package org.bbssh.ui.screens; /** * This PrimaryScreen implementation adds handling to allow a tap or click gesture to lanuch the selected/current * session. * * @author marc * */ public class PrimaryScreen_47 extends PrimaryScreen { public PrimaryScreen_47() { super(); } // protected boolean touchEvent(TouchEvent message) { // if (sessionTreeField == null ) // return super.touchEvent(message); // // @todo - only launch the thing if the currently selected item == clicked-on item. // // How do we get that? There seems tobe no 'getTopIndex' - with that and getBottomIndex() // // we could simply calculate the offset ... // if (PlatformServicesProvider.getInstance().isTouchClickSupported()) { // // Click causes launch, allowing TAP to change selection. Needed for Storms. // if (message.getEvent() == TouchEvent.CLICK) { // launchEditOrResume(); // return true; // } // } else { // // For screens with no CLICK, they wil have a nav devices for changing selection // // so launch on TAP. // TouchGesture g = message.getGesture(); // if (g != null && g.getEvent() == TouchGesture.TAP) { // launchEditOrResume(); // return true; // } // } // return super.touchEvent(message); // } }