package com.sequenceiq.cloudbreak.doc; public class ModelDescriptions { public static final String ID = "id of the resource"; public static final String NAME = "name of the resource"; public static final String DESCRIPTION = "description of the resource"; public static final String PUBLIC_IN_ACCOUNT = "resource is visible in account"; public static final String CLOUD_PLATFORM = "type of cloud provider"; public static final String OWNER = "id of the resource owner that is provided by OAuth provider"; public static final String ACCOUNT = "account id of the resource owner that is provided by OAuth provider"; public static final String TOPOLOGY_ID = "id of the topology the resource belongs to"; public static final String REQUESTS = "request object"; public static final String RESPONSE = "response object"; public static final String CREATED = "creation time of the resource in long"; public static final String AMBARI_SERVER = "ambari server address"; private ModelDescriptions() { } public static class BlueprintModelDescription { public static final String URL = "url source of an ambari blueprint, set this or the ambariBlueprint field"; public static final String BLUEPRINT_NAME = "gathered from blueprintName field from the blueprint JSON"; public static final String AMBARI_BLUEPRINT = "ambari blueprint JSON, set this or the url field"; public static final String HOST_GROUP_COUNT = "number of host groups"; public static final String STATUS = "status of the blueprint"; public static final String INPUTS = "input parameters of the blueprint"; public static final String BLUEPRINT_PROPERTIES = "properties to extend the blueprint with"; } public static class CredentialModelDescription { public static final String PUBLIC_KEY = "public key for accessing instances"; public static final String LOGIN_USERNAME = "authentication name for machines"; public static final String PARAMETERS = "cloud specific parameters for credential"; } public static class OrchestratorModelDescription { public static final String TYPE = "type of the orchestrator (Swarm or Marathon)"; public static final String PARAMETERS = "orchestrator specific parameters, like authentication details"; public static final String ENDPOINT = "endpoint for the container orchestration api"; } public static class TemplateModelDescription { public static final String VOLUME_COUNT = "number of volumes"; public static final String VOLUME_SIZE = "size of volumes"; public static final String VOLUME_TYPE = "type of the volumes"; public static final String INSTANCE_TYPE = "type of the instance"; public static final String PARAMETERS = "cloud specific parameters for template"; } public static class ConstraintTemplateModelDescription { public static final String CPU = "number of CPU cores needed for the Ambari node"; public static final String MEMORY = "memory needed for the Ambari container (GB)"; public static final String DISK = "disk size needed for an Ambari node (GB)"; public static final String ORCHESTRATOR_TYPE = "type of orchestrator"; } public static class ImageModelDescription { public static final String IMAGE_NAME = "name of the image"; } public static class CloudbreakDetailsModelDescription { public static final String VERSION = "version of the Cloudbreak that provisioned the stack"; } public static class StackModelDescription { public static final String STACK_ID = "id of the stack"; public static final String IMAGE = "image of the stack"; public static final String STACK_NAME = "name of the stack"; public static final String REGION = "region of the stack"; public static final String AVAILABILITY_ZONE = "availability zone of the stack"; public static final String CREDENTIAL_ID = "credential resource id for the stack"; public static final String USERNAME = "ambari username"; public static final String PASSWORD = "ambari password"; public static final String ENABLE_SECURITY = "enable Kerberos security"; public static final String KERBEROS_MASTER_KEY = "kerberos master key"; public static final String KERBEROS_ADMIN = "kerberos admin user"; public static final String KERBEROS_PASSWORD = "kerberos admin password"; public static final String PARAMETERS = "additional cloud specific parameters for stack"; public static final String FAILURE_ACTION = "action on failure"; public static final String FAILURE_POLICY = "failure policy in case of failures"; public static final String STACK_STATUS = "status of the stack"; public static final String STATUS_REASON = "status message of the stack"; public static final String STATUS_REQUEST = "status of the scale request"; public static final String AMBARI_IP = "public ambari ip of the stack"; public static final String AMBARI_URL = "public ambari url"; public static final String NETWORK_ID = "network resource id for the stack"; public static final String CERTIFICATE = "certificate used by the gateway"; public static final String CLUSTER_STATUS = "status of the cluster"; public static final String PLATFORM_VARIANT = "cloud provider api variant"; public static final String ORCHESTRATOR = "the details of the container orchestrator api to use"; public static final String STACK_TEMPLATE = "freemarker template for the stack"; public static final String RELOCATE_DOCKER = "relocate the docker service in startup time"; public static final String CREATED = "creation time of the stack in long"; public static final String GATEWAY_PORT = "port of the gateway secured proxy"; public static final String AMBARI_VERSION = "specific version of ambari"; public static final String HDP_VERSION = "specific version of HDP"; public static final String IMAGE_CATALOG = "custom image catalog URL"; public static final String CLOUDBREAK_DETAILS = "details of the Cloudbreak that provisioned the stack"; public static final String S3_ACCESS_ROLE_ARN = "S3 access role arn"; public static final String VPC_ID = "cluster vpc id"; public static final String SUBNET_ID = "cluster subnet id"; public static final String FILE_SYSTEM = "external file system configuration"; public static final String INSTANCE_GROUPS = "collection of instance groupst"; public static final String CUSTOM_IMAGE = "custom image for the cluster"; public static final String INSTANCE_GROUP_ADJUSTMENT = "instance group adjustment"; public static final String TAGS = "stack related tags"; public static final String CREDENTIAL = "stack related credential"; public static final String NETWORK = "stack related network"; public static final String FLEX_ID = "id of the related flex subscription"; public static final String FLEX_SUBSCRIPTION = "the related flex subscription"; } public static class ClusterModelDescription { public static final String STATUS = "status of the cluster"; public static final String HIVE_DB = "name of the created hive db"; public static final String RANGER_DB = "name of the created ranger db"; public static final String AMBARI_DB = "name of the created ambari db"; public static final String STATUS_REASON = "status message of the cluster"; public static final String CLUSTER_NAME = "name of the cluster"; public static final String CLUSTER_ID = "id of the cluster"; public static final String BLUEPRINT_ID = "blueprint id for the cluster"; public static final String BLUEPRINT = "blueprint for the cluster"; public static final String VALIDATE_BLUEPRINT = "validate blueprint"; public static final String HOURS = "duration - how long the cluster is running in hours"; public static final String MINUTES = "duration - how long the cluster is running in minutes (minus hours)"; public static final String EMAIL_TO = "send email to the requested address"; public static final String EMAIL_NEEDED = "send email about the result of the cluster installation"; public static final String SERVICE_ENDPOINT_MAP = "most important services in the cluster"; public static final String CONFIG_STRATEGY = "config recommendation strategy"; public static final String LDAP_REQUIRED = "flag for default LDAP support"; public static final String SSSDCONFIG_ID = "SSSD config id for the cluster"; public static final String SSSDCONFIG = "SSSD config for the cluster"; public static final String ENABLE_SHIPYARD = "shipyard service enabled in the cluster"; public static final String BLUEPRINT_INPUTS = "blueprint inputs in the cluster"; public static final String BLUEPRINT_CUSTOM_PROPERTIES = "blueprint custom properties"; public static final String CUSTOM_CONTAINERS = "custom containers"; public static final String CUSTOM_QUEUE = "custom queue for yarn orchestrator"; public static final String CLUSTER_ATTRIBUTES = "Additional information for ambari cluster"; public static final String RDSCONFIG_IDS = "RDS configuration ids for the cluster"; public static final String RDSCONFIGS = "RDS configurations for the cluster"; public static final String LDAP_CONFIG_ID = "LDAP config id for the cluster"; public static final String LDAP_CONFIG = "LDAP config for the cluster"; public static final String HOSTGROUP_ADJUSTMENT = "host group adjustment"; public static final String ADJUSTMENT_TYPE = "type of adjustment"; public static final String STATUS_REQUEST = "request status"; public static final String USERNAME_PASSWORD = "user details"; public static final String HOSTGROUPS = "collection of hostgroups"; public static final String AMBARI_STACK_DETAILS = "details of the Ambari stack"; public static final String AMBARI_REPO_DETAILS = "details of the Ambari package repository"; public static final String AMBARI_DATABASE_DETAILS = "details of the external Ambari database"; public static final String AMBARI_DATABASE_ERROR = "result of Ambari database test"; public static final String RDS_CONFIGS = "details of the external database for Hadoop components"; public static final String RDS_CONNECTION_RESULT = "result of RDS connection test"; public static final String LDAP_CONNECTION_RESULT = "result of Ldap connection test"; } public static class GatewayModelDescription { public static final String ENABLE_KNOX_GATEWAY = "enable Knox gateway security"; public static final String KNOX_PATH = "Knox gateway path"; public static final String KNOX_GATEWAY_TYPE = "Knox gateway type"; public static final String KNOX_SSO_TYPE = "Knox SSO type"; public static final String KNOX_TOPOLOGY_NAME = "Knox topology name"; public static final String EXPOSED_KNOX_SERVICES = "exposed Knox services"; public static final String KNOX_SSO_PROVIDER = "SSO provider cluster name"; public static final String KNOX_SSO_CERT = "SSO Provider certificate"; public static final String KNOX_SSO_PUB_KEY = "SSO Provider pub key"; } public static class ClusterTemplateModelDescription { public static final String NAME = "name of the cluster template"; public static final String TEMPLATE = "stringified template JSON"; public static final String TYPE = "type of the cluster template"; } public static class ConnectorModelDescription { public static final String PLATFORM_VARIANTS = "platform variants"; public static final String DEFAULT_VARIANTS = "default variants"; public static final String DISK_TYPES = "disk types"; public static final String DEFAULT_DISKS = "default disks"; public static final String DISK_MAPPINGS = "disk mappings"; public static final String IMAGES = "default images"; public static final String IMAGES_REGEX = "images regex"; public static final String TAG_SPECIFICATIONS = "tag specifications"; public static final String SPECIAL_PARAMETERS = "custom parameters"; public static final String ORCHESTRATORS = "orchestrators"; public static final String DEFAULT_ORCHESTRATORS = "default orchestrators"; public static final String VIRTUAL_MACHNES = "virtual machines"; public static final String DEFAULT_VIRTUAL_MACHINES = "default virtual machines"; public static final String DEFAULT_VIRTUAL_MACHINES_PER_ZONES = "default virtual machines per zones"; public static final String VIRTUAL_MACHINES_PER_ZONES = "virtual machines per zones"; public static final String REGIONS = "regions"; public static final String AVAILABILITY_ZONES = "availability zones"; public static final String DEFAULT_REGIOS = "default regions"; } public static class AmbariRepoDetailsDescription { public static final String VERSION = "version of the Ambari"; public static final String AMBARI_BASE_URL = "url of the Ambari repository"; public static final String AMBARI_REPO_GPG_KEY = "gpg key of the Ambari repository"; } public static class AmbariDatabaseDetailsDescription { public static final String VENDOR = "vendor of the Ambari database"; public static final String NAME = "name of the Ambari database"; public static final String HOST = "host of the Ambari database"; public static final String PORT = "port of the Ambari database"; public static final String USER_NAME = "user name for the Ambari database"; public static final String PASSWORD = "password for the Ambari database"; } public static class AmbariStackDetailsDescription { public static final String STACK = "name of the stack, like HDP"; public static final String VERSION = "version of the stack"; public static final String OS = "operating system for the stack, like redhat6"; public static final String STACK_REPO_ID = "id of the stack repository"; public static final String UTILS_REPO_ID = "id of the stack utils repository"; public static final String STACK_BASE_URL = "url of the stack repository"; public static final String UTILS_BASE_URL = "url of the stack utils repository"; public static final String VERIFY = "whether to verify or not the repo url"; } public static class RDSConfig { public static final String CONNECTION_URL = "JDBC connection URL in the form of jdbc:<db-type>://<address>:<port>/<db>"; public static final String DB_TYPE = "Type of the external database (allowed values: MYSQL, POSTGRES)"; public static final String USERNAME = "Username to use for the jdbc connection"; public static final String PASSWORD = "Password to use for the jdbc connection"; public static final String NAME = "Name of the RDS configuration resource"; public static final String HDPVERSION = "HDP version for the RDS configuration"; public static final String VALIDATED = "If true, then the RDS configuration will be validated"; public static final String RDSTYPE = "Type of rds (HIVE or RANGER)"; public static final String RDS_PROPERTIES = "custom properties for rds connection"; public static final String RDS_REQUEST = "rds config request"; public static final String RDS_REQUEST_CLUSTER_NAME = "requested cluster name"; } public static class FileSystem { public static final String NAME = "name of the filesystem"; public static final String TYPE = "type of the filesystem"; public static final String DEFAULT = "true if fs.defaultFS should point to this filesystem"; public static final String PROPERTIES = "configuration of the filesystem access as key-value pairs"; } public static class RecipeModelDescription { public static final String CONTENT = "content of recipe"; public static final String TYPE = "type of recipe"; public static final String RECIPE_URI = "recipe uri"; } public static class SssdConfigModelDescription { public static final String PROVIDER_TYPE = "provider type"; public static final String URL = "comma-separated list of URIs of the LDAP servers"; public static final String SCHEMA = "schema of the database"; public static final String BASE_SEARCH = "search base of the database"; public static final String TLS_REQUCERT = "TLS behavior of the connection"; public static final String AD_SERVER = "comma-separated list of IP addresses or hostnames of the AD servers"; public static final String KERBEROS_SERVER = "comma-separated list of IP addresses or hostnames of the Kerberos servers"; public static final String KERBEROS_REALM = "name of the Kerberos realm"; public static final String CONFIGURATION = "custom configuration"; } public static class InstanceGroupModelDescription { public static final String INSTANCE_GROUP_NAME = "name of the instance group"; public static final String INSTANCE_GROUP_TYPE = "type of the instance group"; public static final String TEMPLATE = "instancegroup related template"; public static final String SECURITYGROUP = "instancegroup related securitygroup"; public static final String NODE_COUNT = "number of nodes"; public static final String TEMPLATE_ID = "referenced template id"; public static final String STATUS = "status of the instance"; public static final String SECURITY_GROUP_ID = "security group resource id for the instance group"; public static final String METADATA = "metadata of instances"; public static final String PARAMETERS = "cloud specific parameters for instance group"; } public static class InstanceGroupAdjustmentModelDescription { public static final String SCALING_ADJUSTMENT = "scaling adjustment of the instance groups"; public static final String WITH_CLUSTER_EVENT = "on stack update, update cluster too"; } public static class HostGroupModelDescription { public static final String RECIPE_IDS = "referenced recipe ids"; public static final String RECIPES = "referenced recipes"; public static final String HOST_GROUP_NAME = "name of the host group"; public static final String CONSTRAINT = "instance group or resource constraint for a hostgroup"; public static final String INSTANCE_GROUP = "name of an instance group where the hostgroup will be deployed"; public static final String CONSTRAINT_NAME = "name of a constraint template that defines the resource constraints for the hostgroup"; public static final String HOST_COUNT = "number of hosts in the hostgroup"; public static final String METADATA = "metadata of hosts"; public static final String RECOVERY_MODE = "recovery mode of the hostgroup's nodes"; } public static class UserNamePasswordModelDescription { public static final String NEW_USER_NAME = "new user name in ambari"; public static final String OLD_PASSWORD = "old password in ambari"; public static final String NEW_PASSWORD = "new password in ambari"; } public static class HostMetadataModelDescription { public static final String STATE = "state of the host"; } public static class HostGroupAdjustmentModelDescription { public static final String SCALING_ADJUSTMENT = "scaling adjustment of the host groups"; public static final String WITH_STACK_UPDATE = "on cluster update, update stack too"; public static final String VALIDATE_NODE_COUNT = "validate node count during downscale"; } public static class InstanceMetaDataModelDescription { public static final String PRIVATE_IP = "private ip of the insctance"; public static final String PUBLIC_IP = "public ip of the instance"; public static final String INSTANCE_ID = "id of the instance"; public static final String DISCOVERY_FQDN = "the fully qualified domain name of the node in the service discovery cluster"; } public static class FailurePolicyModelDescription { public static final String THRESHOLD = "threshold of failure policy"; } public static class UsageModelDescription { public static final String PROVIDER = "cloud provider of the stack"; public static final String COSTS = "computed costs of instance usage"; public static final String DAY = "the day the usage of resources happened"; public static final String INSTANCE_HOURS = "hours since the instance is running"; public static final String INSTANCE_TYPE = "type of instance"; public static final String INSTANCE_GROUP = "group name of instance"; public static final String BLUEPRINT_ID = "id of the blueprint"; public static final String BLUEPRINT_NAME = "name of the blueprint"; public static final String DURATION = "time since the instances are running in millisec"; public static final String INSTANCE_NUMBER = "number of instances running"; public static final String PEAK = "maximum number of instances running"; public static final String FLEX_ID = "flex subscription id"; public static final String SMARTSENSE_ID = "Smartsense subscription id"; public static final String STACK_UUID = "unique id of the cluster"; public static final String PARENT_UUID = "unique id of the controller instance"; } public static class EventModelDescription { public static final String TYPE = "type of the event"; public static final String TIMESTAMP = "timestamp of the event"; public static final String MESSAGE = "message of the event"; } public static class NetworkModelDescription { public static final String PARAMETERS = "provider specific parameters of the specified network"; public static final String SUBNET_CIDR = "the subnet definition of the network in CIDR format"; } public static class SecurityGroupModelDescription { public static final String SECURITY_RULES = "list of security rules that relates to the security group"; public static final String SECURITY_GROUP_ID = "Exisiting security group id"; } public static class SecurityRuleModelDescription { public static final String SUBNET = "definition of allowed subnet in CIDR format"; public static final String PORTS = "comma separated list of accessible ports"; public static final String PROTOCOL = "protocol of the rule"; public static final String MODIFIABLE = "flag for making the rule modifiable"; } public static class AccountPreferencesModelDescription { public static final String MAX_NO_CLUSTERS = "max number of clusters in the account (0 when unlimited)"; public static final String MAX_NO_NODES_PER_CLUSTER = "max number of vms in a cluster of account (0 when unlimited)"; public static final String MAX_NO_CLUSTERS_PER_USER = "max number of clusters for user within the account (0 when unlimited)"; public static final String ALLOWED_INSTANCE_TYPES = "allowed instance types in the account (empty list for no restriction)"; public static final String CLUSTER_TIME_TO_LIVE = "lifecycle of the cluster in hours (0 for immortal clusters)"; public static final String ACCOUNT_TIME_TO_LIVE = "lifecycle of the account and its clusters in hours (0 for immortal account)"; public static final String PLATFORMS = "list of the cloudplatforms visible on the UI"; } public static class LdapConfigModelDescription { public static final String SERVER_HOST = "public host or IP address of LDAP server"; public static final String SERVER_PORT = "port of LDAP server (typically: 389 or 636 for LDAPS)"; public static final String PROTOCOL = "determines the protocol (LDAP or LDAP over SSL)"; public static final String BIND_DN = "bind distinguished name for connection test and group search (e.g. cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org)"; public static final String BIND_PASSWORD = "password for the provided bind DN"; public static final String USER_SEARCH_BASE = "template for user search for authentication (e.g. dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org)"; public static final String USER_SEARCH_FILTER = "filter for user search for authentication (e.g. (&(objectclass=person)(sAMAccountName={2})) )"; public static final String GROUP_SEARCH_BASE = "template for group search for authorization (e.g. dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org)"; public static final String GROUP_SEARCH_FILTER = "filter for group search for authorization"; public static final String PRINCIPAL_REGEX = "parses the principal for insertion into templates via regex."; public static final String USER_SEARCH_ATTRIBUTE = "attribute name for simplified search filter (e.g. sAMAccountName)."; public static final String DOMAIN = "domain in LDAP server (e.g."; } public static class RDSConfigModelDescription { public static final String CLUSTER_NAMES = "list of clusters which use config"; } public static class TopologyModelDescription { public static final String NODES = "topology mapping"; } public static class SubscriptionModelDescription { public static final String ENDPOINT = "url of the endpoint"; } public static class FailureReport { public static final String FAILED_NODES = "List of failed nodes"; } public static class RepairClusterRequest { public static final String HOSTGROUPS = "List of hostgroups where the failed nodes will be repaired"; public static final String REMOVE_ONLY = "If true, the failed nodes will only be removed, otherwise the failed nodes will be removed and " + "new nodes will be started."; } public static class SmartSenseSubscriptionModelDescription { public static final String SUBSCRIPTION_ID = "Identifier of SmartSense subscription."; } public static class FlexSubscriptionModelDescription { public static final String FLEX_SUBSCRIPTION_ID = "Identifier of Flex subscription."; public static final String SMARTSENSE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID = "Identifier of SmartSense subscription Cloudbreak domain object json representation."; public static final String SMARTSENSE_SUBSCRIPTION = "The associated SmartSense subscription Cloudbreak domain object json representation."; public static final String IS_DEFAULT = "true if the flex subscription is the default one"; public static final String USED_FOR_CONTROLLER = "true if the flex subscription was used for the controller"; } }