package; import javax.vecmath.Point3d; import javax.vecmath.Vector3d; public class CameraPositionUtils { /** * Finds the optimal camera position for a given view azimuth (with no tilt) that is as close to a group of points as possible without any being * outside the field of view. * * @param vsAzimuth * the vertical section azimuth * @param fov * the camera's field of view angle in radians * @param aspectRatio * the aspect ratio of the canvas (width / height) * @param points * the points to fit to screen * @param result * the {@link CameraPosition} to set * @return {@code result} after setting it to the optimal position. */ public static CameraPosition fitToScreen( double vsAzimuth , double fov , double aspectRatio , Iterable<Point3d> points , CameraPosition result ) { result.setPanTilt( vsAzimuth - Math.PI / 2 , 0 ); return fitToScreen( result , fov , aspectRatio , points , result ); } /** * Finds the optimal camera location for a given orientation (view direction) that is as close to a group of points as possible without any being * outside the field of view. * * @param initOrientation * the initial camera orientation to use. Only the right, down, and forward vectors will be used; the location will be ignored. * @param vsAzimuth * the vertical section azimuth * @param fov * the camera's field of view angle in radians * @param aspectRatio * the aspect ratio of the canvas (width / height) * @param points * the points to fit to screen * @param result * the {@link CameraPosition} to set * @return {@code result} after setting it to the optimal position. */ public static CameraPosition fitToScreen( CameraPosition initOrientation , double fov , double aspectRatio , Iterable<Point3d> points , CameraPosition result ) { Vector3d rightVector = new Vector3d( ); Vector3d forwardVector = new Vector3d( ); Vector3d downVector = new Vector3d( ); initOrientation.getRight( rightVector ); initOrientation.getForward( forwardVector ); initOrientation.getDown( downVector ); double fovratio = Math.tan( fov / 2 ); double rightRatio; double downRatio; rightRatio = fovratio; downRatio = fovratio / aspectRatio; Vector3d toPoint = new Vector3d( ); // compute the optimal "downing location" where all points fit optimally within the top/bottom field of view // but not necessarily the left/right field of view. Vector3d downingLoc = new Vector3d( ); int count = 0; for( Point3d p : points ) { if( count++ == 0 ) { downingLoc.set( p ); } else { double forwarding; toPoint.sub( p , downingLoc ); double downing = toPoint ); forwarding = toPoint ); // is the point vertically within view? if( forwarding <= 0 || Math.abs( downing / forwarding ) > downRatio ) { //translate the camera backward and up/down along the view frustrum planes to where the point is just within view double extraDowning = downRatio * forwarding; double base = Math.abs( downing ) + extraDowning; double height = base / 2 / downRatio; double backUp = height - forwarding; downingLoc.scaleAdd( -backUp , forwardVector , downingLoc ); downingLoc.scaleAdd( backUp * downRatio * Math.signum( downing ) , downVector , downingLoc ); } } } // compute the optimal "righting location" where all points fit optimally within the left/right field of view // but not necessarily the top/bottom field of view. Vector3d rightingLoc = new Vector3d( ); count = 0; for( Point3d p : points ) { if( count++ == 0 ) { rightingLoc.set( p ); } else { toPoint.sub( p , rightingLoc ); double righting = toPoint ); double forwarding = toPoint ); // is the point horizontally within view? if( forwarding <= 0 || Math.abs( righting / forwarding ) > rightRatio ) { //translate the camera backward and left/right along the view frustrum planes to where the point is just within view double extraRighting = rightRatio * forwarding; double base = Math.abs( righting ) + extraRighting; double height = base / 2 / rightRatio; double backUp = height - forwarding; rightingLoc.scaleAdd( -backUp , forwardVector , rightingLoc ); rightingLoc.scaleAdd( backUp * rightRatio * Math.signum( righting ) , rightVector , rightingLoc ); } } } // combine the two into one location where the points fit within the whole field of view // use the righting location for left/right position, downing location for up/down position, and whichever is farther back for the // forward/backward position double righting = rightVector ); double downing = downVector ); double forwarding = Math.min( forwardVector ) , forwardVector ) ); Point3d loc = new Point3d( ); loc.scale( righting , rightVector ); loc.scaleAdd( downing , downVector , loc ); loc.scaleAdd( forwarding , forwardVector , loc ); // compute lookAt using forward vector Point3d lookAt = new Point3d( ); lookAt.add( loc , forwardVector ); result.setLocation( loc ); result.lookAt( lookAt ); return result; } }