package org.apereo.cas.authentication; import; import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLConnectionSocketFactory; import org.apache.http.ssl.SSLContexts; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import; /** * The SSL socket factory that loads the SSL context from a custom * truststore file strictly used ssl handshakes for proxy authentication. * * @author Misagh Moayyed * @since 4.1.0 */ public class FileTrustStoreSslSocketFactory extends SSLConnectionSocketFactory { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileTrustStoreSslSocketFactory.class); private static final String ALG_NAME_PKIX = "PKIX"; /** * Instantiates a new trusted proxy authentication trust store ssl socket factory. * Defaults to {@code TLSv1} and {@link SSLConnectionSocketFactory#BROWSER_COMPATIBLE_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER} * for the supported protocols and hostname verification. * * @param trustStoreFile the trust store file * @param trustStorePassword the trust store password */ public FileTrustStoreSslSocketFactory(final Resource trustStoreFile, final String trustStorePassword) { this(trustStoreFile, trustStorePassword, KeyStore.getDefaultType()); } /** * Instantiates a new trusted proxy authentication trust store ssl socket factory. * * @param trustStoreFile the trust store file * @param trustStorePassword the trust store password * @param trustStoreType the trust store type */ public FileTrustStoreSslSocketFactory(final Resource trustStoreFile, final String trustStorePassword, final String trustStoreType) { super(getTrustedSslContext(trustStoreFile, trustStorePassword, trustStoreType)); } /** * Gets the trusted ssl context. * * @param trustStoreFile the trust store file * @param trustStorePassword the trust store password * @param trustStoreType the trust store type * @return the trusted ssl context */ private static SSLContext getTrustedSslContext(final Resource trustStoreFile, final String trustStorePassword, final String trustStoreType) { try { final KeyStore casTrustStore = KeyStore.getInstance(trustStoreType); final char[] trustStorePasswordCharArray = trustStorePassword.toCharArray(); try (InputStream casStream = trustStoreFile.getInputStream()) { casTrustStore.load(casStream, trustStorePasswordCharArray); } final String defaultAlgorithm = KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm(); final X509KeyManager customKeyManager = getKeyManager(ALG_NAME_PKIX, casTrustStore, trustStorePasswordCharArray); final X509KeyManager jvmKeyManager = getKeyManager(defaultAlgorithm, null, null); final X509TrustManager customTrustManager = getTrustManager(ALG_NAME_PKIX, casTrustStore); final X509TrustManager jvmTrustManager = getTrustManager(defaultAlgorithm, null); final KeyManager[] keyManagers = { new CompositeX509KeyManager(Arrays.asList(jvmKeyManager, customKeyManager)) }; final TrustManager[] trustManagers = { new CompositeX509TrustManager(Arrays.asList(jvmTrustManager, customTrustManager)) }; final SSLContext context = SSLContexts.custom().useProtocol("SSL").build(); context.init(keyManagers, trustManagers, null); return context; } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } /** * Gets key manager. * * @param algorithm the algorithm * @param keystore the keystore * @param password the password * @return the key manager * @throws Exception the exception */ private static X509KeyManager getKeyManager(final String algorithm, final KeyStore keystore, final char[] password) throws Exception { final KeyManagerFactory factory = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance(algorithm); factory.init(keystore, password); return (X509KeyManager) factory.getKeyManagers()[0]; } /** * Gets trust manager. * * @param algorithm the algorithm * @param keystore the keystore * @return the trust manager * @throws Exception the exception */ private static X509TrustManager getTrustManager(final String algorithm, final KeyStore keystore) throws Exception { final TrustManagerFactory factory = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(algorithm); factory.init(keystore); return (X509TrustManager) factory.getTrustManagers()[0]; } private static class CompositeX509KeyManager implements X509KeyManager { private final List<X509KeyManager> keyManagers; /** * Represents an ordered list of {@link X509KeyManager}s with most-preferred managers first. * * @param keyManagers list of key managers */ CompositeX509KeyManager(final List<X509KeyManager> keyManagers) { this.keyManagers = keyManagers; } @Override public String chooseClientAlias(final String[] keyType, final Principal[] issuers, final Socket socket) { return -> keyManager.chooseClientAlias(keyType, issuers, socket)) .filter(Objects::nonNull).findFirst().orElse(null); } @Override public String chooseServerAlias(final String keyType, final Principal[] issuers, final Socket socket) { return -> keyManager.chooseServerAlias(keyType, issuers, socket)) .filter(Objects::nonNull).findFirst().orElse(null); } @Override public PrivateKey getPrivateKey(final String alias) { return -> keyManager.getPrivateKey(alias)) .filter(Objects::nonNull).findFirst().orElse(null); } @Override public X509Certificate[] getCertificateChain(final String alias) { return -> keyManager.getCertificateChain(alias)) .filter(chain -> chain != null && chain.length > 0) .findFirst().orElse(null); } @Override public String[] getClientAliases(final String keyType, final Principal[] issuers) { final List<String> aliases = new ArrayList<>(); this.keyManagers.forEach(keyManager -> aliases.addAll(Arrays.asList(keyManager.getClientAliases(keyType, issuers)))); return aliases.toArray(new String[]{}); } @Override public String[] getServerAliases(final String keyType, final Principal[] issuers) { final List<String> aliases = new ArrayList<>(); this.keyManagers.forEach(keyManager -> aliases.addAll(Arrays.asList(keyManager.getServerAliases(keyType, issuers)))); return aliases.toArray(new String[]{}); } } /** * Represents an ordered list of {@link X509TrustManager}s with additive trust. If any one of the * composed managers trusts a certificate chain, then it is trusted by the composite manager. */ private static class CompositeX509TrustManager implements X509TrustManager { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CompositeX509TrustManager.class); private final List<X509TrustManager> trustManagers; /** * Instantiates a new Composite x 509 trust manager. * * @param trustManagers the trust managers */ CompositeX509TrustManager(final List<X509TrustManager> trustManagers) { this.trustManagers = trustManagers; } @Override public void checkClientTrusted(final X509Certificate[] chain, final String authType) throws CertificateException { final boolean trusted = -> { try { trustManager.checkClientTrusted(chain, authType); return true; } catch (final CertificateException e) { final String msg = "Unable to trust the client certificates [%s] for auth type [%s]: [%s]"; LOGGER.debug(String.format(msg,, authType, e.getMessage()), e); return false; } }); if (!trusted) { throw new CertificateException("None of the TrustManagers can trust this certificate chain"); } } @Override public void checkServerTrusted(final X509Certificate[] chain, final String authType) throws CertificateException { final boolean trusted = -> { try { trustManager.checkServerTrusted(chain, authType); return true; } catch (final CertificateException e) { final String msg = "Unable to trust the server certificates [%s] for auth type [%s]: [%s]"; LOGGER.debug(String.format(msg,, authType, e.getMessage()), e); return false; } }); if (!trusted) { throw new CertificateException("None of the TrustManagers trust this certificate chain"); } } @Override public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() { final List<X509Certificate> certificates = new ArrayList<>(); this.trustManagers.forEach(trustManager -> certificates.addAll(Arrays.asList(trustManager.getAcceptedIssuers()))); return certificates.toArray(new X509Certificate[certificates.size()]); } } }