package org.apereo.cas.authentication; import com.codahale.metrics.annotation.Counted; import com.codahale.metrics.annotation.Metered; import com.codahale.metrics.annotation.Timed; import org.apereo.cas.authentication.exceptions.UnresolvedPrincipalException; import org.apereo.cas.authentication.principal.NullPrincipal; import org.apereo.cas.authentication.principal.Principal; import org.apereo.cas.authentication.principal.PrincipalResolver; import; import; import; import org.apereo.inspektr.audit.annotation.Audit; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationEvent; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationEventPublisher; import org.springframework.util.Assert; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Set; /** * This is {@link AbstractAuthenticationManager}, which provides common operations * around an authentication manager implementation. * * @author Misagh Moayyed * @since 5.0.0 */ public abstract class AbstractAuthenticationManager implements AuthenticationManager { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractAuthenticationManager.class); /** * Plan to execute the authentication transaction. */ protected final AuthenticationEventExecutionPlan authenticationEventExecutionPlan; /** * The Authentication handler resolver. */ protected final AuthenticationHandlerResolver authenticationHandlerResolver; /** * Indicate if principal resolution should totally fail * and no fall back onto principal that is produced by the * authentication handler. */ protected boolean principalResolutionFailureFatal; @Autowired private ApplicationEventPublisher eventPublisher; /** * Creates a new authentication manager with a map of authentication handlers to the principal resolvers that * should be used upon successful authentication if no principal is resolved by the authentication handler. If * the order of evaluation of authentication handlers is important, a map that preserves insertion order * (e.g. {@link LinkedHashMap}) should be used. * * @param authenticationEventExecutionPlan Describe the execution plan for this manager * @param authenticationHandlerResolver the authentication handler resolver * @param principalResolutionFatal the principal resolution fatal */ protected AbstractAuthenticationManager(final AuthenticationEventExecutionPlan authenticationEventExecutionPlan, final AuthenticationHandlerResolver authenticationHandlerResolver, final boolean principalResolutionFatal) { Assert.notNull(authenticationEventExecutionPlan); Assert.notNull(authenticationHandlerResolver); Assert.notNull(principalResolutionFatal); this.authenticationEventExecutionPlan = authenticationEventExecutionPlan; this.authenticationHandlerResolver = authenticationHandlerResolver; this.principalResolutionFailureFatal = principalResolutionFatal; } /** * Populate authentication metadata attributes. * * @param builder the builder * @param transaction the transaction */ protected void populateAuthenticationMetadataAttributes(final AuthenticationBuilder builder, final AuthenticationTransaction transaction) { LOGGER.debug("Invoking authentication metadata populators for authentication transaction"); final Collection<AuthenticationMetaDataPopulator> pops = getAuthenticationMetadataPopulatorsForTransaction(transaction); pops.forEach(populator -> transaction.getCredentials().stream().filter(populator::supports) .forEach(credential -> populator.populateAttributes(builder, transaction))); } /** * Add authentication method attribute. * * @param builder the builder * @param authentication the authentication */ protected void addAuthenticationMethodAttribute(final AuthenticationBuilder builder, final Authentication authentication) { authentication.getSuccesses().values().forEach(result -> builder.addAttribute(AUTHENTICATION_METHOD_ATTRIBUTE, result.getHandlerName())); } /** * Resolve principal. * * @param handler the handler name * @param resolver the resolver * @param credential the credential * @param principal the current authenticated principal from a handler, if any. * @return the principal */ protected Principal resolvePrincipal(final AuthenticationHandler handler, final PrincipalResolver resolver, final Credential credential, final Principal principal) { if (resolver.supports(credential)) { try { final Principal p = resolver.resolve(credential, principal, handler); LOGGER.debug("[{}] resolved [{}] from [{}]", resolver, p, credential); return p; } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.error("[{}] failed to resolve principal from [{}]", resolver, credential, e); } } else { LOGGER.warn( "[{}] is configured to use [{}] but it does not support [{}], which suggests a configuration problem.", handler.getName(), resolver, credential); } return null; } @Override @Audit( action = "AUTHENTICATION", actionResolverName = "AUTHENTICATION_RESOLVER", resourceResolverName = "AUTHENTICATION_RESOURCE_RESOLVER") @Timed(name = "AUTHENTICATE_TIMER") @Metered(name = "AUTHENTICATE_METER") @Counted(name = "AUTHENTICATE_COUNT", monotonic = true) public Authentication authenticate(final AuthenticationTransaction transaction) throws AuthenticationException { AuthenticationCredentialsLocalBinder.bindCurrent(transaction.getCredentials()); final AuthenticationBuilder builder = authenticateInternal(transaction); final Authentication authentication =; final Principal principal = authentication.getPrincipal(); if (principal instanceof NullPrincipal) { throw new UnresolvedPrincipalException(authentication); } addAuthenticationMethodAttribute(builder, authentication);"Authenticated principal [{}] with attributes [{}] via credentials [{}].", principal.getId(), principal.getAttributes(), transaction.getCredentials()); populateAuthenticationMetadataAttributes(builder, transaction); final Authentication a =; AuthenticationCredentialsLocalBinder.bindCurrent(a); return a; } /** * Authenticate and resolve principal. * * @param builder the builder * @param credential the credential * @param resolver the resolver * @param handler the handler * @throws GeneralSecurityException the general security exception * @throws PreventedException the prevented exception */ protected void authenticateAndResolvePrincipal(final AuthenticationBuilder builder, final Credential credential, final PrincipalResolver resolver, final AuthenticationHandler handler) throws GeneralSecurityException, PreventedException { Principal principal; publishEvent(new CasAuthenticationTransactionStartedEvent(this, credential)); final HandlerResult result = handler.authenticate(credential); builder.addSuccess(handler.getName(), result); LOGGER.debug("Authentication handler [{}] successfully authenticated [{}]", handler.getName(), credential); publishEvent(new CasAuthenticationTransactionSuccessfulEvent(this, credential)); principal = result.getPrincipal(); if (resolver == null) { LOGGER.debug("No principal resolution is configured for [{}]. Falling back to handler principal [{}]", handler.getName(), principal); } else { principal = resolvePrincipal(handler, resolver, credential, principal); if (principal == null) { if (this.principalResolutionFailureFatal) { LOGGER.warn("Principal resolution handled by [{}] produced a null principal for: [{}]" + "CAS is configured to treat principal resolution failures as fatal.", resolver.getClass().getSimpleName(), credential); throw new UnresolvedPrincipalException(); } LOGGER.warn("Principal resolution handled by [{}] produced a null principal. " + "This is likely due to misconfiguration or missing attributes; CAS will attempt to use the principal " + "produced by the authentication handler, if any.", resolver.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } if (principal != null) { builder.setPrincipal(principal); } LOGGER.debug("Final principal resolved for this authentication event is [{}]", principal); publishEvent(new CasAuthenticationPrincipalResolvedEvent(this, principal)); } /** * Follows the same contract as {@link AuthenticationManager#authenticate(AuthenticationTransaction)}. * * @param transaction the authentication transaction * @return An authentication containing a resolved principal and metadata about successful and failed authentications. * There SHOULD be a record of each attempted authentication, whether success or failure. * @throws AuthenticationException When one or more credentials failed authentication such that security policy was not satisfied. */ protected abstract AuthenticationBuilder authenticateInternal(AuthenticationTransaction transaction) throws AuthenticationException; /** * Gets authentication handlers for this transaction. * * @param transaction the transaction * @return the authentication handlers for this transaction */ protected Set<AuthenticationHandler> getAuthenticationHandlersForThisTransaction(final AuthenticationTransaction transaction) { final Set<AuthenticationHandler> handlers = this.authenticationEventExecutionPlan.getAuthenticationHandlersForTransaction(transaction); return this.authenticationHandlerResolver.resolve(handlers, transaction); } /** * Gets principal resolver linked to the handler if any. * * @param handler the handler * @param transaction the transaction * @return the principal resolver linked to handler if any, or null. */ protected PrincipalResolver getPrincipalResolverLinkedToHandlerIfAny(final AuthenticationHandler handler, final AuthenticationTransaction transaction) { return this.authenticationEventExecutionPlan.getPrincipalResolverForAuthenticationTransaction(handler, transaction); } /** * Gets authentication metadata populators for transaction. * * @param transaction the transaction * @return the authentication metadata populators for transaction */ protected Collection<AuthenticationMetaDataPopulator> getAuthenticationMetadataPopulatorsForTransaction( final AuthenticationTransaction transaction) { return this.authenticationEventExecutionPlan.getAuthenticationMetadataPopulators(transaction); } /** * Publish event. * * @param event the event */ protected void publishEvent(final ApplicationEvent event) { if (this.eventPublisher != null) { this.eventPublisher.publishEvent(event); } } }