package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap; import org.apache.tika.Tika; import org.fenixedu.bennu.core.domain.User; import org.fenixedu.commons.StringNormalizer; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * * @author Shezad Anavarali Date: Jul 15, 2009 * @author Sérgio Silva ( * */ public abstract class GenericFile extends GenericFile_Base { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GenericFile.class); /** * Used to detect file content type. {@link Tika#detect(byte[], String)} is thread-safe. */ private static final Tika tika = new Tika(); protected GenericFile() { super(); setFileSupport(FileSupport.getInstance()); setCreationDate(new DateTime()); } protected void init(String displayName, String filename, byte[] content) { if (content == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Content byte[] is null"); } setDisplayName(displayName); setFilename(filename); setContent(content); } /** * Initializes this file with the contents of the provided {@link File}. * * @param displayName * The pretty name for this file * @param filename * The low-level filename for this file * @param file * The file from which the contents of the newly created file are based upon * @throws IOException * If an error occurs while reading the input file or storing it in the underlying storage */ protected void init(String displayName, String filename, File file) throws IOException { if (file == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Content is null"); } setDisplayName(displayName); setFilename(filename); setContent(file, filename); } public abstract boolean isAccessible(User user); public boolean isPrivate() { return !isAccessible(null); } @Override public DateTime getCreationDate() { //FIXME: remove when the framework enables read-only slots return super.getCreationDate(); } @Override public Long getSize() { //FIXME: remove when the framework enables read-only slots return super.getSize(); } @Override public String getContentType() { //FIXME: remove when the framework enables read-only slots return super.getContentType(); } @Override public String getContentKey() { //FIXME: remove when the framework enables read-only slots return super.getContentKey(); } /** * Returns the checksum for this file, using the algorithm specified by {@link #getChecksumAlgorithm()}. * * Due to performance concerns, this value is computed lazily, and may be cached in the domain. To ensure the value is cached, * you should invoke the {@link #ensureChecksum()} method before any operation that manipulates a large number of files. * * @return * The checksum of this file, never {@code null} */ @Override public String getChecksum() { if (super.getChecksum() == null) { return computeChecksum(); } else { return super.getChecksum(); } } /** * Returns the algorithm used to compute the checksum of this file. * * @return * The algorithm used to compute the checksum of this file, never {@code null} */ @Override public String getChecksumAlgorithm() { if (super.getChecksumAlgorithm() == null) { return DEFAULT_CHECKSUM_ALGORITHM; } else { return super.getChecksumAlgorithm(); } } /** * Ensures that this file's checksum is stored in the database, thus increasing the performance of {@link #getChecksum()}. */ public void ensureChecksum() { if (super.getChecksum() == null) { setChecksum(computeChecksum()); setChecksumAlgorithm(DEFAULT_CHECKSUM_ALGORITHM); } } // Always ensure these two are synchronized private static final String DEFAULT_CHECKSUM_ALGORITHM = "murmur3_128"; private static final HashFunction DEFAULT_HASH_FUNCTION = Hashing.murmur3_128(); private String computeChecksum() { Hasher hasher = DEFAULT_HASH_FUNCTION.newHasher(); try (InputStream stream = getStream(); OutputStream out = Funnels.asOutputStream(hasher)) { ByteStreams.copy(stream, out); return hasher.hash().toString(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot compute checksum for " + getExternalId(), e); } } @Override public void setFilename(String filename) { final String nicerFilename = filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); final String normalizedFilename = StringNormalizer.normalizePreservingCapitalizedLetters(nicerFilename); super.setFilename(normalizedFilename); if (getContentKey() != null) { //no point in calculating the content type before content is set setContentType(detectContentType(getContent(), normalizedFilename)); } } private void setContent(File file, String filename) throws IOException { long size = file.length(); setSize(Long.valueOf(size)); final FileStorage fileStorage = getFileStorage(); final String uniqueIdentification =, file); setStorage(fileStorage); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(uniqueIdentification)) { throw new RuntimeException(); } setContentKey(uniqueIdentification); setContentType(detectContentType(file, filename)); } private void setContent(byte[] content) { long size = (content == null) ? 0 : content.length; setSize(Long.valueOf(size)); final FileStorage fileStorage = getFileStorage(); final String uniqueIdentification =, content); setStorage(fileStorage); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(uniqueIdentification) && content != null) { throw new RuntimeException(); } setContentKey(uniqueIdentification); if (content != null) { setContentType(detectContentType(content, getFilename())); } } public byte[] getContent() { return getStorage().read(this); } public InputStream getStream() { return getStorage().readAsInputStream(this); } public static void convertFileStorages(final FileStorage fileStorageToUpdate) { if (fileStorageToUpdate != null) { try { for (final GenericFile genericFile : FileSupport.getInstance().getFileSet()) { if (fileStorageToUpdate == genericFile.getFileStorage() && fileStorageToUpdate != genericFile.getStorage()) { genericFile.updateFileStorage(); } } logger.debug("FILE Conversion: DONE SUCESSFULLY!"); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.debug("FILE Conversion: ABORTED!!!"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } @Atomic private void updateFileStorage() { setContent(getContent()); } protected FileStorage getFileStorage() { final FileStorage fileStorage = FileStorageConfiguration.readFileStorageByFileType(getClass().getName()); if (fileStorage == null) { return FileSupport.getInstance().getDefaultStorage(); } return fileStorage; } /** * Guessing file content type with {@link javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap} is not enough. * * @param filename * The name of the file to evaluate * @return file content type * The detected file type, from the given file name * @deprecated content detection is done automatically, no need for this method */ @Deprecated protected String guessContentType(final String filename) { return new MimetypesFileTypeMap().getContentType(filename); } /** * Detect content type based on file content "magic" bytes. Fallback to filename extension if file content is inconclusive. * * @param content * The content of the file, for magic byte analysis * @param filename * The name of the file to evaluate * * @return the detected mime-type. application/octet-stream returned when detection was not successful. * * @see Tika */ protected String detectContentType(byte[] content, String filename) { return tika.detect(content, filename); } /** * Detect content type based on file content "magic" bytes. Fallback to filename extension if file content is inconclusive. * * @return the detected mime-type. application/octet-stream returned when detection was not successful. * * @see Tika */ private static final String detectContentType(File file, String filename) throws IOException { try (InputStream stream = new FileInputStream(file)) { return tika.detect(stream, filename); } } public void delete() { setContent(null); setStorage(null); setFileSupport(null); deleteDomainObject(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T extends GenericFile> List<T> getFiles(final Class<T> clazz) { final List<T> files = new ArrayList<>(); for (final GenericFile file : FileSupport.getInstance().getFileSet()) { if (file.getClass().equals(clazz)) { files.add((T) file); } } return files; } }