package; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.sequenceiq.cloudbreak.common.type.ResourceType; public class GcpResourceExceptionTest { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GcpResourceExceptionTest.class); @Test public void shouldKeepTheCauseMessage() { //GIVEN String causeMessage = "Cause Message"; Throwable throwable = new Exception(causeMessage); //WHEN GcpResourceException subject = new GcpResourceException("New Message", throwable); //THEN Assert.assertEquals("The exception message is not correct!", "New Message\n [ Cause message: " + causeMessage + " ]\n", subject.getMessage()); } @Test public void shouldMessageBeWellFormattedWhenUsingCustomConstructor() { //GIVEN //WHEN GcpResourceException subject = new GcpResourceException("Error!", ResourceType.GCP_DISK, "disk-name"); //THEN Assert.assertEquals("The error message has not the right format!", "Error!: [ resourceType: GCP_DISK, resourceName: disk-name ]", subject.getMessage()); } @Test public void testShouldMessageBeWellFormattedWhenUsingLongConstructor() throws Exception { //GIVEN //WHEN GcpResourceException subject = new GcpResourceException("Error!", ResourceType.GCP_DISK, "disk-name", 123L, "create"); //THEN Assert.assertEquals("The error message has not the right format!", "Error!: [ resourceType: GCP_DISK, resourceName: disk-name, stackId: 123, operation: create ]", subject.getMessage()); } }