package org.exolab.castor.builder.factory; import org.castor.xml.JavaNaming; import org.exolab.castor.builder.AnnotationBuilder; import; import; import org.exolab.castor.builder.types.XSType; import org.exolab.javasource.JClass; import org.exolab.javasource.JDocComment; import org.exolab.javasource.JDocDescriptor; import org.exolab.javasource.JField; import org.exolab.javasource.JMethod; import org.exolab.javasource.JModifiers; import org.exolab.javasource.JParameter; import org.exolab.javasource.JPrimitiveType; import org.exolab.javasource.JSourceCode; import org.exolab.javasource.JType; import org.exolab.javasource.Java5HacksHelper; /** * This factory takes a FieldInfo and generates the suitable JFields * (and optional the getter and setter methods) into the JClass. */ public class FieldMemberAndAccessorFactory { /** * The {@link JavaNaming} to use. */ private JavaNaming _javaNaming;; /** * Creates a factory that offers public methods to create the * field initialization code as well as the getter/setter methods. * * @param naming JavaNaming to use */ public FieldMemberAndAccessorFactory(final JavaNaming naming) { _javaNaming = naming; } /** * Creates the field initialization code in a constructor. * * @param fieldInfo the fieldInfo to translate * @param jsc the JSourceCode in which to add the source to */ public void generateInitializerCode(final FieldInfo fieldInfo, final JSourceCode jsc) { //set the default value XMLInfoNature xmlNature = new XMLInfoNature(fieldInfo); if (!xmlNature.getSchemaType().isPrimitive()) { String value = fieldInfo.getDefaultValue(); boolean dateTime = xmlNature.getSchemaType().isDateTime(); if (value == null) { value = fieldInfo.getFixedValue(); } if (value != null) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(50); //date/time constructors throw ParseException that //needs to be catched in the constructor--> not the prettiest solution //when mulitple date/time in a class. if (dateTime) { jsc.add("try {"); jsc.indent(); } /* * fieldInfo.getWriteMethodName() will either prefix the method * with 'add' (for multivalued fields) or 'set'! * @see FieldInfo#getWriteMethodeName() */ buffer.append(fieldInfo.getWriteMethodName()); //buffer.append(FieldInfo.METHOD_PREFIX_SET); //buffer.append(fieldInfo.getMethodSuffix()); buffer.append('('); buffer.append(value); buffer.append(");"); jsc.add(buffer.toString()); if (dateTime) { jsc.unindent(); jsc.add("} catch (java.text.ParseException pe) {"); jsc.indent(); jsc.add("throw new IllegalStateException(pe.getMessage());"); jsc.unindent(); jsc.add("}"); } } } } //-- generateInitializerCode /** * Adds the suitable JField to the JClass. * * @param fieldInfo the fieldInfo to translate * @param jClass the jclass the jField will be added to */ public final void createJavaField(final FieldInfo fieldInfo, final JClass jClass) { XMLInfoNature xmlNature = new XMLInfoNature(fieldInfo); XSType type = xmlNature.getSchemaType(); JType jType = type.getJType(); JField field = new JField(type.getJType(), fieldInfo.getName()); if (xmlNature.getSchemaType().isDateTime()) { field.setDateTime(true); } if (fieldInfo.isStatic() || fieldInfo.isFinal()) { JModifiers modifiers = field.getModifiers(); modifiers.setFinal(fieldInfo.isFinal()); modifiers.setStatic(fieldInfo.isStatic()); } if (!(fieldInfo.getVisibility().equals("private"))) { JModifiers modifiers = field.getModifiers(); if (fieldInfo.getVisibility().equals("protected")) { modifiers.makeProtected(); } else if (fieldInfo.getVisibility().equals("public")) { modifiers.makePublic(); } } //-- set init String if (fieldInfo.getDefaultValue() != null) { field.setInitString(fieldInfo.getDefaultValue()); } if (fieldInfo.getFixedValue() != null && !xmlNature.getSchemaType().isDateTime()) { field.setInitString(fieldInfo.getFixedValue()); } //-- set Javadoc comment if (fieldInfo.getComment() != null) { field.setComment(fieldInfo.getComment()); } jClass.addField(field); //-- special supporting fields //-- has_field if ((!type.isEnumerated()) && (jType.isPrimitive())) { field = new JField(JType.BOOLEAN, "_has" + fieldInfo.getName()); field.setComment("keeps track of state for field: " + fieldInfo.getName()); jClass.addField(field); } //-- save default value for primitives //-- not yet finished /* if (type.isPrimitive()) { field = new JField(jType, "_DEFAULT" + name.toUpperCase()); JModifiers modifiers = field.getModifiers(); modifiers.setFinal(true); modifiers.setStatic(true); if (_default != null) field.setInitString(_default); jClass.addField(field); } */ } //-- createJavaField /** * Adds the getter/setter for this field to the jClass. * * @param fieldInfo the fieldInfo to translate * @param jClass the jclass the jField will be added to * @param useJava50 java version flag */ public void createAccessMethods(final FieldInfo fieldInfo, final JClass jClass, final boolean useJava50, final AnnotationBuilder[] annotationBuilders) { if ((fieldInfo.getMethods() & FieldInfo.READ_METHOD) > 0) { createGetterMethod(fieldInfo, jClass, useJava50, annotationBuilders); } if ((fieldInfo.getMethods() & FieldInfo.WRITE_METHOD) > 0) { createSetterMethod(fieldInfo, jClass, useJava50); } if (fieldInfo.requiresHasAndDeleteMethods()) { createHasAndDeleteMethods(fieldInfo, jClass); } } //-- createAccessMethods /** * Creates the Javadoc comments for the getter method associated with this * FieldInfo. * * @param fieldInfo the fieldInfo to translate * @param jDocComment the JDocComment to add the Javadoc comments to. */ private void createGetterComment(final FieldInfo fieldInfo, final JDocComment jDocComment) { String fieldName = fieldInfo.getName(); //-- remove '_' if necessary if (fieldName.indexOf('_') == 0) { fieldName = fieldName.substring(1); } String mComment = "Returns the value of field '" + fieldName + "'."; if ((fieldInfo.getComment() != null) && (fieldInfo.getComment().length() > 0)) { mComment += " The field '" + fieldName + "' has the following description: "; // XDoclet support - Add a couple newlines if it's a doclet tag if (fieldInfo.getComment().startsWith("@")) { mComment += "\n\n"; } mComment += fieldInfo.getComment(); } jDocComment.setComment(mComment); } //-- createGetterComment /** * Creates the getter methods for this FieldInfo. * * @param fieldInfo the fieldInfo to translate * @param jClass the JClass to add the methods to * @param useJava50 * true if source code is supposed to be generated for Java 5 */ private void createGetterMethod(final FieldInfo fieldInfo, final JClass jClass, final boolean useJava50, AnnotationBuilder[] annotationBuilders) { JMethod method = null; JSourceCode jsc = null; String mname = fieldInfo.getMethodSuffix(); XSType xsType = new XMLInfoNature(fieldInfo).getSchemaType(); JType jType = xsType.getJType(); //-- create get method method = new JMethod(fieldInfo.getReadMethodName(), jType, "the value of field '" + mname + "'."); // if (useJava50) { // Java5HacksHelper.addOverrideAnnotations(method.getSignature()); // } for (int i = 0; i < annotationBuilders.length; i++) { AnnotationBuilder annotationBuilder = annotationBuilders[i]; annotationBuilder.addFieldGetterAnnotations(fieldInfo, method); } jClass.addMethod(method); createGetterComment(fieldInfo, method.getJDocComment()); jsc = method.getSourceCode(); jsc.add("return this."); jsc.append(fieldInfo.getName()); jsc.append(";"); if (xsType.getType() == XSType.BOOLEAN_TYPE) { // -- create is<Property>t method method = new JMethod(fieldInfo.getIsMethodName(), jType, "the value of field '" + mname + "'."); // if (useJava50) { // Java5HacksHelper.addOverrideAnnotations(method.getSignature()); // } jClass.addMethod(method); createGetterComment(fieldInfo, method.getJDocComment()); jsc = method.getSourceCode(); jsc.add("return this."); jsc.append(fieldInfo.getName()); jsc.append(";"); } } //-- createGetterMethod /** * Creates the "has" and "delete" methods for this field associated with * this FieldInfo. These methods are typically only needed for primitive * types which cannot be assigned a null value. * * @param fieldInfo the fieldInfo to translate * @param jClass the JClass to add the methods to */ private void createHasAndDeleteMethods(final FieldInfo fieldInfo, final JClass jClass) { JMethod method = null; JSourceCode jsc = null; String mname = fieldInfo.getMethodSuffix(); XSType xsType = new XMLInfoNature(fieldInfo).getSchemaType(); xsType.getJType(); //-- create hasMethod method = new JMethod(fieldInfo.getHasMethodName(), JType.BOOLEAN, "true if at least one " + mname + " has been added"); jClass.addMethod(method); jsc = method.getSourceCode(); jsc.add("return this._has"); String fieldName = fieldInfo.getName(); jsc.append(fieldName); jsc.append(";"); //-- create delete method method = new JMethod(fieldInfo.getDeleteMethodName()); jClass.addMethod(method); jsc = method.getSourceCode(); jsc.add("this._has"); jsc.append(fieldName); jsc.append("= false;"); //-- bound properties if (fieldInfo.isBound()) { //notify listeners jsc.add("notifyPropertyChangeListeners(\""); if (fieldName.startsWith("_")) { jsc.append(fieldName.substring(1)); } else { jsc.append(fieldName); } jsc.append("\", "); //-- 'this.' ensures this refers to the class member not the parameter jsc.append(xsType.createToJavaObjectCode("this." + fieldName)); jsc.append(", null"); jsc.append(");"); } } //-- createHasAndDeleteMethods /** * Creates the Javadoc comments for the setter method associated with this * FieldInfo. * * @param fieldInfo the fieldInfo to translate * @param jDocComment the JDocComment to add the Javadoc comments to. */ private void createSetterComment(final FieldInfo fieldInfo, final JDocComment jDocComment) { String fieldName = fieldInfo.getName(); //-- remove '_' if necessary if (fieldName.indexOf('_') == 0) { fieldName = fieldName.substring(1); } String atParam = "the value of field '" + fieldName + "'."; String mComment = "Sets " + atParam; if ((fieldInfo.getComment() != null) && (fieldInfo.getComment().length() > 0)) { mComment += " The field '" + fieldName + "' has the following description: "; // XDoclet support - Add a couple newlines if it's a doclet tag if (fieldInfo.getComment().startsWith("@")) { mComment += "\n\n"; } mComment += fieldInfo.getComment(); } jDocComment.setComment(mComment); JDocDescriptor paramDesc = jDocComment.getParamDescriptor(fieldName); if (paramDesc == null) { paramDesc = JDocDescriptor.createParamDesc(fieldName, null); jDocComment.addDescriptor(paramDesc); } paramDesc.setDescription(atParam); } //-- createSetterComment /** * Creates the setter (mutator) method(s) for this FieldInfo. * * @param fieldInfo the fieldInfo to translate * @param jClass the JClass to add the methods to * @param useJava50 true if source code is supposed to be generated for Java 5 */ private void createSetterMethod(final FieldInfo fieldInfo, final JClass jClass, final boolean useJava50) { JMethod method = null; JSourceCode jsc = null; XMLInfoNature xmlNature = new XMLInfoNature(fieldInfo); String mname = fieldInfo.getMethodSuffix(); XSType xsType = xmlNature.getSchemaType(); JType jType = xsType.getJType(); //-- create set method /* * fieldInfo.getWriteMethodName() will either prefix the method * with 'add' (for multivalued fields) or 'set'! * @see FieldInfo#getWriteMethodeName() */ method = new JMethod(fieldInfo.getWriteMethodName()); jClass.addMethod(method); String paramName = fieldInfo.getName(); //-- make parameter name pretty, //-- simply for aesthetic beauty if (paramName.indexOf('_') == 0) { String tempName = paramName.substring(1); if (_javaNaming.isValidJavaIdentifier(tempName)) { paramName = tempName; } } method.addParameter(new JParameter(jType, paramName)); // if (useJava50) { // Java5HacksHelper.addOverrideAnnotations(method.getSignature()); // DAB Java 5.0 hack // } createSetterComment(fieldInfo, method.getJDocComment()); jsc = method.getSourceCode(); String fieldName = fieldInfo.getName(); //-- bound properties if (fieldInfo.isBound()) { // save old value jsc.add("java.lang.Object old"); jsc.append(mname); jsc.append(" = "); //-- 'this.' ensures this refers to the class member not the parameter jsc.append(xsType.createToJavaObjectCode("this." + fieldName)); jsc.append(";"); } //-- set new value jsc.add("this."); jsc.append(fieldName); jsc.append(" = "); jsc.append(paramName); jsc.append(";"); if (fieldInfo.getFieldInfoReference() != null) { jsc.add("this."); jsc.append(fieldInfo.getFieldInfoReference().getName()); jsc.append(" = "); JType referencedJType = new XMLInfoNature(fieldInfo.getFieldInfoReference()).getSchemaType().getJType(); if (referencedJType.isPrimitive()) { jsc.append(paramName); } else if (jType.isPrimitive()) { JPrimitiveType primitive = (JPrimitiveType) jType; jsc.append("new "); jsc.append(primitive.getWrapperName()); jsc.append("("); jsc.append(paramName); jsc.append(")"); } else { jsc.append(paramName); } jsc.append(";"); } //-- hasProperty if (fieldInfo.requiresHasAndDeleteMethods()) { jsc.add("this._has"); jsc.append(fieldName); jsc.append(" = true;"); } //-- bound properties if (fieldInfo.isBound()) { //notify listeners jsc.add("notifyPropertyChangeListeners(\""); if (fieldName.startsWith("_")) { jsc.append(fieldName.substring(1)); } else { jsc.append(fieldName); } jsc.append("\", old"); jsc.append(mname); jsc.append(", "); //-- 'this.' ensures this refers to the class member not the parameter jsc.append(xsType.createToJavaObjectCode("this." + fieldName)); jsc.append(");"); } } //-- createSetterMethod /** * Returns the javaNaming. * * @return the javaNaming instance */ public JavaNaming getJavaNaming() { return _javaNaming; } }