components.resolver.Resolver; import org.apache.cocoon.xml.AbstractXMLProducer; import org.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl; import org.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentTypeImpl; import org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser; import org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; import java.io.IOException; /** * * @deprecated The Avalon XML Parser is now used inside Cocoon. This role * will be removed in future releases. * @author <a href="mailto:pier@apache.org">Pierpaolo Fumagalli</a> * (Apache Software Foundation) * @version CVS $Id$ */ public class XercesParser extends AbstractXMLProducer implements Parser, ErrorHandler, Composable, Disposable { /** the SAX Parser */ final SAXParser parser; /** the component manager */ protected ComponentManager manager; /** the Entity Resolver */ protected Resolver resolver = null; public XercesParser () throws SAXException { this.parser = new SAXParser(); this.parser.setFeature("http://xml.org/sax/features/validation", false); this.parser.setFeature("http://xml.org/sax/features/namespaces", true); } /** * Get the Entity Resolver from the component manager */ public void compose(ComponentManager manager) throws ComponentException { this.manager = manager; if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) { getLogger().debug("Looking up " + Resolver.ROLE); } if ( manager.hasComponent( Resolver.ROLE ) ) { this.resolver = (Resolver)manager.lookup(Resolver.ROLE); } } /** * Dispose */ public void dispose() { if (this.manager != null) { this.manager.release( this.resolver ); } } public void parse(InputSource in) throws SAXException, IOException { this.parser.setProperty("http://xml.org/sax/properties/lexical-handler", super.lexicalHandler); this.parser.setErrorHandler(this); this.parser.setContentHandler(super.contentHandler); if(this.resolver != null) this.parser.setEntityResolver(this.resolver); this.parser.parse(in); } /** * Create a new Document object. */ public Document newDocument() { return(newDocument(null,null,null)); } /** * Create a new Document object with a specified DOCTYPE. */ public Document newDocument(String name) { return(newDocument(name,null,null)); } /** * Create a new Document object with a specified DOCTYPE, public ID and * system ID. */ public Document newDocument(String name, String pub, String sys) { DocumentImpl doc=new DocumentImpl(); if ((pub!=null)||(sys!=null)) { DocumentTypeImpl dtd=new DocumentTypeImpl(doc,name,pub,sys); doc.appendChild(dtd); } else if (name!=null) { DocumentTypeImpl dtd=new DocumentTypeImpl(doc,name); doc.appendChild(dtd); } return(doc); } /** * Parses a new Document object from the given InputSource. */ public Document parseDocument(InputSource input) throws SAXException, IOException { DOMParser parser = null; try { parser = new DOMParser(); parser.setFeature("http://xml.org/sax/features/validation",false); parser.setFeature("http://xml.org/sax/features/namespaces",true); parser.parse(input); } catch (Exception pce) { getLogger().error("Could not build DocumentBuilder", pce); return null; } return parser.getDocument(); } /** * Receive notification of a recoverable error. */ public void error(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException { throw new SAXException("Error parsing "+e.getSystemId()+" (line "+ e.getLineNumber()+" col. "+e.getColumnNumber()+ "): "+e.getMessage(),e); } /** * Receive notification of a fatal error. */ public void fatalError(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException { throw new SAXException("Fatal error parsing "+e.getSystemId()+" (line "+ e.getLineNumber()+" col. "+e.getColumnNumber()+ "): "+e.getMessage(),e); } /** * Receive notification of a warning. */ public void warning(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException { throw new SAXException("Warning parsing "+e.getSystemId()+" (line "+ e.getLineNumber()+" col. "+e.getColumnNumber()+ "): "+e.getMessage(),e); } }