package org.fenixedu.bennu.core.groups; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Set; import; import; import org.fenixedu.bennu.core.annotation.GroupOperator; import org.fenixedu.bennu.core.domain.User; import org.fenixedu.bennu.core.domain.exceptions.AuthorizationException; import org.fenixedu.bennu.core.domain.exceptions.BennuCoreDomainException; import org.fenixedu.bennu.core.domain.groups.PersistentGroup; import; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import; import; /** * <p> * Groups represent access groups. They are immutable objects, all operations return a new group with the result. * </p> * * <p> * Every group has a persistent counter part, to be used when domain relations are needed to persist the group information. Groups * can be converted back and forth to {@link PersistentGroup}s using {@link #toPersistentGroup()} and * {@link PersistentGroup#toGroup()}. * </p> * * <p> * Groups can be translated to and from a DSL of groups, using methods {@link #getExpression()} and {@link #parse(String)}, * respectively. The language supports compositions ({@code |}), intersections ({@code &}), negations ({@code !}) and differences * ({@code -}) over basic constructs, that can either be functions or the special link group: {@code #name} ({@link DynamicGroup} * ). Functions have the general form: {@code id(argName=argValue, argName=argValue,...)} but for groups without arguments they * loose the parenthesis completely, also the argNames can be skipped if a default argument is set. Common basic constructs are: * {@code anonymous} ( {@link AnonymousGroup}), {@code logged} ({@link LoggedGroup}), {@code anyone} ({@link AnyoneGroup}), * {@code nobody} ( {@link NobodyGroup}), {@code U(istxxx, istxxxx,...)} ({@link UserGroup}). * </p> * * <p> * Sub-classes should be annotated with {@link GroupOperator} for proper language support, and should extends {@link CustomGroup}. * </p> * * @author Pedro Santos ( * @see PersistentGroup * @see GroupOperator */ public abstract class Group implements Serializable, Comparable<Group> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1177210800165802668L; private static final Group ANONYMOUS = new AnonymousGroup(); private static final Group ANYONE = new AnyoneGroup(); private static final Group LOGGED = new LoggedGroup(); private static final Group NOBODY = new NobodyGroup(); public static final Group anonymous() { return ANONYMOUS; } public static final Group anyone() { return ANYONE; } public static final Group logged() { return LOGGED; } public static final Group nobody() { return NOBODY; } public static DynamicGroup managers() { return DynamicGroup.MANAGERS; } public static Group users(User... members) { return users(; } public static Group users(Stream<User> members) { Set<User> set = members.collect(Collectors.toSet()); if (set.size() == 0) { return NOBODY; } return new UserGroup(Collections.unmodifiableSet(set)); } public static DynamicGroup dynamic(String name) { return new DynamicGroup(name); } /** * Human readable, internationalized textual representation of this group. * * @return internationalized name of the group. */ public abstract String getPresentationName(); /** * Textual representation of this group in the group language. * * @return this group in group language. */ public abstract String getExpression(); /** * Obtains (creating if necessary) the corresponding group domain entity. * * @return An instance of {@link PersistentGroup}. */ public abstract PersistentGroup toPersistentGroup(); /** * Computes the full member list of this group. Potentially processor consuming operation, preferably developers should orient * code to {@link #isMember(User)} or {@link #isMember(User, DateTime)} methods. * * @return all member users in the system at the exact moment of the invocation */ public abstract Stream<User> getMembers(); /** * Same as {@link #getMembers()} but at a given moment in time. This is like a time-machine for the groups domain. * * @param when * moment when to fetch the user list. * @return all member users in the system at the requested moment */ public abstract Stream<User> getMembers(DateTime when); /** * Tests if the given user is a member of the group. * * @param user * the user to test, can be null * @return <code>true</code> if member, <code>false</code> otherwise * * @see #verify() */ public abstract boolean isMember(User user); /** * Same as {@link #isMember(User)} but at a given moment in time. This is like a time-machine for the groups domain. * * @param user * the user to test, can be null * @param when * moment when to test the user. * @return <code>true</code> if member, <code>false</code> otherwise */ public abstract boolean isMember(User user, DateTime when); /** * Tests if the given user is a member of the group, throwing an exception if not. * * @throws AuthorizationException * if user is not a member of the group. */ public void verify() throws AuthorizationException { if (!isMember(Authenticate.getUser())) { throw AuthorizationException.unauthorized(); } } /** * Intersect with given group. Returns the resulting group without changing {@code this} or the argument. * * @param group group to intersect with * @return group resulting of the intersection between '{@code this}' and '{@code group}' */ public Group and(Group group) { if (this.equals(group)) { return this; } if (group instanceof NobodyGroup) { return group; } if (group instanceof AnyoneGroup) { return this; } if (group instanceof LoggedGroup && !this.isMember(null)) { return this; } return new IntersectionGroup(ImmutableSet.<Group> builder().add(this).add(group).build()); } /** * Unite with given group. Returns the resulting group without changing {@code this} or the argument. * * @param group * group to unite with * @return group resulting of the union between '{@code this}' and '{@code group}' */ public Group or(Group group) { if (this.equals(group)) { return this; } if (group instanceof NobodyGroup) { return this; } if (group instanceof AnyoneGroup) { return group; } if (group instanceof LoggedGroup && !this.isMember(null)) { return group; } return new UnionGroup(ImmutableSet.<Group> builder().add(this).add(group).build()); } /** * Subtract with given group. Returns the resulting group without changing {@code this} or the argument. * * @param group * group to subtract with * @return group resulting of all members of '{@code this}' except members of '{@code group}' */ public Group minus(Group group) { if (this.equals(group)) { return NOBODY; } if (group instanceof NobodyGroup) { return this; } if (group instanceof AnyoneGroup) { return NOBODY; } return new DifferenceGroup(this, ImmutableSet.of(group)); } /** * Negate the group. Returns the resulting group without changing {@code this}. * * @return inverse group */ public Group not() { return new NegationGroup(this); } /** * Grants access to the given user. Returns the resulting group without changing {@code this}. * * @param user * user to grant access to * @return group resulting of the union between '{@code this}' and the group of the given user */ public Group grant(User user) { return or(user.groupOf()); } /** * Revokes access to the given user. Returns the resulting group without changing {@code this}. * * @param user * user to revoke access from * @return group resulting of the difference between '{@code this}' and the group of the given user */ public Group revoke(User user) { return minus(user.groupOf()); } /** * Parse group from the group language expression. * * @param expression * the group in textual form * @return group representing the semantics of the expression. * @throws BennuCoreDomainException * if a parsing error occurs */ public static Group parse(String expression) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(expression)) { return NOBODY; } return GroupParser.parse(expression); } @Override public String toString() { return getPresentationName(); } @Override public abstract boolean equals(Object object); @Override public abstract int hashCode(); @Override public int compareTo(Group other) { int byname = getPresentationName().compareTo(other.getPresentationName()); if (byname != 0) { return byname; } return getExpression().compareTo(getExpression()); } static String compositeExpression(Group group) { if (group instanceof UnionGroup || group instanceof IntersectionGroup || group instanceof DifferenceGroup || group instanceof NegationGroup) { return "(" + group.getExpression() + ")"; } else { return group.getExpression(); } } }