package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.vecmath.Color3f; import javax.vecmath.Matrix3d; import javax.vecmath.Matrix3f; import javax.vecmath.Point3d; import javax.vecmath.Point3f; import javax.vecmath.Tuple3d; import javax.vecmath.Tuple3f; import javax.vecmath.Vector3d; import javax.vecmath.Vector3f; import com.sun.j3d.utils.universe.ViewingPlatform; public class Camera3D { private TransformGroup m_lightGroup; private Light m_headlight = null; private final ViewingPlatform m_platform; private final TransformGroup m_transformGroup; private final Transform3D m_initXform = new Transform3D( ); private final Transform3D m_tempXform = new Transform3D( ); private final Transform3D m_transform = new Transform3D( ); private final CameraPosition m_currentPosition = new CameraPosition( ); private final CameraPosition m_pendingPosition = new CameraPosition( ); public static final Point3d RESET_LOCATION = new Point3d( 0 , 2000 , 0 ); public static final Point3d RESET_LOOKAT = new Point3d( 0 , 0 , 0 ); private BoundingSphere m_restrictionBounds = null; private static final CameraPosition RESET_POSITION = new CameraPosition( RESET_LOCATION , RESET_LOOKAT ); public Camera3D( ViewingPlatform viewPlatform ) { m_platform = viewPlatform; m_transformGroup = m_platform.getViewPlatformTransform( ); m_initXform.rotY( -Math.PI / 2 ); m_tempXform.rotZ( Math.PI / 2 ); m_initXform.mul( m_tempXform ); m_initXform.setIdentity( ); importVPT( ); // TvdProperties.getInstance().setProperty(TvdProperties.TVD_HEADLIGHT_ON_KEY, "true"); createHeadlight( ); setHeadlightOn( true ); reset( ); } /** * Imports the view platform transform into the current and pending positions. */ private void importVPT( ) { m_transformGroup.getTransform( m_transform ); m_tempXform.invert( m_initXform ); m_transform.mul( m_tempXform ); // remove initial transform from ViewingPlatform transform m_currentPosition.setTransform( m_transform ); m_pendingPosition.setTransform( m_transform ); } /** * Restricts the pending position to the restriction bounds, copies the pending position to the current position, and updates the view platform transform. */ private void exportVPT( ) { if( m_restrictionBounds != null ) { m_pendingPosition.restrict( m_restrictionBounds ); } m_pendingPosition.getTransform( m_transform ); m_transform.mul( m_initXform ); try { m_transformGroup.setTransform( m_transform ); } catch( Throwable t ) { t.printStackTrace( ); System.out.println( "Current position: " + m_currentPosition ); System.out.println( "Pending position: " + m_pendingPosition ); } m_currentPosition.copy( m_pendingPosition ); fireOrientationChangedEvent( new CameraEvent( this ) ); } public void reset( ) { setLocation( RESET_LOCATION , false ); lookAt( RESET_LOOKAT , true ); } public Point3f getResetLocation( Point3f result ) { return RESET_POSITION.getLocation( result ); } public Point3f getResetLookAt( Point3f result ) { return RESET_POSITION.getLookAt( result ); } public Point3d getResetLocation( Point3d result ) { return RESET_POSITION.getLocation( result ); } public Point3d getResetLookAt( Point3d result ) { return RESET_POSITION.getLookAt( result ); } /** * Gets the zone the camera is prevented from moving out of. If <code>null</code>, there is no restriction. */ public BoundingSphere getRestrictionBounds( ) { return m_restrictionBounds; } /** * Sets the zone the camera is prevented from moving out of. If <code>null</code>, there is no restriction. */ public void setRestrictionBounds( BoundingSphere bounds ) { CameraPosition.checkValid( bounds ); m_restrictionBounds = bounds; } /** * Sets the camera location to <code>newLocation</code> without affecting the rotation. */ public void setLocation( Tuple3d newLocation , boolean applyNow ) { m_pendingPosition.setLocation( newLocation ); if( applyNow ) { exportVPT( ); } } /** * Sets the camera location to <code>newLocation</code> without affecting the rotation. */ public void setLocation( Tuple3f newLocation , boolean applyNow ) { m_pendingPosition.setLocation( newLocation ); if( applyNow ) { exportVPT( ); } } /** * Pans and tilts the camera to point at <code>lookAt</code>. * * @see #setPan(double) * @see #setTilt(double) */ public void lookAt( Tuple3d lookAt , boolean applyNow ) { m_pendingPosition.lookAt( lookAt ); if( applyNow ) { exportVPT( ); } } /** * Pans and tilts the camera to point at <code>lookAt</code>. * * @see #setPan(double) * @see #setTilt(double) */ public void lookAt( Tuple3f lookAt , boolean applyNow ) { m_pendingPosition.lookAt( lookAt ); if( applyNow ) { exportVPT( ); } } /** * Moves the camera to the specified location and pan and tilts it to point at <code>lookAt</code>. * * @see #setPan(double) * @see #setTilt(double) */ public void lookAt( Tuple3d loc , Tuple3d lookAt , boolean applyNow ) { m_pendingPosition.setLocation( loc ); m_pendingPosition.lookAt( lookAt ); if( applyNow ) { exportVPT( ); } } /** * Moves the camera to the specified location and pan and tilts it to point at <code>lookAt</code>. * * @see #setPan(double) * @see #setTilt(double) */ public void lookAt( Tuple3f loc , Tuple3f lookAt , boolean applyNow ) { m_pendingPosition.setLocation( loc ); m_pendingPosition.lookAt( lookAt ); if( applyNow ) { exportVPT( ); } } /** * Places the location of the camera in <code>result</code> and returns it. */ public Point3d getLocation( Point3d result ) { return m_pendingPosition.getLocation( result ); } /** * Places the location of the camera in <code>result</code> and returns it. */ public Point3f getLocation( Point3f result ) { return m_pendingPosition.getLocation( result ); } /** * Places the location of the camera in <code>result</code> and returns it. */ public Vector3d getLocation( Vector3d result ) { return m_pendingPosition.getLocation( result ); } /** * Places the location of the camera in <code>result</code> and returns it. */ public Vector3f getLocation( Vector3f result ) { return m_pendingPosition.getLocation( result ); } public Point3d getLookAt( Point3d result ) { return m_pendingPosition.getLookAt( result ); } public Point3f getLookAt( Point3f result ) { return m_pendingPosition.getLookAt( result ); } /** * Translates the camera. * * @param translation * offset in virtual world coordinates */ public void translate( Vector3d translation , boolean applyNow ) { m_pendingPosition.translate( translation ); if( applyNow ) { exportVPT( ); } } /** * Translates the camera. * * @param translation * offset in virtual world coordinates */ public void translate( Vector3f translation , boolean applyNow ) { m_pendingPosition.translate( translation ); if( applyNow ) { exportVPT( ); } } /** * Translates the camera. * * @param dx * x offset in virtual world coordinates * @param dy * y offset in virtual world coordinates * @param dz * z offset in virtual world coordinates */ public void translate( double dx , double dy , double dz , boolean applyNow ) { m_pendingPosition.translate( dx , dy , dz ); if( applyNow ) { exportVPT( ); } } /** * Moves the camera relative to its orientation. * * @param dForward * distance to move forward * @param dRight * distance to move to the right * @param dDown * distance to move downward */ public void move( double dForward , double dRight , double dDown , boolean applyNow ) { m_pendingPosition.move( dForward , dRight , dDown ); if( applyNow ) { exportVPT( ); } } /** * Moves the camera relative to its orientation. * * @param motion * vector specifying distances to move (forward, right, down) */ public void move( Vector3d motion , boolean applyNow ) { m_pendingPosition.move( motion ); if( applyNow ) { exportVPT( ); } } /** * Moves the camera relative to its orientation. * * @param motion * vector specifying distances to move (forward, right, down) */ public void move( Vector3f motion , boolean applyNow ) { m_pendingPosition.move( motion ); if( applyNow ) { exportVPT( ); } } /** * Sets the camera pan angle to <code>pan</code>. Pan is defined as rotation around the Z axis after tilt and roll have been applied. * * @see #pan(double) * @see #setTilt(double) * @see #setRoll(double) */ public void setPan( double pan , boolean applyNow ) { m_pendingPosition.setPan( pan ); if( applyNow ) { exportVPT( ); } } /** * Increments the camera pan angle by <code>inc</code>. Pan is defined as rotation around the Z axis after tilt and roll have been applied. * * @see #setPan(double) * @see #tilt(double) * @see #roll(double) */ public void pan( double inc , boolean applyNow ) { m_pendingPosition.pan( inc ); if( applyNow ) { exportVPT( ); } } /** * Sets the camera tilt angle to <code>tilt</code>. Tilt is defined as rotation around the Y axis before pan has been applied and after roll has been * applied. <b>Note:</b> the tilt is clamped to the range (-{@link #MAX_TILT}, {@link #MAX_TILT}) to prevent gimbal lock at the up/down singularities. * * @see #tilt(double) * @see #setPan(double) * @see #setRoll(double) */ public void setTilt( double tilt , boolean applyNow ) { m_pendingPosition.setTilt( tilt ); if( applyNow ) { exportVPT( ); } } /** * Increments the camera tilt angle by <code>inc</code>. Tilt is defined as rotation around the Y axis before pan has been applied and after roll has been * applied. <b>Note:</b> the tilt is clamped to the range (-{@link #MAX_TILT}, {@link #MAX_TILT}) to prevent gimbal lock at the up/down singularities. * * @see #setTilt(double) * @see #pan(double) * @see #roll(double) */ public void tilt( double inc , boolean applyNow ) { m_pendingPosition.tilt( inc ); if( applyNow ) { exportVPT( ); } } /** * Sets the camera roll angle to <code>roll</code>. Roll is defined as rotation around the X axis before pan and tilt are applied. * * @see #roll(double) * @see #setPan(double) * @see #setTilt(double) */ public void setRoll( double roll , boolean applyNow ) { m_pendingPosition.setRoll( roll ); if( applyNow ) { exportVPT( ); } } /** * Increments the camera roll angle by <code>inc</code>. Roll is defined as rotation around the X axis before pan and tilt are applied. * * @see #setRoll(double) * @see #pan(double) * @see #tilt(double) */ public void roll( double inc , boolean applyNow ) { m_pendingPosition.roll( inc ); if( applyNow ) { exportVPT( ); } } /** * Sets the pan and tilt simultaneously. * * @see #setPan(double) * @see #setTilt(double) */ public void setPanTilt( double pan , double tilt , boolean applyNow ) { m_pendingPosition.setPanTilt( pan , tilt ); if( applyNow ) { exportVPT( ); } } /** * Increments the pan and tilt simultaneously. * * @see #pan(double) * @see #tilt(double) */ public void panTilt( double panInc , double tiltInc , boolean applyNow ) { m_pendingPosition.panTilt( panInc , tiltInc ); if( applyNow ) { exportVPT( ); } } /** * Sets the pan, tilt, and roll simultaneously. * * @see #setPan(double) * @see #setTilt(double) * @see #setRoll(double) */ public void setPanTiltRoll( double pan , double tilt , double roll , boolean applyNow ) { m_pendingPosition.setPanTiltRoll( pan , tilt , roll ); if( applyNow ) { exportVPT( ); } } /** * Gets the camera pan angle, which is defined as rotation around the Z axis after tilt and roll have been applied. * * @see #setPan(double) * @see #getTilt(double) * @see #getRoll(double) */ public double getPan( ) { return m_pendingPosition.getPan( ); } /** * Gets the camera tilt angle, which is defined as rotation around the Y axis before pan is applied and after roll has been applied. * * @see #setTilt(double) * @see #getPan(double) * @see #getRoll(double) */ public double getTilt( ) { return m_pendingPosition.getTilt( ); } /** * Gets the camera roll angle, which is defined as rotation around the X axis before pan and tilt are applied. * * @see #setRoll(double) * @see #getPan(double) * @see #getTilt(double) */ public double getRoll( ) { return m_pendingPosition.getRoll( ); } /** * Places the rotational component of the camera transform in <code>result</code> and returns it. */ public Matrix3d getRotation( Matrix3d result ) { return m_pendingPosition.getRotation( result ); } /** * Places the rotational component of the camera transform in <code>result</code> and returns it. */ public Matrix3f getRotation( Matrix3f result ) { return m_pendingPosition.getRotation( result ); } /** * Sets <code>result</code> to point forward from the camera and returns it. */ public Vector3d getForward( Vector3d result ) { return m_pendingPosition.getForward( result ); } /** * Sets <code>result</code> to point backward from the camera and returns it. */ public Vector3d getBackward( Vector3d result ) { return m_pendingPosition.getBackward( result ); } /** * Sets <code>result</code> to point to the right of camera and returns it. */ public Vector3d getRight( Vector3d result ) { return m_pendingPosition.getRight( result ); } /** * Sets <code>result</code> to point to the left of camera and returns it. */ public Vector3d getLeft( Vector3d result ) { return m_pendingPosition.getLeft( result ); } /** * Sets <code>result</code> to point down from the camera and returns it. */ public Vector3d getDown( Vector3d result ) { return m_pendingPosition.getDown( result ); } /** * Sets <code>result</code> to point up from the camera and returns it. */ public Vector3d getUp( Vector3d result ) { return m_pendingPosition.getUp( result ); } /** * Sets <code>result</code> to point forward from the camera and returns it. */ public Vector3f getForward( Vector3f result ) { return m_pendingPosition.getForward( result ); } /** * Sets <code>result</code> to point backward from the camera and returns it. */ public Vector3f getBackward( Vector3f result ) { return m_pendingPosition.getBackward( result ); } /** * Sets <code>result</code> to point to the right of camera and returns it. */ public Vector3f getRight( Vector3f result ) { return m_pendingPosition.getRight( result ); } /** * Sets <code>result</code> to point to the left of camera and returns it. */ public Vector3f getLeft( Vector3f result ) { return m_pendingPosition.getLeft( result ); } /** * Sets <code>result</code> to point down from the camera and returns it. */ public Vector3f getDown( Vector3f result ) { return m_pendingPosition.getDown( result ); } /** * Sets <code>result</code> to point up from the camera and returns it. */ public Vector3f getUp( Vector3f result ) { return m_pendingPosition.getUp( result ); } /** * Places the pending camera position in <code>position</code> and returns it. */ public CameraPosition getPosition( CameraPosition position ) { position.copy( m_pendingPosition ); return position; } /** * Sets the camera position to <code>newPosition</code>. */ public void setPosition( CameraPosition newPosition , boolean applyNow ) { m_pendingPosition.copy( newPosition ); if( applyNow ) { exportVPT( ); } } public Point3d localToVworld( Point3d p ) { m_pendingPosition.localToVworld( p ); return p; } public Point3f localToVworld( Point3f p ) { m_pendingPosition.localToVworld( p ); return p; } public Vector3d localToVworld( Vector3d v ) { m_pendingPosition.localToVworld( v ); return v; } public Vector3f localToVworld( Vector3f v ) { m_pendingPosition.localToVworld( v ); return v; } public Point3d vworldToLocal( Point3d p ) { m_pendingPosition.vworldToLocal( p ); return p; } public Point3f vworldToLocal( Point3f p ) { m_pendingPosition.vworldToLocal( p ); return p; } public Vector3d vworldToLocal( Vector3d v ) { m_pendingPosition.vworldToLocal( v ); return v; } public Vector3f vworldToLocal( Vector3f v ) { m_pendingPosition.vworldToLocal( v ); return v; } protected void createHeadlight( ) { final Color3f lightColor = new Color3f( 0.9f , 0.9f , 0.9f ); final DirectionalLight light = new DirectionalLight( ); light.setCapability( Light.ALLOW_STATE_WRITE ); light.setColor( lightColor ); final BoundingSphere worldBounds = new BoundingSphere( new Point3d( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) , 100000.0 ); // Center, Extent light.setInfluencingBounds( worldBounds ); m_headlight = light; final BranchGroup bg = new BranchGroup( ); m_lightGroup = new TransformGroup( ); m_lightGroup.setCapability( TransformGroup.ALLOW_TRANSFORM_WRITE ); bg.addChild( m_lightGroup ); m_lightGroup.addChild( m_headlight ); m_transformGroup.addChild( bg ); } public void setHeadlightOn( boolean value ) { if( m_headlight != null ) { m_headlight.setEnable( value ); } } public boolean isHeadlightOn( ) { return m_headlight.getEnable( ); } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CONFIGURATION // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LISTENERS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// List<CameraListener> m_listeners = new ArrayList<CameraListener>( ); public void addCameraListener( CameraListener listener ) { m_listeners.add( listener ); } public void removeCameraListener( CameraListener listener ) { m_listeners.remove( listener ); } private void fireOrientationChangedEvent( CameraEvent event ) { for( final CameraListener listener : m_listeners ) { try { listener.orientationChanged( event ); } catch( final Throwable t ) { t.printStackTrace( ); } } } public void transform( Transform3D xform , boolean applyNow ) { m_pendingPosition.transform( xform ); if( applyNow ) { exportVPT( ); } } }