package org.apereo.cas.adaptors.authy; import com.authy.AuthyApiClient; import com.authy.api.Tokens; import com.authy.api.User; import com.authy.api.Users; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apereo.cas.authentication.principal.Principal; import; /** * This is {@link AuthyClientInstance}. * * @author Misagh Moayyed * @since 5.0.0 */ public class AuthyClientInstance { private final AuthyApiClient authyClient; private final Users authyUsers; private final Tokens authyTokens; private String mailAttribute = "mail"; private String phoneAttribute = "phone"; private String countryCode = "1"; public AuthyClientInstance(final String apiKey, final String apiUrl, final String mailAttribute, final String phoneAttribute, final String countryCode) { try { this.mailAttribute = mailAttribute; this.phoneAttribute = phoneAttribute; this.countryCode = countryCode; final String authyUrl = StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(apiUrl, AuthyApiClient.DEFAULT_API_URI); final URL url = new URL(authyUrl); final boolean testFlag = url.getProtocol().equals("http"); this.authyClient = new AuthyApiClient(apiKey, authyUrl, testFlag); this.authyUsers = this.authyClient.getUsers(); this.authyTokens = this.authyClient.getTokens(); } catch (final Exception e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } public Users getAuthyUsers() { return authyUsers; } public Tokens getAuthyTokens() { return authyTokens; } /** * Gets authy error message. * * @param err the err * @return the authy error message */ public static String getErrorMessage(final com.authy.api.Error err) { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if (err != null) { builder.append("Authy Error"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(err.getCountryCode())) { builder.append(": Country Code: ").append(err.getCountryCode()); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(err.getMessage())) { builder.append(": Message: ").append(err.getMessage()); } } else { builder.append("An unknown error has occurred. Check your API key and URL settings."); } return builder.toString(); } /** * Gets or create user. * * @param principal the principal * @return the or create user */ public User getOrCreateUser(final Principal principal) { final String email = (String) principal.getAttributes().get(this.mailAttribute); if (StringUtils.isBlank(email)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No email address found for " + principal.getId()); } final String phone = (String) principal.getAttributes().get(this.phoneAttribute); if (StringUtils.isBlank(phone)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No phone number found for " + principal.getId()); } return this.authyUsers.createUser(email, phone, this.countryCode); } }