package; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNoneEmpty; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.WordUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sequenceiq.cloudbreak.common.type.ResourceType; @Component public class AzureUtils { public static final int NOT_FOUND = 404; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AzureUtils.class); private static final String RG_NAME = "resourceGroupName"; private static final String SUBNET_ID = "subnetId"; private static final String NETWORK_ID = "networkId"; private static final String NO_PUBLIC_IP = "noPublicIp"; private static final String NO_FIREWALL_RULES = "noFirewallRules"; private static final int PORT_22 = 22; private static final int PORT_443 = 443; private static final int PORT_RANGE_NUM = 2; private static final int RG_PART = 4; private static final int ID_SEGMENTS = 9; private static final int SEC_GROUP_PART = 8; private static final int HOST_GROUP_LENGTH = 3; @Value("${}") private int maxResourceNameLength; public CloudResource getTemplateResource(List<CloudResource> resourceList) { for (CloudResource resource : resourceList) { if (resource.getType() == ResourceType.ARM_TEMPLATE) { return resource; } } throw new CloudConnectorException(String.format("No resource found: %s", ResourceType.ARM_TEMPLATE)); } public static String getGroupName(String group) { String shortened = WordUtils.initials(group.replaceAll("_", " ")).toLowerCase(); return shortened.length() <= HOST_GROUP_LENGTH ? shortened : shortened.substring(0, HOST_GROUP_LENGTH); } public static void removeBlankSpace(StringBuilder sb) { int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sb.length(); i++) { if (!Character.isWhitespace(sb.charAt(i))) { sb.setCharAt(j++, sb.charAt(i)); } } sb.delete(j, sb.length()); } public String getLoadBalancerId(String stackName) { return String.format("%s%s", stackName, "lb"); } public String getPrivateInstanceId(String stackName, String groupName, String privateId) { return String.format("%s%s%s", stackName, getGroupName(groupName), privateId); } public String getStackName(CloudContext cloudContext) { return Splitter.fixedLength(maxResourceNameLength - cloudContext.getId().toString().length()) .splitToList(cloudContext.getName()).get(0) + cloudContext.getId(); } public CloudResourceStatus getTemplateStatus(CloudResource resource, Deployment templateDeployment, AzureClient access, String stackName) { String status = templateDeployment.provisioningState();"Azure stack status of: {} is: {}", resource.getName(), status); ResourceStatus resourceStatus = AzureStackStatus.mapResourceStatus(status); CloudResourceStatus armResourceStatus = null; if (ResourceStatus.FAILED.equals(resourceStatus)) { LOGGER.debug("Cloud resource status: {}", resourceStatus); try { // TODO: discuss with Doktorics why this is needed DeploymentOperations templateDeploymentOperations = access.getTemplateDeploymentOperations(stackName, stackName); for (DeploymentOperation deploymentOperation : templateDeploymentOperations.list()) { if ("Failed".equals(deploymentOperation.provisioningState())) { String statusMessage = (String) deploymentOperation.statusMessage(); armResourceStatus = new CloudResourceStatus(resource, AzureStackStatus.mapResourceStatus(status), statusMessage); break; } } } catch (Exception e) { armResourceStatus = new CloudResourceStatus(resource, AzureStackStatus.mapResourceStatus(status), e.getMessage()); } } else { LOGGER.debug("Cloud resource status: {}", resourceStatus); armResourceStatus = new CloudResourceStatus(resource, AzureStackStatus.mapResourceStatus(status)); } return armResourceStatus; } public String getResourceGroupName(CloudContext cloudContext) { return getStackName(cloudContext); } public boolean isExistingNetwork(Network network) { return isNoneEmpty(getCustomNetworkId(network)) && isNoneEmpty(getCustomResourceGroupName(network)) && isNoneEmpty(getCustomSubnetId(network)); } public boolean isPrivateIp(Network network) { if (network.getParameters().containsKey(NO_PUBLIC_IP)) { return network.getParameter(NO_PUBLIC_IP, Boolean.class); } else { return false; } } public boolean isNoSecurityGroups(Network network) { if (network.getParameters().containsKey(NO_FIREWALL_RULES)) { return network.getParameter(NO_FIREWALL_RULES, Boolean.class); } else { return false; } } public String getCustomNetworkId(Network network) { return network.getStringParameter(NETWORK_ID); } public String getCustomResourceGroupName(Network network) { return network.getStringParameter(RG_NAME); } public String getCustomSubnetId(Network network) { return network.getStringParameter(SUBNET_ID); } public void validateSubnetRules(AzureClient client, Network network) { if (isExistingNetwork(network)) { String resourceGroupName = getCustomResourceGroupName(network); String networkId = getCustomNetworkId(network); String subnetId = getCustomSubnetId(network); try { Subnet subnet = client.getSubnetProperties(resourceGroupName, networkId, subnetId); NetworkSecurityGroup networkSecurityGroup = subnet.getNetworkSecurityGroup(); if (networkSecurityGroup != null) { validateSecurityGroup(client, networkSecurityGroup); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new CloudConnectorException("Subnet validation failed, cause: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } } public void validateStorageType(CloudStack stack) { for (Group group : stack.getGroups()) { InstanceTemplate template = group.getReferenceInstanceConfiguration().getTemplate(); String flavor = template.getFlavor(); String volumeType = template.getVolumeType(); AzureDiskType diskType = AzureDiskType.getByValue(volumeType); if (AzureDiskType.PREMIUM_LOCALLY_REDUNDANT.equals(diskType) && !flavor.contains("_DS")) { throw new CloudConnectorException("Only the DS instance types supports the premium storage."); } } } private void validateSecurityGroup(AzureClient client, NetworkSecurityGroup networkSecurityGroup) { String securityGroupId =; String[] parts = securityGroupId.split("/"); if (parts.length != ID_SEGMENTS) {"Cannot get the security group's properties, id: {}", securityGroupId); return; } try { NetworkSecurityGroup securityGroup = client.getSecurityGroupProperties(parts[RG_PART], parts[SEC_GROUP_PART]);"Retrieved security group properties: {}", securityGroup); Map<String, NetworkSecurityRule> securityRules = securityGroup.securityRules(); boolean port22Found = false; boolean port443Found = false; for (NetworkSecurityRule securityRule : securityRules.values()) { if (isValidInboundRule(securityRule)) { String destinationPortRange = securityRule.destinationPortRange(); if ("*".equals(destinationPortRange)) { return; } String[] range = destinationPortRange.split("-"); port443Found = port443Found || isPortFound(PORT_443, range); port22Found = port22Found || isPortFound(PORT_22, range); if (port22Found && port443Found) { return; } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new CloudConnectorException("Validating security group failed.", e); } throw new CloudConnectorException("The specified subnet's security group does not allow traffic for port 22 and/or 443"); } private boolean isValidInboundRule(NetworkSecurityRule securityRule) { String protocol = securityRule.protocol().toString().toLowerCase(); String access = securityRule.access().toString().toLowerCase(); String direction = securityRule.direction().toString().toLowerCase(); return "inbound".equals(direction) && ("tcp".equals(protocol) || "*".equals(protocol)) && "allow".equals(access); } private boolean isPortFound(int port, String[] destinationPortRange) { if (destinationPortRange.length == PORT_RANGE_NUM) { return isPortInRange(port, destinationPortRange); } return isPortMatch(port, destinationPortRange[0]); } private boolean isPortInRange(int port, String[] range) { return Integer.parseInt(range[0]) <= port && Integer.parseInt(range[1]) >= port; } private boolean isPortMatch(int port, String destinationPortRange) { return port == Integer.parseInt(destinationPortRange); } }