package org.castor.jdo.jpa.processors.fieldprocessors; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Member; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import javax.persistence.JoinTable; import javax.persistence.ManyToMany; import javax.persistence.OneToMany; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.castor.core.annotationprocessing.AnnotationTargetException; import org.castor.core.nature.BaseNature; import org.castor.jdo.jpa.natures.JPAFieldNature; import org.castor.jdo.jpa.processors.BaseJPAAnnotationProcessor; /** * Processes the JPA annotation {@link JoinTable}. After this processor is done, * all jointable related methods will return valid values. * * @author Peter Schmidt, Martin Kandler * @version 10.02.2009 * */ public class JPAJoinTableProcessor extends BaseJPAAnnotationProcessor { /** * The <a href="">Jakarta Commons * Logging</a> instance used for all logging. */ private static Log _log = LogFactory.getFactory().getInstance( JPAJoinTableProcessor.class); /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see org.castor.core.annotationprocessing.AnnotationProcessor#forAnnotationClass() */ public Class<? extends Annotation> forAnnotationClass() { return JoinTable.class; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see org.castor.core.annotationprocessing.TargetAwareAnnotationProcessor# * processAnnotation(BaseNature, AnnotatedElement) */ public <I extends BaseNature, A extends Annotation> boolean processAnnotation( final I info, final A annotation, final AnnotatedElement target) throws AnnotationTargetException { if ((info instanceof JPAFieldNature) && (annotation instanceof JoinTable) && ((target instanceof Field) || (target instanceof Method))) { _log.debug("processing field annotation " + annotation.toString()); boolean targetValid = false; if (target.getAnnotation(OneToMany.class) != null) { targetValid = true; } if (target.getAnnotation(ManyToMany.class) != null) { targetValid = true; } if (!targetValid) { _log .error("JoinTable annotation on " + ((Member) target).getName() + " is not valid! Needs a ManyToMany or unidiretional OneToMany " + "relationship annotation! Ignoring @JoinTable!"); return false; } JPAFieldNature jpaFieldNature = (JPAFieldNature) info; JoinTable joinTable = (JoinTable) annotation; jpaFieldNature.setJoinTableName(; /* * TODO: default f�r name */ jpaFieldNature.setJoinTableCatalog(joinTable.catalog()); jpaFieldNature.setJoinTableSchema(joinTable.schema()); jpaFieldNature.setJoinTableJoinColumns(joinTable.joinColumns()); jpaFieldNature.setJoinTableInverseJoinColumns(joinTable .inverseJoinColumns()); if (joinTable.catalog().length() != 0) { _log .warn("Castor does not support catalog definition for tables. " + "Use global definition."); } if (joinTable.schema().length() != 0) { _log .warn("Castor does not support schema definition for tables. " + "Use global definition."); } if (joinTable.uniqueConstraints().length != 0) { _log .warn("Castor does not support unique constraint definition for tables."); } } return false; } }