package org.fenixedu.bennu.core.util; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.fenixedu.bennu.core.annotation.BennuCoreAnnotationInitializer; import; import; public class ModuleMapper { private static Map<String, String> resourceModuleMap = new HashMap<>(); static { for (Project artifact : FenixFramework.getProject().getProjects()) { String projectResource = "/" + artifact.getName() + "/"; String url = BennuCoreAnnotationInitializer.class.getResource(projectResource).toExternalForm(); if (url.startsWith("jar")) { resourceModuleMap.put(url.substring("jar:".length(), url.length() - projectResource.length() - 1), artifact.getName()); } else { resourceModuleMap.put(url.replace(projectResource, ""), artifact.getName()); } } } /** * Finds the module that contains the requested class type. Will signal an {@link Error} when the class is not found in any * module, like when the class is from an external library and not a framework module. * * @param type The {@link Class} object to find. * @return The name of the module that contains it. */ public static String getModuleOf(Class<?> type) { String typeLocation = type.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toExternalForm(); if (resourceModuleMap.containsKey(typeLocation)) { return resourceModuleMap.get(typeLocation); } for (String path : resourceModuleMap.keySet()) { if (typeLocation.startsWith(path)) { return resourceModuleMap.get(path); } } throw new Error("Type: " + type.getName() + " not found on any module"); } }