package com.sequenceiq.cloudbreak.doc; public class Notes { public static final String BLUEPRINT_NOTES = "Ambari Blueprints are a declarative " + "definition of a Hadoop cluster. With a Blueprint, you specify a stack, the component layout " + "and the configurations to materialize a Hadoop cluster instance. Hostgroups defined in blueprints " + "can be associated to different templates, thus you can spin up a highly available cluster " + "running on different instance types. This will give you the option to group your " + "Hadoop services based on resource needs (e.g. high I/O, CPU or memory) " + "and create an infrastructure which fits your workload best."; public static final String TEMPLATE_NOTES = "A template gives developers and systems administrators " + "an easy way to create and manage a collection of cloud infrastructure related resources, " + "maintaining and updating them in an orderly and predictable fashion. Templates are cloud specific " + "- and on top of the infrastructural setup they collect the information such as the used machine images, " + "the datacenter location, instance types, and can capture and control region-specific infrastructure variations. " + "We support heterogenous clusters - this one Hadoop cluster can be built by combining different templates."; public static final String CONSTRAINT_NOTES = "A constraint template tells Cloudbreak the resource constraints " + "(cpu, memory, disk) of the Ambari containers that will be deployed to the cluster. A constraint template must be created on" + "environments where there is no one-to-one mapping between containers and nodes, like Mesos."; public static final String CREDENTIAL_NOTES = "Cloudbreak is launching Hadoop clusters on the user's behalf - " + "on different cloud providers. One key point is that Cloudbreak does not store your " + "Cloud provider account details (such as username, password, keys, private SSL certificates, etc). " + "We work around the concept that Identity and Access Management is fully controlled by you - the end user. " + "The Cloudbreak deployer is purely acting on behalf of the end user - without having access to the user's account."; public static final String STACK_NOTES = "Stacks are template instances - a running cloud infrastructure " + "created based on a template. Stacks are always launched on behalf of a cloud user account. " + "Stacks support a wide range of resources, allowing you to build a highly available, reliable, " + "and scalable infrastructure for your application needs."; public static final String CLUSTER_NOTES = "Clusters are materialised Hadoop services on a given infrastructure. " + "They are built based on a Blueprint (running the components and services specified) and on " + "a configured infrastructure Stack. Once a cluster is created and launched, it can be used the usual" + " way as any Hadoop cluster. We suggest to start with the Cluster's Ambari UI for an overview of your cluster."; public static final String CLUSTER_TEMPLATE_NOTES = "Cluster templates are stored cluster configurations, which configurations are reusable any time"; public static final String RECIPE_NOTES = "Recipes are basically script extensions to a cluster that run on a set of nodes" + " before or after the Ambari cluster installation."; public static final String SSSDCONFIG_NOTES = "SSSD configs are defining external user database configuration for provisioned clusters."; public static final String USAGE_NOTES = "Cloudbreak gives you an up to date overview of cluster usage based " + "on different filtering criteria (start/end date, users, providers, region, etc)"; public static final String EVENT_NOTES = "Events are used to track stack creation initiated by cloudbreak users. " + "Events are generated by the backend when resources requested by the user become available or unavailable"; public static final String NETWORK_NOTES = "Provider specific network settings could be configured by using Network resources."; public static final String SECURITY_GROUP_NOTES = "Different inbound security rules(group) could be configured by using SecurityGroup resources " + "and a group could be assigned to any Stack(cluster)."; public static final String ACCOUNT_PREFERENCES_NOTES = "Account related preferences that could be managed by the account admins and different " + "restrictions could be added to Cloudbreak resources."; public static final String AMBARI_NOTES = "Ambari is used to provision the Hadoop clusters."; public static final String USER_NOTES = "Users can be invited under an account by the administrator, and all resources " + "(e.g. resources, networks, blueprints, credentials, clusters) can be shared across account users"; public static final String TOPOLOGY_NOTES = "A topology gives system administrators an easy way to associate compute nodes with data centers and racks."; public static final String RDSCONFIG_NOTES = "An RDS Configuration describe a connection to an external Relational Database Service " + "that can be used as the Hive Metastore."; public static final String LDAP_CONFIG_NOTES = "LDAP server integration enables the user to provide" + " a central place to store usernames and passwords for the users of his/her clusters."; public static final String CONNECTOR_NOTES = "Each cloud provider has it's own specific resources like instance types and disk types." + " These endpoints are collecting them."; public static final String SETTINGS_NOTES = "Collecting Cloudbreak specific resource settings."; public static final String SUBSCRIPTION_NOTES = "Accepting client subscriptions to notification events."; public static final String FAILURE_REPORT_NOTES = "Endpoint to report the failed nodes in the given cluster. If recovery mode for the node's hostgroup " + "is AUTO then autorecovery would be started. If recovery mode for the node's hostgroup is MANUAL, the nodes will be marked as unhealthy."; public static final String CLUSTER_REPAIR_NOTES = "Removing the failed nodes and starting new nodes to substitute them."; public static final String SMARTSENSE_SUBSCRIPTION_NOTES = "SmartSense subscriptions could be configured."; public static final String FLEX_SUBSCRIPTION_NOTES = "Flex subscriptions could be configured."; private Notes() { } }