package org.fenixedu.bennu.core.groups; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import org.fenixedu.bennu.core.domain.exceptions.BennuCoreDomainException; import org.fenixedu.bennu.core.domain.exceptions.DomainException; final class GroupParser { /** * Parses the given expression, returning its corresponding {@link Group}. * * @param expression * The expression to parse * @return The group corresponding to the given expression * @throws DomainException * If the given expression is invalid * @throws NullPointerException * If the given expression is {@code null}. */ public static Group parse(String expression) { return new GroupParser(expression.toCharArray()).toGroup(); } /* * Internal implementation * * All the methods that implement the old ANTLR constructs are properly annotated, with the grammar fragment that * created them. * * The parser keeps a cursor (currentPos) to the expression string, which is used when looking for tokens. */ // The expression to parse private final char[] chars; // The position that is currently being looked at private int currentPos = 0; private GroupParser(char[] chars) { this.chars = chars; } /* * parse: expression EOF */ private Group toGroup() { Group group = expression(); if (!eof()) { throw groupParsingException("<EOF>", new String(chars, currentPos, chars.length - currentPos)); } return group; } /* * expression: minus */ private Group expression() { return minus(); } /* * minus: or ('-' or)* */ private Group minus() { Group group = or(); while (consumeIfMatches('-')) { group = group.minus(or()); } return group; } /* * or: and ('|' and)* */ private Group or() { Group group = and(); while (consumeIfMatches('|')) { group = group.or(and()); } return group; } /* * and: not ('&' not)* */ private Group and() { Group group = not(); while (consumeIfMatches('&')) { group = group.and(not()); } return group; } /* * not: '!' atom | atom */ private Group not() { if (consumeIfMatches('!')) { return atom().not(); } else { return atom(); } } /* * atom: '#' IDENTIFIER | '(' expression ')' | function * * An atom is either a reference to a dynamic group, an expression surrounded by parentheses, or a function. */ private Group atom() { if (consumeIfMatches('#')) { return Group.dynamic(identifier()); } else if (consumeIfMatches('(')) { Group group = expression(); consume(')'); return group; } else { return function(); } } /* * function: IDENTIFIER ('(' argument (',' argument)* ')')? * * A function is an identifier, optionally followed by an arbitrary number of arguments. */ private Group function() { String name = identifier(); Map<String, List<String>> arguments = null; if (consumeIfMatches('(')) { arguments = new HashMap<>(); argument(arguments); while (consumeIfMatches(',')) { argument(arguments); } consume(')'); } return CustomGroupRegistry.parse(name, arguments); } /* * argument: (IDENTIFIER '=')? (value | '[' (value (',' value)*)? ']') */ private void argument(Map<String, List<String>> arguments) { String name = ""; if (hasArgumentName()) { name = identifier(); consume('='); } if (consumeIfMatches('[')) { argumentList(name, arguments); } else { arguments.computeIfAbsent(name, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(value()); } } /* * argumentList: (value (',' value)*)? * * Assumes that the '[' character has already been consumed */ private void argumentList(String name, Map<String, List<String>> arguments) { // Argument list may be empty, so we cannot simply try and get a value if (!consumeIfMatches(']')) { arguments.computeIfAbsent(name, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(value()); while (consumeIfMatches(',')) { arguments.computeIfAbsent(name, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(value()); } consume(']'); } } /* * value: IDENTIFIER | STRING */ private String value() { if (consumeIfMatches('\'')) { return string(); } else { return identifier(); } } /* * Terminal Operators */ /* * IDENTIFIER: ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9')+ * * Retrieves all characters in the stream, until a non-identifier character or EOF is reached. * * Throws an exception if EOF was reached before actually reading anything */ private String identifier() { int cursor = currentPos; while (!eof(cursor)) { char c = chars[cursor]; if (isIdentifierChar(c)) { cursor++; } else { break; } } if (currentPos == cursor) { throw groupParsingException("<IDENTIFIER>", eof() ? "<EOF>" : String.valueOf(chars[currentPos])); } String value = new String(chars, currentPos, cursor - currentPos); currentPos = cursor; return value; } /* * A string is an arbitrary sequence of characters surrounded by single quotes. To add a single quote to the string itself, * one may simply add the sequence "\'". * * Throws an exception if EOF was reached before seeing the end quote. * * Assumes that the '\'' character has already been consumed. */ private String string() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); while (!eof()) { // Read a character char c = chars[currentPos]; currentPos++; // If we found a '\', check if the following character is a single quote if (c == '\\' && !eof(currentPos) && chars[currentPos] == '\'') { builder.append('\''); currentPos++; } else if (c != '\'') { // Append any non-single-quote character to the result builder.append(c); } else { // Return upon finding the single quote return builder.toString(); } } throw groupParsingException("'", "<EOF>"); } /* * Returns whether the next tokens represent a valid argument name (i.e., an identifier followed by a '=') */ private boolean hasArgumentName() { consumeWhitespace(); int i = currentPos; // Look up an identifier while (!eof(i)) { if (isIdentifierChar(chars[i])) { i++; } else { break; } } // Clear whitespace in between while (!eof(i)) { if (isWhitespace(chars[i])) { i++; } else { break; } } // Check if the last character is '=' return !eof(i) && chars[i] == '='; } /* * Helper methods */ /* * Determines whether the given string constitutes a valid Identifier */ static boolean isValidIdentifier(String value) { if (value.isEmpty()) { return false; } for (char c : value.toCharArray()) { if (!isIdentifierChar(c)) { return false; } } return true; } /* * Determines whether the given character is part of a valid identifier */ private static boolean isIdentifierChar(char c) { return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '_'; } private boolean isWhitespace(char c) { return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r'; } /* * Consumes the next non-whitespace token, if it matches the provided one. * * Returns whether there was a match. Returns false if EOF was reached. */ private boolean consumeIfMatches(char token) { consumeWhitespace(); if (eof()) { return false; } if (chars[currentPos] == token) { currentPos++; return true; } else { return false; } } /* * Consumes every whitespace character in the beginning of the stream */ private void consumeWhitespace() { while (!eof()) { if (isWhitespace(chars[currentPos])) { currentPos++; } else { break; } } } /* * Consumes the next non-whitespace token, throwing an exception if it doesn't match the provided token, or if EOF has been * reached */ private void consume(char token) { consumeWhitespace(); if (eof()) { throw groupParsingException(String.valueOf(token), "<EOF>"); } char c = chars[currentPos]; if (c == token) { currentPos++; } else { throw groupParsingException(String.valueOf(token), String.valueOf(c)); } } /* * Returns whether the end of file has been reached */ private boolean eof() { return eof(currentPos); } /* * Returns whether the given position represents the end of file */ private boolean eof(int pos) { return pos == chars.length; } private DomainException groupParsingException(String expected, String given) { StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); message.append('\n').append(new String(chars)).append('\n'); IntStream.range(0, currentPos).forEach(i -> message.append(' ')); message.append('^').append("\nExpected: ").append(expected).append(", got ").append(given); return BennuCoreDomainException.groupParsingError(message.toString()); } }