package org.bbssh.ui.components; import; import net.rim.device.api.i18n.ResourceBundle; import net.rim.device.api.ui.Field; import net.rim.device.api.ui.FieldChangeListener; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.BasicEditField; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.ButtonField; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.Dialog; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.EditField; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.ObjectChoiceField; import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.PopupScreen; import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.VerticalFieldManager; import org.bbssh.exceptions.FontNotFoundException; import org.bbssh.i18n.BBSSHResource; import org.bbssh.model.FontSettings; import org.bbssh.terminal.fonts.BBSSHFontManager; import org.bbssh.terminal.fonts.BitmapFontData; import org.bbssh.terminal.fonts.FontRenderer; import org.bbssh.ui.screens.TerminalScreen; import org.bbssh.util.Logger; public class FontPicker extends PopupScreen implements BBSSHResource, FieldChangeListener { ResourceBundle res = ResourceBundle.getBundle(BUNDLE_ID, BUNDLE_NAME); private BitmapFontData[] bitmapFontChoices; private String[] truetypeFontChoices; private ObjectChoiceField fontFaceList; private BasicEditField fontSizeField; private ObjectChoiceField fontSizeList; private ObjectChoiceField fontTypeList; private FontDisplayField fontDisplay; FontSettings originalFS; /** Index of the font size field which we will potentially replace */ private int fontSizeFieldPosition; private boolean closedThroughButtons; OKCancelControl okCancel = new OKCancelControl(); FontSettings fs; TerminalScreen screen; private ButtonField updatePreview; public FontPicker(FontSettings fs) { super(new VerticalFieldManager(VERTICAL_SCROLL | VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR), DEFAULT_CLOSE); this.fs = fs; bitmapFontChoices = BBSSHFontManager.getInstance().getBitmapFonts(); okCancel.setChangeListener(this); updatePreview = new ClickableButtonField(res.getString(SESSION_DTL_LBL_FONT_REFRESH)); updatePreview.setChangeListener(this); this.fs = new FontSettings(fs); this.originalFS = fs; setupFontFields(); addFontFields(); add(okCancel); if (fontTypeList.getSelectedIndex() == FontSettings.FONT_TT) { insert(updatePreview, okCancel.getIndex() - 1); } this.fs = new FontSettings(fs); // Now that everything is in place- set using the original values , b/c // the member may have been updated as a result of changelistener activity during our setup. setFontFaceSelection(originalFS.getFontId()); setFontSize(originalFS.getFontSize()); if (fontDisplay != null) { add(fontDisplay); } } private void addFontFields() { add(fontTypeList); add(fontFaceList); if (fs.getFontType() == FontSettings.FONT_BITMAP) { add(fontSizeList); fontSizeFieldPosition = fontSizeList.getIndex(); } else { add(fontSizeField); fontSizeFieldPosition = fontSizeField.getIndex(); } handleFontTypeChange(); } /** * When font type selection is changed, we need to reset font face name lists, and provide appropriate default * values for font face selection and font size based on the font type. * * This method will also swap in the correct font size field: pick list for bitmap, or numeric freeform text for * TTF. */ private void handleFontTypeChange() { // If font type changes, reset values to default for the new type. Field insField = null; Field removeField = null; int type = fontTypeList.getSelectedIndex(); if (type == FontSettings.FONT_BITMAP) { fontFaceList.setChoices(bitmapFontChoices); insField = fontSizeList; removeField = fontSizeField; } else { fontFaceList.setChoices(truetypeFontChoices); insField = fontSizeField; removeField = fontSizeList; } fontFaceList.setSelectedIndex(0); if (removeField.getManager() != null) { delete(removeField); } if (insField.getManager() == null) { insert(insField, fontSizeFieldPosition); } if (type == FontSettings.FONT_BITMAP) { if (updatePreview.getManager() != null) { delete(updatePreview); } } else { if (okCancel.getManager() != null) { insert(updatePreview, okCancel.getIndex() - 1); } } } private void setupFontFields() { String[] typeChoices; if (BBSSHFontManager.getInstance().areTruetypeFontsSupported()) { typeChoices = res.getStringArray(SESSION_DTL_LIST_FONT_TYPE_CHOICES); } else { typeChoices = new String[] { res.getString(SESSION_DTL_VALUE_FONT_BITMAP) }; // if we ever restore settings to a platform that doesn't support TT // then set up some defaults to prevent errors. if (fs.getFontType() == FontSettings.FONT_TT) { fs.setFontType(FontSettings.FONT_BITMAP); fs.setFontId((byte) 0); fs.setFontSize(FontSettings.DEFAULT_BITMAP_FONT_SIZE); } } bitmapFontChoices = BBSSHFontManager.getInstance().getBitmapFonts(); truetypeFontChoices = BBSSHFontManager.getInstance().getTTFontNames(); fontTypeList = new ObjectChoiceField(res.getString(SESSION_DTL_LBL_FONT_TYPE), typeChoices, fs .getFontType()); fontFaceList = new ObjectChoiceField(res.getString(SESSION_DTL_LBL_FONT_NAME), bitmapFontChoices, 0); fontSizeList = new ObjectChoiceField(res.getString(SESSION_DTL_LBL_FONT_SIZE), null, 0); fontSizeField = new BasicEditField(res.getString(SESSION_DTL_LBL_FONT_SIZE), "16", 2, BasicEditField.FILTER_INTEGER | EditField.NO_NEWLINE); // Not sure how or why, but for some reason the listener is defaulting to this class... as unlikely as that // sounds. if (fs.getFontType() == FontSettings.FONT_BITMAP) { populateFontSizeList(fs.getFontId(), false); // fontSizeList.setSelectedIndex(fs.getFontSize()); } try { fontDisplay = new FontDisplayField(BBSSHFontManager.getInstance().getRenderer(fs)); } catch (FontNotFoundException e) { Logger.error("FontNotFoundException in FontPicker.setupFontFields [ " + e.getMessage() + " ] "); } fontTypeList.setChangeListener(this); fontFaceList.setChangeListener(this); } private void populateFontSizeList(int fontId, boolean setListener) { try { fontSizeList.setChangeListener(null); fontSizeList.setChoices(BBSSHFontManager.getInstance().getBitmapFontData(fontId).getFontRecords()); if (setListener) fontSizeList.setChangeListener(this); } catch (FontNotFoundException e) { // This should not occur - we'll just log it for now; and if instances occur in the wild we'll look further. Logger.error("FontNotFoundException in FontPicker.populateFontSizeList [ " + e.getMessage() + " ] "); } } private void updateFontSettings() { fs.setFontType((byte) fontTypeList.getSelectedIndex()); fs.setFontId((byte) fontFaceList.getSelectedIndex()); if (fs.getFontType() == FontSettings.FONT_BITMAP) { fs.setFontSize((byte) fontSizeList.getSelectedIndex()); } else { fs.setFontSize((byte) Integer.parseInt(fontSizeField.getText())); } } public void save() throws IOException { updateFontSettings();; } public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) { if (field == okCancel) { closedThroughButtons = true; if (context == OKCancelControl.CONTEXT_CANCEL_PRESS) { fs = null; } else { if (isDataValid()) { try { save(); } catch (IOException e) { } } else { return; } } close(); } else if (field == fontTypeList) { handleFontTypeChange(); setFontFaceSelection((byte) 0); setFontSize(-1); refreshPreview(); } else if (field == fontFaceList) { populateFontSizeList(fontFaceList.getSelectedIndex(), true); refreshPreview(); } else if (field == fontSizeList) { refreshPreview(); } else if (field == updatePreview) { refreshPreview(); } } private void refreshPreview() { updateFontSettings(); try { FontRenderer fr = BBSSHFontManager.getInstance().getRenderer(fs); if (fontDisplay == null) { fontDisplay = new FontDisplayField(fr); insert(fontDisplay, fontSizeFieldPosition + 1); } else { fontDisplay.setRenderer(fr); } } catch (FontNotFoundException e) { Logger.error("FontNotFoundException in FontPicker.refreshPreview [ " + e.getMessage() + " ] "); return; } } /** * Sets currently displayed font size field to the specified value. If the value is out of range, it will substitute * with an appropriate default. * * @param size font size to change the field value to. */ private void setFontSize(int size) { if (fontSizeField.getManager() == null) { try { if (!BBSSHFontManager.getInstance().getBitmapFontData(fontFaceList.getSelectedIndex()).isFontSizeValid( (byte) size)) { size = FontSettings.DEFAULT_BITMAP_FONT_SIZE; } } catch (FontNotFoundException e) { // @todo Again, this shouldn't occur here. we'll need to clean this up. Logger.error("FontNotFoundException in FontPicker.setFontSize [ " + e.getMessage() + " ] "); } try { fontSizeList.setSelectedIndex(size); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Logger.error("Unexpected error - font size idx " + size + " not in list!"); fontSizeList.setSelectedIndex(FontSettings.DEFAULT_BITMAP_FONT_SIZE); } } else { if (size < 3 || size > 99) { size = FontSettings.DEFAULT_TRUETYPE_FONT_SIZE; } fontSizeField.setText(Integer.toString(size)); } } public boolean isDataValid() { if (fontTypeList.getSelectedIndex() == FontSettings.FONT_TT) { // Should not be possible, as we're now not presenting the option; // still if someone preserves settings across a device change, // odd things can happen... if (!BBSSHFontManager.getInstance().areTruetypeFontsSupported()) { Dialog.alert(res.getString(SESSION_DTL_MSG_NO_TRUETYPE)); fontTypeList.setFocus(); return false; } } return true; } private void setFontFaceSelection(byte fontId) { if (fontTypeList.getSelectedIndex() == FontSettings.FONT_BITMAP) { if (fontId < 0 || fontId >= bitmapFontChoices.length) { fontId = 0; } } else { if (fontId < 0 || fontId >= truetypeFontChoices.length) { fontId = 0; } } fontFaceList.setSelectedIndex(fontId); } public FontSettings getUpdatedFontSettings() { if (originalFS.equals(fs)) { return null; } return fs; } public void close() { if (!closedThroughButtons) fs = null; super.close(); } }