package; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apereo.cas.adaptors.x509.authentication.principal.X509CertificateCredential; import org.apereo.cas.adaptors.x509.authentication.revocation.checker.NoOpRevocationChecker; import org.apereo.cas.adaptors.x509.authentication.revocation.checker.RevocationChecker; import org.apereo.cas.adaptors.x509.util.CertUtils; import org.apereo.cas.authentication.Credential; import org.apereo.cas.authentication.DefaultHandlerResult; import org.apereo.cas.authentication.HandlerResult; import org.apereo.cas.authentication.PreventedException; import; import org.apereo.cas.authentication.principal.PrincipalFactory; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Authentication Handler that accepts X509 Certificates, determines their * validity and ensures that they were issued by a trusted issuer. (targeted at * X509v3) Optionally checks KeyUsage extension in the user certificate * (container should do that too). Note that this handler trusts the servlet * container to do some initial checks like path validation. Deployers can * supply an optional pattern to match subject dns against to further restrict * certificates in case they are not using their own issuer. It's also possible * to specify a maximum pathLength for the SUPPLIED certificates. (note that * this does not include a pathLength check for the root certificate) * [PathLength is 0 for the CA certificate that issues the end-user certificate] * * @author Scott Battaglia * @author Jan Van der Velpen * @since 3.0.4 */ public class X509CredentialsAuthenticationHandler extends AbstractPreAndPostProcessingAuthenticationHandler { /** * OID for KeyUsage X.509v3 extension field. */ private static final String KEY_USAGE_OID = ""; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(X509CredentialsAuthenticationHandler.class); /** * The compiled pattern supplied by the deployer. */ private final Pattern regExTrustedIssuerDnPattern; /** * Deployer supplied setting for maximum pathLength in a SUPPLIED * certificate. */ private final int maxPathLength; /** * Deployer supplied setting to allow unlimited pathLength in a SUPPLIED * certificate. */ private final boolean maxPathLengthAllowUnspecified; /** * Deployer supplied setting to check the KeyUsage extension. */ private final boolean checkKeyUsage; /** * Deployer supplied setting to force require the correct KeyUsage * extension. */ private final boolean requireKeyUsage; /** * The compiled pattern for trusted DN's supplied by the deployer. */ private final Pattern regExSubjectDnPattern; /** * Certificate revocation checker component. */ private final RevocationChecker revocationChecker; /** * Instantiates a new X 509 credentials authentication handler. * * @param name the name * @param servicesManager the services manager * @param principalFactory the principal factory * @param regExTrustedIssuerDnPattern the regex trusted issuer dn pattern * @param maxPathLength the max path length * @param maxPathLengthAllowUnspecified the max path length allow unspecified * @param checkKeyUsage the check key usage * @param requireKeyUsage the require key usage * @param regExSubjectDnPattern the regex subject dn pattern * @param revocationChecker the revocation checker. Sets the component responsible for evaluating certificate revocation status for client * certificates presented to handler. The default checker is a NO-OP implementation * for backward compatibility with previous versions that do not perform revocation checking. */ public X509CredentialsAuthenticationHandler(final String name, final ServicesManager servicesManager, final PrincipalFactory principalFactory, final Pattern regExTrustedIssuerDnPattern, final int maxPathLength, final boolean maxPathLengthAllowUnspecified, final boolean checkKeyUsage, final boolean requireKeyUsage, final Pattern regExSubjectDnPattern, final RevocationChecker revocationChecker) { super(name, servicesManager, principalFactory, null); this.regExTrustedIssuerDnPattern = regExTrustedIssuerDnPattern; this.maxPathLength = maxPathLength; this.maxPathLengthAllowUnspecified = maxPathLengthAllowUnspecified; this.checkKeyUsage = checkKeyUsage; this.requireKeyUsage = requireKeyUsage; this.regExSubjectDnPattern = regExSubjectDnPattern; if (revocationChecker == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Revocation checker is not configured"); } this.revocationChecker = revocationChecker; } public X509CredentialsAuthenticationHandler(final Pattern regExTrustedIssuerDnPattern) { this(regExTrustedIssuerDnPattern, new NoOpRevocationChecker()); } public X509CredentialsAuthenticationHandler(final Pattern regExTrustedIssuerDnPattern, final boolean maxPathLengthAllowUnspecified, final Pattern regExSubjectDnPattern) { this(StringUtils.EMPTY, null, null, regExTrustedIssuerDnPattern, Integer.MAX_VALUE, maxPathLengthAllowUnspecified, false, false, regExSubjectDnPattern, new NoOpRevocationChecker()); } public X509CredentialsAuthenticationHandler(final Pattern regExTrustedIssuerDnPattern, final boolean maxPathLengthAllowUnspecified, final boolean checkKeyUsage, final boolean requireKeyUsage) { this(StringUtils.EMPTY, null, null, regExTrustedIssuerDnPattern, Integer.MAX_VALUE, maxPathLengthAllowUnspecified, checkKeyUsage, requireKeyUsage, null, new NoOpRevocationChecker()); } public X509CredentialsAuthenticationHandler(final Pattern regExTrustedIssuerDnPattern, final RevocationChecker revocationChecker) { this(StringUtils.EMPTY, null, null, regExTrustedIssuerDnPattern, Integer.MAX_VALUE, false, false, false, null, revocationChecker); } @Override public boolean supports(final Credential credential) { return credential != null && X509CertificateCredential.class.isAssignableFrom(credential.getClass()); } @Override protected HandlerResult doAuthentication(final Credential credential) throws GeneralSecurityException, PreventedException { final X509CertificateCredential x509Credential = (X509CertificateCredential) credential; final X509Certificate[] certificates = x509Credential.getCertificates(); X509Certificate clientCert = null; boolean hasTrustedIssuer = false; for (int i = certificates.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final X509Certificate certificate = certificates[i]; LOGGER.debug("Evaluating [{}]", CertUtils.toString(certificate)); validate(certificate); if (!hasTrustedIssuer) { hasTrustedIssuer = isCertificateFromTrustedIssuer(certificate); } // getBasicConstraints returns pathLenConstraints which is generally // >=0 when this is a CA cert and -1 when it's not final int pathLength = certificate.getBasicConstraints(); if (pathLength < 0) { LOGGER.debug("Found valid client certificate"); clientCert = certificate; } else { LOGGER.debug("Found valid CA certificate"); } } if (hasTrustedIssuer && clientCert != null) { x509Credential.setCertificate(clientCert); return new DefaultHandlerResult(this, x509Credential, this.principalFactory.createPrincipal(x509Credential.getId())); } LOGGER.warn("Either client certificate could not be determined, or a trusted issuer could not be located"); throw new FailedLoginException(); } /** * Validate the X509Certificate received. * * @param cert the cert * @throws GeneralSecurityException the general security exception */ private void validate(final X509Certificate cert) throws GeneralSecurityException { cert.checkValidity(); this.revocationChecker.check(cert); final int pathLength = cert.getBasicConstraints(); if (pathLength < 0) { if (!isCertificateAllowed(cert)) { throw new FailedLoginException( "Certificate subject does not match pattern " + this.regExSubjectDnPattern.pattern()); } if (this.checkKeyUsage && !isValidKeyUsage(cert)) { throw new FailedLoginException( "Certificate keyUsage constraint forbids SSL client authentication."); } } else { // Check pathLength for CA cert if (pathLength == Integer.MAX_VALUE && !this.maxPathLengthAllowUnspecified) { throw new FailedLoginException("Unlimited certificate path length not allowed by configuration."); } if (pathLength > this.maxPathLength && pathLength < Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new FailedLoginException(String.format( "Certificate path length %s exceeds maximum value %s.", pathLength, this.maxPathLength)); } } } /** * Checks if is valid key usage. <p> * KeyUsage ::= BIT STRING { digitalSignature (0), nonRepudiation (1), * keyEncipherment (2), dataEncipherment (3), keyAgreement (4), * keyCertSign (5), cRLSign (6), encipherOnly (7), decipherOnly (8) } * * @param certificate the certificate * @return true, if valid key usage */ private boolean isValidKeyUsage(final X509Certificate certificate) { LOGGER.debug("Checking certificate keyUsage extension"); final boolean[] keyUsage = certificate.getKeyUsage(); if (keyUsage == null) { LOGGER.warn("Configuration specifies checkKeyUsage but keyUsage extension not found in certificate."); return !this.requireKeyUsage; } final boolean valid; if (isCritical(certificate, KEY_USAGE_OID) || this.requireKeyUsage) { LOGGER.debug("KeyUsage extension is marked critical or required by configuration."); valid = keyUsage[0]; } else { LOGGER.debug( "KeyUsage digitalSignature=%s, Returning true since keyUsage validation not required by configuration."); valid = true; } return valid; } /** * Checks if critical extension oids contain the extension oid. * * @param certificate the certificate * @param extensionOid the extension oid * @return true, if critical */ private static boolean isCritical(final X509Certificate certificate, final String extensionOid) { final Set<String> criticalOids = certificate.getCriticalExtensionOIDs(); if (criticalOids == null || criticalOids.isEmpty()) { return false; } return criticalOids.contains(extensionOid); } /** * Checks if is certificate allowed based no the pattern given. * * @param cert the cert * @return true, if certificate allowed */ private boolean isCertificateAllowed(final X509Certificate cert) { return doesNameMatchPattern(cert.getSubjectDN(), this.regExSubjectDnPattern); } /** * Checks if is certificate from trusted issuer based on the regex pattern. * * @param cert the cert * @return true, if certificate from trusted issuer */ private boolean isCertificateFromTrustedIssuer(final X509Certificate cert) { return doesNameMatchPattern(cert.getIssuerDN(), this.regExTrustedIssuerDnPattern); } /** * Does principal name match pattern? * * @param principal the principal * @param pattern the pattern * @return true, if successful */ private static boolean doesNameMatchPattern(final Principal principal, final Pattern pattern) { if (pattern != null) { final String name = principal.getName(); final boolean result = pattern.matcher(name).matches(); LOGGER.debug("[{}] matches [{}] == [{}]", pattern.pattern(), name, result); return result; } return true; } }