package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.sequenceiq.cloudbreak.api.model.BlueprintRequest; import com.sequenceiq.cloudbreak.api.model.BlueprintResponse; import; import; import; import; public class BlueprintCommands implements BaseCommands { private ShellContext shellContext; public BlueprintCommands(ShellContext shellContext) { this.shellContext = shellContext; } @CliAvailabilityIndicator(value = "blueprint create") public boolean createAvailable() { return true; } @CliCommand(value = "blueprint create", help = "Add a new blueprint with either --url or --file") public String create( @CliOption(key = "name", mandatory = true, help = "Name of the blueprint to download from") String name, @CliOption(key = "description", help = "Description of the blueprint to download from") String description, @CliOption(key = "url", help = "URL of the blueprint to download from") String url, @CliOption(key = "file", help = "File which contains the blueprint") File file, @CliOption(key = "publicInAccount", help = "flags if the blueprint is public in the account", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "false", specifiedDefaultValue = "true") boolean publicInAccount) { try { String message; String json = file == null ? IOUtils.toString(new URL(url)) : IOUtils.toString(new FileInputStream(file)); if (json != null) { BlueprintRequest blueprintRequest = new BlueprintRequest(); blueprintRequest.setName(name); blueprintRequest.setDescription(description); blueprintRequest.setAmbariBlueprint(shellContext.objectMapper().readValue(json, JsonNode.class)); String id; if (publicInAccount) { id = shellContext.cloudbreakClient().blueprintEndpoint().postPublic(blueprintRequest).getId().toString(); } else { id = shellContext.cloudbreakClient().blueprintEndpoint().postPrivate(blueprintRequest).getId().toString(); } shellContext.addBlueprint(id); if (shellContext.cloudbreakClient().blueprintEndpoint().getPublics().isEmpty()) { if (shellContext.isMarathonMode()) { shellContext.setHint(Hints.CONFIGURE_MARATHON_HOSTGROUP); } else if (shellContext.isYarnMode()) { shellContext.setHint(Hints.CONFIGURE_YARN_HOSTGROUP); } else { shellContext.setHint(Hints.CONFIGURE_INSTANCEGROUP); } } else { if (shellContext.isMarathonMode()) { shellContext.setHint(Hints.CONFIGURE_MARATHON_HOSTGROUP); } else if (shellContext.isYarnMode()) { shellContext.setHint(Hints.CONFIGURE_YARN_HOSTGROUP); } else { shellContext.setHint(Hints.SELECT_STACK); } } message = String.format("Blueprint created with id: '%s' and name: '%s'", id, name); } else { message = "No blueprint specified"; } return message; } catch (Exception ex) { throw shellContext.exceptionTransformer().transformToRuntimeException(ex); } } @Override @CliAvailabilityIndicator(value = "blueprint list") public boolean listAvailable() { return true; } @Override @CliCommand(value = "blueprint list", help = "Shows the currently available blueprints") public String list() throws Exception { try { Set<BlueprintResponse> publics = shellContext.cloudbreakClient().blueprintEndpoint().getPublics(); return shellContext.outputTransformer().render(shellContext.responseTransformer().transformToMap(publics, "id", "name"), "ID", "INFO"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw shellContext.exceptionTransformer().transformToRuntimeException(ex); } } @Override @CliAvailabilityIndicator(value = { "blueprint select --id", "blueprint select --name" }) public boolean selectAvailable() { return shellContext.isBlueprintAccessible(); } @Override public String select(Long id, String name) { try { if (id != null) { if (shellContext.cloudbreakClient().blueprintEndpoint().get(id) != null) { shellContext.addBlueprint(id.toString()); shellContext.resetMarathonHostGroups(); shellContext.resetYarnHostGroups(); if (shellContext.isMarathonMode()) { shellContext.setHint(Hints.CONFIGURE_MARATHON_HOSTGROUP); } else if (shellContext.isYarnMode()) { shellContext.setHint(Hints.CONFIGURE_YARN_HOSTGROUP); } else if (shellContext.getStackId() != null) { shellContext.setHint(Hints.CONFIGURE_HOSTGROUP); } else { shellContext.setHint(Hints.CONFIGURE_INSTANCEGROUP); } return String.format("Blueprint has been selected, id: %s", id); } } else if (name != null) { BlueprintResponse blueprint = shellContext.cloudbreakClient().blueprintEndpoint().getPublic(name); if (blueprint != null) { shellContext.addBlueprint(blueprint.getId().toString()); shellContext.resetMarathonHostGroups(); shellContext.resetYarnHostGroups(); if (shellContext.isMarathonMode()) { shellContext.setHint(Hints.CONFIGURE_MARATHON_HOSTGROUP); } else if (shellContext.isYarnMode()) { shellContext.setHint(Hints.CONFIGURE_YARN_HOSTGROUP); } else if (shellContext.getStackId() != null) { shellContext.setHint(Hints.CONFIGURE_HOSTGROUP); } else { shellContext.setHint(Hints.CONFIGURE_INSTANCEGROUP); } return String.format("Blueprint has been selected, name: %s", name); } } return "No blueprint specified (select a blueprint by --id or --name)"; } catch (Exception ex) { throw shellContext.exceptionTransformer().transformToRuntimeException(ex); } } @CliCommand(value = "blueprint select --id", help = "Select the blueprint by its id") @Override public String selectById(@CliOption(key = "", mandatory = true) Long id) throws Exception { return select(id, null); } @CliCommand(value = "blueprint select --name", help = "Select the blueprint by its name") @Override public String selectByName(@CliOption(key = "", mandatory = true) String name) throws Exception { return select(null, name); } @Override @CliAvailabilityIndicator(value = { "blueprint show --id", "blueprint show --name" }) public boolean showAvailable() { return true; } @Override public String show(Long id, String name, OutPutType outPutType) { try { outPutType = outPutType == null ? OutPutType.RAW : outPutType; BlueprintResponse blueprintResponse; if (id != null) { blueprintResponse = shellContext.cloudbreakClient().blueprintEndpoint().get(id); } else if (name != null) { blueprintResponse = shellContext.cloudbreakClient().blueprintEndpoint().getPublic(name); } else { throw shellContext.exceptionTransformer().transformToRuntimeException("No blueprints specified"); } return shellContext.outputTransformer().render(outPutType, shellContext.responseTransformer().transformObjectToStringMap(blueprintResponse, "ambariBlueprint"), "FIELD", "INFO") + "\n\n" + shellContext.outputTransformer().render(outPutType, getComponentMap(blueprintResponse.getAmbariBlueprint()), "HOSTGROUP", "COMPONENT"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw shellContext.exceptionTransformer().transformToRuntimeException(ex); } } @CliCommand(value = "blueprint show --id", help = "Show the blueprint by its id") @Override public String showById( @CliOption(key = "", mandatory = true) Long id, @CliOption(key = "outputType", help = "OutputType of the response") OutPutType outPutType) throws Exception { return show(id, null, outPutType); } @CliCommand(value = "blueprint show --name", help = "Show the blueprint by its name") @Override public String showByName( @CliOption(key = "", mandatory = true) String name, @CliOption(key = "outputType", help = "OutputType of the response") OutPutType outPutType) throws Exception { return show(null, name, outPutType); } @Override @CliAvailabilityIndicator(value = { "blueprint delete --id", "blueprint delete --name" }) public boolean deleteAvailable() { return true; } @Override public String delete(Long id, String name) throws Exception { try { if (id != null) { shellContext.cloudbreakClient().blueprintEndpoint().delete(id); return String.format("Blueprint deleted with %s id", id); } else if (name != null) { shellContext.cloudbreakClient().blueprintEndpoint().deletePublic(name); return String.format("Blueprint deleted with %s name", name); } else { throw shellContext.exceptionTransformer().transformToRuntimeException("No blueprint specified (select a blueprint by --id or --name)"); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw shellContext.exceptionTransformer().transformToRuntimeException(ex); } } @CliCommand(value = "blueprint delete --id", help = "Delete the blueprint by its id") @Override public String deleteById(@CliOption(key = "", mandatory = true) Long id) throws Exception { return delete(id, null); } @CliCommand(value = "blueprint delete --name", help = "Delete the blueprint by its name") @Override public String deleteByName(@CliOption(key = "", mandatory = true) String name) throws Exception { return delete(null, name); } @CliAvailabilityIndicator(value = "blueprint defaults") public boolean defaultAvailable() { return true; } @CliCommand(value = "blueprint defaults", help = "Adds the default blueprints to Ambari") public String defaults() { String message = "Default blueprints added"; try { shellContext.cloudbreakClient().blueprintEndpoint().getPublics(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw shellContext.exceptionTransformer().transformToRuntimeException("Failed to add the default blueprints: " + ex.getMessage()); } return message; } @Override public ShellContext shellContext() { return shellContext; } private Map<String, List<String>> getComponentMap(String json) { Map<String, List<String>> map = new HashMap<>(); try { JsonNode hostGroups = shellContext.objectMapper().readTree(json.getBytes()).get("host_groups"); for (JsonNode hostGroup : hostGroups) { List<String> components = new ArrayList<>(); JsonNode componentsNodes = hostGroup.get("components"); for (JsonNode componentsNode : componentsNodes) { components.add(componentsNode.get("name").asText()); } map.put(hostGroup.get("name").asText(), components); } } catch (IOException e) { map = new HashMap<>(); } return map; } }