package; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringStyle; import org.apereo.cas.authentication.principal.Principal; import org.apereo.cas.authentication.principal.Service; import org.apereo.cas.util.spring.ApplicationContextProvider; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; /** * Determines the username for this registered service based on a principal attribute. * If the attribute is not found, default principal id is returned. * * @author Misagh Moayyed * @since 4.1.0 */ public class PrincipalAttributeRegisteredServiceUsernameProvider extends BaseRegisteredServiceUsernameAttributeProvider { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3546719400741715137L; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PrincipalAttributeRegisteredServiceUsernameProvider.class); private String usernameAttribute; /** * Private constructor to get around serialization issues. */ private PrincipalAttributeRegisteredServiceUsernameProvider() { this.usernameAttribute = null; } /** * Instantiates a new default registered service username provider. * * @param usernameAttribute the username attribute */ public PrincipalAttributeRegisteredServiceUsernameProvider(final String usernameAttribute) { this.usernameAttribute = usernameAttribute; } public PrincipalAttributeRegisteredServiceUsernameProvider(final String usernameAttribute, final String canonicalizationMode) { super(canonicalizationMode); this.usernameAttribute = usernameAttribute; } public String getUsernameAttribute() { return this.usernameAttribute; } @Override public String resolveUsernameInternal(final Principal principal, final Service service) { String principalId = principal.getId(); final Map<String, Object> originalPrincipalAttributes = new TreeMap<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); originalPrincipalAttributes.putAll(principal.getAttributes()); final Map<String, Object> attributes = new TreeMap<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); attributes.putAll(getPrincipalAttributes(principal, service)); LOGGER.debug("Principal attributes available for selection of username attribute [{}] are [{}].", this.usernameAttribute, attributes); if (attributes.containsKey(this.usernameAttribute)) { principalId = attributes.get(this.usernameAttribute).toString(); } else if (originalPrincipalAttributes.containsKey(this.usernameAttribute)) { LOGGER.warn("The selected username attribute [{}] was retrieved as a direct " + "principal attributes and not through the attribute release policy for service [{}]. " + "CAS is unable to detect new attribute values for [{}] after authentication unless the attribute " + "is explicitly authorized for release via the service attribute release policy.", this.usernameAttribute, service, this.usernameAttribute); principalId = originalPrincipalAttributes.get(this.usernameAttribute).toString(); } else { LOGGER.warn("Principal [{}] does not have an attribute [{}] among attributes [{}] so CAS cannot " + "provide the user attribute the service expects. " + "CAS will instead return the default principal id [{}]. Ensure the attribute selected as the username " + "is allowed to be released by the service attribute release policy.", principalId, this.usernameAttribute, attributes, principalId); } LOGGER.debug("Principal id to return for [{}] is [{}]. The default principal id is [{}].", service.getId(), principalId, principal.getId()); return principalId.trim(); } @Override public String toString() { final ToStringBuilder toStringBuilder = new ToStringBuilder(null, ToStringStyle.SHORT_PREFIX_STYLE); toStringBuilder.append("usernameAttribute", this.usernameAttribute); return toStringBuilder.toString(); } @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return false; } if (obj == this) { return true; } if (obj.getClass() != getClass()) { return false; } final PrincipalAttributeRegisteredServiceUsernameProvider rhs = (PrincipalAttributeRegisteredServiceUsernameProvider) obj; return new EqualsBuilder() .append(this.usernameAttribute, rhs.usernameAttribute) .isEquals(); } @Override public int hashCode() { return new HashCodeBuilder() .append(this.usernameAttribute) .toHashCode(); } /** * Gets principal attributes. Will attempt to locate the principal * attribute repository from the context if one is defined to use * that instance to locate attributes. If none is available, * will use the default principal attributes. * * @param p the principal * @param service the service * @return the principal attributes */ protected Map<String, Object> getPrincipalAttributes(final Principal p, final Service service) { final ApplicationContext context = ApplicationContextProvider.getApplicationContext(); if (context != null) { LOGGER.debug("Located application context to locate the service registry entry"); final ServicesManager servicesManager = context.getBean(ServicesManager.class); if (servicesManager != null) { final RegisteredService registeredService = servicesManager.findServiceBy(service); if (registeredService != null && registeredService.getAccessStrategy().isServiceAccessAllowed()) { LOGGER.debug("Located service [{}] in the registry. Attempting to resolve attributes for [{}]", registeredService, p.getId()); if (registeredService.getAttributeReleasePolicy() == null) { LOGGER.debug("No attribute release policy is defined for [{}]. Returning default principal attributes", service.getId()); return p.getAttributes(); } return registeredService.getAttributeReleasePolicy().getAttributes(p, service, registeredService); } } LOGGER.debug("Could not locate service [{}] in the registry.", service.getId()); throw new UnauthorizedServiceException(UnauthorizedServiceException.CODE_UNAUTHZ_SERVICE); } LOGGER.warn("No application context could be detected. Returning default principal attributes"); return p.getAttributes(); } public void setUsernameAttribute(final String usernameAttribute) { this.usernameAttribute = usernameAttribute; } }