package org.fenixedu.bennu.portal.domain; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.fenixedu.bennu.core.domain.User; import org.fenixedu.bennu.core.groups.Group; import; import org.fenixedu.commons.i18n.LocalizedString; import; /** * Base class for items that are presented in an application's menu. * * {@code MenuItem}s are either a {@link MenuContainer}, aggregating other items or a {@link MenuFunctionality}, representing a * concrete entry in the menu. * * Note that a {@link MenuItem} is immutable, meaning that once it is installed in the menu, it is not possible to modify any of * its properties. If you desire to do so, {@code delete} the item and create a new one with the new values. * * {@code MenuItem}s are {@link Comparable} according to their order in the menu. * * @see MenuContainer * @see MenuFunctionality * */ public abstract class MenuItem extends MenuItem_Base implements Comparable<MenuItem> { protected MenuItem() { super(); setOrd(1); } protected final void init(MenuContainer parent, boolean visible, String accessGroup, LocalizedString title, LocalizedString description, String path) { setVisible(visible); setAccessGroup(Group.parse(accessGroup)); setDescription(description); setTitle(title); setPath(path); if (parent != null) { parent.addChild(this); } setFullPath(computeFullPath()); } protected final void init(MenuContainer parent, MenuItem original) { setVisible(original.getVisible()); setAccessGroup(original.getAccessGroup()); setDescription(original.getDescription()); setTitle(original.getTitle()); setPath(original.getPath()); setLayout(original.getLayout()); if (parent != null) { parent.addChild(this); } setFullPath(computeFullPath()); } public Group getAccessGroup() { return getGroup().toGroup(); } public void setAccessGroup(Group group) { setGroup(group.toPersistentGroup()); } private String computeFullPath() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("/"); builder.append(this.getPath()); MenuContainer current = getParent(); while (current != null && current.getConfiguration() == null) { builder.insert(0, current.getPath()); builder.insert(0, "/"); current = current.getParent(); } return builder.toString(); } /** * Compares this {@link MenuItem} with another, taking into account the order of both items. * * Note that it only makes sense to invoke this method for items at the same level, as there are no ordering guarantees across * multiple levels. */ @Override public int compareTo(MenuItem o) { int ord = getOrd().compareTo(o.getOrd()); return ord == 0 ? getTitle().compareTo(o.getTitle()) : ord; } /** * Deletes this item, removing it from the menu. */ @Atomic public void delete() { setParent(null); setGroup(null); deleteDomainObject(); } /** * Determines whether this {@link MenuItem} and all its parents are available for the given {@link User}. * * @param user * The user to verify * @return * Whether the given user can access this item */ public boolean isAvailable(User user) { return getGroup().isMember(user) && getParent().isAvailable(user); } /** * Determines whether this {@link MenuItem} and all its parents are available for the currently logged user. * This method is a shorthand for <code>isAvailable(Authenticate.getUser())</code>. * * @return * Whether the currently logged user can access this item */ public boolean isAvailableForCurrentUser() { return isAvailable(Authenticate.getUser()); } /* * Returns whether this item is available for the current user. * Implementation Node: This method ONLY checks the current node, not the full chain! */ protected boolean isItemAvailableForCurrentUser() { return getGroup().isMember(Authenticate.getUser()); } /** * Returns whether the Item should be visible when rendering a menu. * * @return * {@code true} if this item is visible */ public boolean isVisible() { return getVisible(); } @Override public MenuContainer getParent() { //FIXME: remove when the framework enables read-only slots return super.getParent(); } @Override public String getPath() { //FIXME: remove when the framework enables read-only slots return super.getPath(); } @Override public String getFullPath() { //FIXME: remove when the framework enables read-only slots return super.getFullPath(); } public boolean isMenuContainer() { return this instanceof MenuContainer; } public boolean isMenuFunctionality() { return this instanceof MenuFunctionality; } public MenuContainer getAsMenuContainer() { if (isMenuContainer()) { return (MenuContainer) this; } throw new IllegalStateException("Not a MenuContainer"); } public MenuFunctionality getAsMenuFunctionality() { if (isMenuFunctionality()) { return (MenuFunctionality) this; } throw new IllegalStateException("Not a MenuFunctionality"); } public List<MenuItem> getPathFromRoot() { List<MenuItem> result = new ArrayList<MenuItem>(); MenuItem current = this; while (current.getParent() != null) { result.add(0, current); current = current.getParent(); } return result; } protected abstract MenuItem moveTo(MenuContainer container); }