/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.cocoon.forms.datatype; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.apache.avalon.framework.context.Context; import org.apache.avalon.framework.context.ContextException; import org.apache.avalon.framework.context.Contextualizable; import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceException; import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceManager; import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.Serviceable; import org.apache.cocoon.forms.FormsConstants; import org.apache.cocoon.forms.datatype.convertor.Convertor; import org.apache.cocoon.forms.datatype.convertor.DefaultFormatCache; import org.apache.cocoon.forms.datatype.convertor.ConversionResult; import org.apache.cocoon.forms.util.DomHelper; import org.apache.cocoon.util.Deprecation; import org.apache.cocoon.util.location.LocationAttributes; import org.apache.excalibur.source.Source; import org.apache.excalibur.source.SourceResolver; import org.apache.excalibur.xml.sax.XMLizable; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import java.util.Locale; /** * Builds {@link SelectionList}s from an XML description or an URL. * * <p>Note: the class {@link DynamicSelectionList} also interprets the same * <code>fd:selection-list</code> XML, so if anything changes here to how * that XML is interpreted, it also needs to change over there and vice * versa.</p> * * @version $Id$ */ public class DefaultSelectionListBuilder implements SelectionListBuilder, Serviceable, Contextualizable { private ServiceManager serviceManager; private Context context; public void contextualize(Context context) throws ContextException { this.context = context; } public void service(ServiceManager manager) throws ServiceException { this.serviceManager = manager; } public SelectionList build(Element selectionListElement, Datatype datatype) throws Exception { SelectionList selectionList; String src = selectionListElement.getAttribute("src"); if (src.length() > 0) { // Principle of least surprise, use dynamic lists by default boolean dynamic = true; boolean usePerRequestCache = false; String cacheType = DomHelper.getAttribute(selectionListElement, "cache", null); // Read @cache if ("request".equals(cacheType)) { // Dynamic SelectionList cached per request dynamic = true; usePerRequestCache = true; } else if ("none".equals(cacheType)){ // Dynamic SelectionList non cached dynamic = true; } else if ("static".equals(cacheType)) { // Static SelectionList dynamic = false; } else { // Checking for deprecated @dynamic if (DomHelper.getAttribute(selectionListElement, "dynamic", null) != null) { Deprecation.logger.warn("'@dynamic' is deprecated in <fd:selection-list> and replaced by '@cache' at " + DomHelper.getLocation(selectionListElement)); dynamic = DomHelper.getAttributeAsBoolean(selectionListElement, "dynamic", false); } } // Create SelectionList if (dynamic) { selectionList = new DynamicSelectionList(datatype, src, usePerRequestCache, serviceManager, context); } else { selectionListElement = readSelectionList(src); selectionList = buildStaticList(selectionListElement, datatype); } } else { // selection list is defined inline selectionList = buildStaticList(selectionListElement, datatype); } return selectionList; } private SelectionList buildStaticList(Element selectionListElement, Datatype datatype) throws Exception { StaticSelectionList selectionList = new StaticSelectionList(datatype); Convertor convertor = null; Convertor.FormatCache formatCache = new DefaultFormatCache(); // Remove location attributes from the selection list LocationAttributes.remove(selectionListElement, true); NodeList children = selectionListElement.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; children.item(i) != null; i++) { Node node = children.item(i); if (convertor == null && node instanceof Element && FormsConstants.DEFINITION_NS.equals(node.getNamespaceURI()) && "convertor".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Element convertorConfigElement = (Element)node; try { convertor = datatype.getBuilder().buildConvertor(convertorConfigElement); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SAXException("Error building convertor from convertor configuration embedded in selection list XML.", e); } } else if (node instanceof Element && FormsConstants.DEFINITION_NS.equals(node.getNamespaceURI()) && "item".equals(node.getLocalName())) { if (convertor == null) { convertor = datatype.getConvertor(); } Element element = (Element)node; String stringValue = element.getAttribute("value"); Object value; if ("".equals(stringValue)) { // Empty value translates into the null object value = null; } else { ConversionResult conversionResult = convertor.convertFromString(stringValue, Locale.US, formatCache); if (!conversionResult.isSuccessful()) { throw new Exception("Could not convert the value \"" + stringValue + "\" to the type " + datatype.getDescriptiveName() + ", defined at " + DomHelper.getLocation(element)); } value = conversionResult.getResult(); } XMLizable label = null; Element labelEl = DomHelper.getChildElement(element, FormsConstants.DEFINITION_NS, "label"); if (labelEl != null) { label = DomHelper.compileElementContent(labelEl); } selectionList.addItem(value, label); } } return selectionList; } private Element readSelectionList(String src) throws Exception { SourceResolver resolver = null; Source source = null; try { resolver = (SourceResolver)serviceManager.lookup(SourceResolver.ROLE); source = resolver.resolveURI(src); InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(source.getInputStream()); inputSource.setSystemId(source.getURI()); Document document = DomHelper.parse(inputSource, this.serviceManager); Element selectionListElement = document.getDocumentElement(); if (!FormsConstants.DEFINITION_NS.equals(selectionListElement.getNamespaceURI()) || !"selection-list".equals(selectionListElement.getLocalName())) { throw new Exception("Expected a fd:selection-list element at " + DomHelper.getLocation(selectionListElement)); } return selectionListElement; } finally { if (resolver != null) { if (source != null) { resolver.release(source); } serviceManager.release(resolver); } } } }