package org.bbssh.session; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; import net.rim.device.api.i18n.FieldPosition; import net.rim.device.api.i18n.MessageFormat; import net.rim.device.api.i18n.ResourceBundle; import net.rim.device.api.system.SystemListener2; import net.rim.device.api.ui.Screen; import net.rim.device.api.ui.UiApplication; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.Status; import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.PopupScreen; import net.rim.device.api.util.IntHashtable; import org.bbssh.BBSSHApp; import org.bbssh.exceptions.FontNotFoundException; import org.bbssh.i18n.BBSSHResource; import org.bbssh.model.ConnectionProperties; import org.bbssh.model.Key; import org.bbssh.model.KeyManager; import; import; import; import org.bbssh.notifications.NotificationManager; import org.bbssh.platform.PlatformServicesProvider; import org.bbssh.terminal.TerminalStateData; import org.bbssh.ui.components.KeyPasswordPrompt; import org.bbssh.ui.screens.PasswordPromptPopup; import org.bbssh.ui.screens.TerminalScreen; import org.bbssh.util.Logger; import org.bbssh.util.Tools; import org.bbssh.util.Version; /** * This class manages active connections/sessions and their screens. */ public class SessionManager implements SystemListener2, SessionListener { ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(BBSSHResource.BUNDLE_ID, BBSSHResource.BUNDLE_NAME); String tempPass; boolean forceShutdown = false; private TerminalScreen terminal = null; public RemoteSessionInstance activeSession; private int nextSessionId = 0; private IntHashtable sessions = new IntHashtable(); // Future expansion --- allows us to have multiple conneced session interfaces. private Hashtable sessionsForProperties = new Hashtable(); private static SessionManager me; private SessionManager() { } /** * Retrieve the one and only session manager instance * * @return session manager instance */ public static SessionManager getInstance() { // technically should be synchronized, but our very first call is // executed safely -- and that's the one that will cause this initialization to // occur. We'll save the overhead on getInstance which will be used frequently. if (me == null) { me = new SessionManager(); } return me; } /** * Sets the active session by updating the terminal. Pushes term screen onto the display stack if it's not there - * but will not uncovers it if it's buried. * * @param session */ private synchronized void setActiveSessionImpl(RemoteSessionInstance session) { TerminalScreen s = getTerminalScreen(); try { s.attachSession(session); } catch (FontNotFoundException e1) { Logger.error("FontNotFoundException in SessionManager.setActiveSessionImpl [ " + e1.getMessage() + " ] "); BBSSHApp.inst().invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() {; } }); return; } try { if (s.isDisplayed()) { } else { UiApplication.getUiApplication().pushScreen(s); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.fatal(e.getMessage() + "/" + e.toString()); } } public synchronized void setActiveSession(final RemoteSessionInstance session) { activeSession = session; cancelNotifications(session); if (UiApplication.getUiApplication().isEventThread()) { setActiveSessionImpl(session); } else { UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { setActiveSessionImpl(session); } }); } } /** * Switches display to another active session * * @param switchTo * session to switch to. */ public synchronized void setActiveSession(int switchTo) { RemoteSessionInstance con = (RemoteSessionInstance) sessions.get(switchTo); if (con == null) { return; } setActiveSession(con); } /** * Reconnects the provided session instance, if it is disconnected. * * @param inst * a disconnected remote session instance */ public void reconnectSession(RemoteSessionInstance inst) { if (inst.isConnected()) { return; // can only reconnect disconnected } sessions.remove(inst.session.getSessionId()); Vector v = (Vector) sessionsForProperties.get(inst.session.getProperties()); v.removeElement(inst); connectSession(inst.session.getProperties()); } private synchronized RemoteSessionInstance initiateSession(ConnectionProperties prop) { RemoteSessionInstance c = new RemoteSessionInstance(); c.state = new TerminalStateData(prop); nextSessionId++; // New connections have extra work ahead... if (prop.getSessionType() == ConnectionProperties.SESSION_TYPE_SSH) { c.session = new SshSession(prop, nextSessionId, this); } else { c.session = new TelnetSession(prop, nextSessionId, this); } sessions.put(nextSessionId, c); Vector v = (Vector) sessionsForProperties.get(prop); if (v == null) { v = new Vector(); sessionsForProperties.put(prop, v); } v.addElement(c); return c; } /** * Creates an active session for specified session properties, or resumes it if it is already active. If multiple * sessions are available, it will look for a connected one. It will resume teh first connected session; if none are * connected, it will resume the first session (even if disconnected) * * @param prop * session properties representing the session to activate. */ public void initiateOrResumeSession(ConnectionProperties prop) { RemoteSessionInstance rsi = getFirstConnectedSession(prop); if (rsi == null) { connectSession(initiateSession(prop)); } else { setActiveSession(rsi); } Vector v = (Vector) sessionsForProperties.get(prop); if (v == null || v.size() == 0) { connectSession(prop); } else { setActiveSession((RemoteSessionInstance) v.elementAt(0)); } } public void connectSession(ConnectionProperties prop) { connectSession(initiateSession(prop)); } String tempUsername; // @todo - this doesn't belong here. Who shoudl actually push the passowrd // prompt // @todo - redundant with the generic-ish ssh prompt handling. A way to // consolidate? private void updateCredentials() { UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { PasswordPromptPopup prompt = new PasswordPromptPopup(bundle.getString(BBSSHResource.SESSION_PROMPT_USERNAME_PASS), tempUsername, false); if ( { tempUsername = prompt.getUsername(); tempPass = prompt.getPassword(); } } }); } private void connectSession(RemoteSessionInstance c) { if (c == null) return; c.emulator = c.session.getEmulator(); setActiveSession(c); if (!c.isConnected()) { // If password and username are blank; or password only is blank and // no key is set, // prompt for password. final ConnectionProperties prop = c.session.getProperties(); tempUsername = prop.getUsername(); tempPass = null; if (prop.getPassword() == null && (tempUsername == null || prop.getKeyId() == -1)) { updateCredentials(); } c.session.setUserName(tempUsername); c.session.setPassword(tempPass); c.session.connect(); } refreshConnectionList(); } public void disconnectSession(int sessionId) {"Disconnecting: " + sessionId); disconnectSession((RemoteSessionInstance) sessions.get(sessionId)); } private void disconnectSession(final RemoteSessionInstance rsi, final boolean terminate) { if (rsi == null || rsi.session == null) { Logger.warn("Requested to disconnect session, but no session provided."); return; } try { rsi.state.suppressNotify = terminate; rsi.session.disconnect(); } finally { // @todo - this shoudl be done in a background thread? Only a // concern if we ever have to blcok for a // significant period of time on our connectio mutex. if (terminate) { Vector v = (Vector) sessionsForProperties.get(rsi.session.getProperties()); v.removeElement(rsi); sessions.remove(rsi.session.getSessionId()); if (activeSession == rsi) { Logger.warn("Terminating active session."); activeSession = null; if (terminal != null && terminal.isDisplayed()) { Logger.warn("Forcing terminate pop."); UiApplication.getUiApplication().popScreen(terminal); } } } refreshConnectionList(); } } /** * Begins the disconnect process in a background thread. * * @param rsi */ public void disconnectSession(final RemoteSessionInstance rsi) { disconnectSession(rsi, false); } /** * Iterates through all managed sessions and returns the total which are currently connected. * * @return number of connected sessions */ public boolean doesActiveSessionExist() { Enumeration e = sessions.elements(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { RemoteSessionInstance rsi = (RemoteSessionInstance) e.nextElement(); if (rsi.isConnected()) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @return Enumeration of RemoteSessionInstance */ public Enumeration getAvailableSessions() { return sessions.elements(); } public RemoteSessionInstance getSession(int sessionId) { return (RemoteSessionInstance) sessions.get(sessionId); } public void terminateAllSessions() { Enumeration e = sessions.elements(); forceShutdown = true; while (e.hasMoreElements()) { ((RemoteSessionInstance) e.nextElement()).session.disconnect(); } } public void refreshConnectionList() { BBSSHApp.inst().getPrimaryScreen().refreshConnections(); } public void notifyAppDeactivate() { refreshNotifications(); } public synchronized TerminalScreen getTerminalScreen() { if (terminal == null) { String name = TerminalScreen.class.getName(); terminal = (TerminalScreen) Version.createOSObjectInstance(name); ; } return terminal; } // @todo does this listener belong in notificationmanager? public void backlightStateChange(boolean on) { if (on) { notifyAppActivate(); } else { notifyAppDeactivate(); } } public void cradleMismatch(boolean mismatch) { } public void fastReset() { terminateAllSessions(); } public void powerOffRequested(int reason) { } public void usbConnectionStateChange(int state) { } public void batteryGood() { } public void batteryLow() { } public void batteryStatusChange(int status) { } public void powerOff() { } public void powerUp() { } /** * For a given session, this will close it (if necessary) then remove it compeltely - rendering it inaccessible the * user. * * @param sessionId */ public void terminateSession(int sessionId) { terminateSession(getSession(sessionId)); } public void terminateSession(final RemoteSessionInstance rsi) { if (rsi != null && rsi.session != null) { disconnectSession(rsi, true); } } public RemoteSessionInstance getFirstConnectedSession(ConnectionProperties prop) { Vector v = getSessions(prop); int size; if (v == null || ((size = v.size()) == 0)) { return null; } RemoteSessionInstance rsi = null; RemoteSessionInstance ret = null; for (int x = 0; x < size; x++) { rsi = ((RemoteSessionInstance) v.elementAt(x)); if (rsi != null && rsi.session != null && rsi.session.isConnectionActive()) { ret = rsi; break; } } return ret; } public Vector getSessions(ConnectionProperties prop) { Object o = sessionsForProperties.get(prop); Vector v; if (o instanceof Vector) { v = (Vector) o; } else { v = new Vector(); sessionsForProperties.put(prop, v); } return (Vector) o; } public RemoteSessionInstance getFirstSession(ConnectionProperties prop) { if (prop == null) return null; Vector v = getSessions(prop); if (v == null || v.size() == 0) return null; return (RemoteSessionInstance) v.elementAt(0); } public void notifyActiveSessionExposed() { cancelNotifications(activeSession); if (activeSession != null) { PlatformServicesProvider.getInstance().lockOrientation(activeSession.state.orientationMode); // @todo as this is key mapping it may belong with the other onDisplayInvalid(activeSession.session.getSessionId()); } } public void notifyActiveSessionObscured() { } public void notifySessionListExposed() { // When the session list is exposed.. we may be able to remove this. } public void cancelNotifications(RemoteSessionInstance rsi) { if (rsi != null && rsi.state.notified) { rsi.state.notified = false; } NotificationManager.inst().updateNotificationIndicators(false, rsi); } private String getKeyPasswordInternal(Key key) { String password = null; KeyPasswordPrompt passwordScreen = new KeyPasswordPrompt(); if (passwordScreen.doModal(key.getFriendlyName())) { password = passwordScreen.getPassword(); if (password.length() == 0) { password = null; } else { } if (passwordScreen.getSavePassword()) { key.setPassphrase(password); KeyManager.getInstance().commitData(); } } return password; } public String getKeyPassword(int sessionId, Key key) { // @todo - make a separate KeyPasswordRequestor implementation, much // cleaner than this foolishness. final Key k = key; UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { tempPass = getKeyPasswordInternal(k); } }); String local = tempPass; tempPass = null; // make sure this password can get freed up- (? do // strings get freed in the jvm?) return local; } public void onDisplayDirty(int sessionId) { if (forceShutdown) return; terminal.redraw(false); } public void onDisplayInvalid(int sessionId) { if (forceShutdown) return; terminal.redraw(true); } // onSessionError then, onSessionDisconnected public void onSessionConnected(int sessionId) { if (forceShutdown) return; // This will update home screen icons, notification icons, etc. setSessionNotifiedState(sessionId); } public void onSessionDisconnected(int sessionId, int bytesWritten, int bytesRead) { if (forceShutdown) return; RemoteSessionInstance rsi = (RemoteSessionInstance) sessions.get(sessionId); if (rsi == null) return; if (rsi == activeSession) { terminal.hideOverlayManager(); } MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat(bundle.getString(BBSSHResource.MSG_USAGE_SUMMARY)); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); mf.format(new Object[] { Tools.byteCountToHumanReadableString(bytesRead), Tools.byteCountToHumanReadableString(bytesWritten), Tools.byteCountToHumanReadableString(bytesRead + bytesWritten) }, sb, new FieldPosition(0)); String value = sb.toString(); Logger.warn(value); // Moving the bottom margin to the bottom of the screen will ensure that scrolling is permitted -- so when we // append the message, the screen will be able to scroll as necessary. rsi.emulator.setBottomMargin(rsi.emulator.getTerminalHeight(), false); rsi.emulator.putStringStartLine(value); // ANy time we force text into the terminal, we need to invalidate it to // force repaint. onDisplayInvalid(sessionId); if (isTerminalActive()) { if (rsi == activeSession) { terminal.showExpiringMessage(bundle.getString(BBSSHResource.TERMINAL_MSG_DISCONNECTED)); } else { terminal.showExpiringMessage(MessageFormat.format( bundle.getString(BBSSHResource.TERMINAL_MSG_DISCONNECTED_OTHER), new Object[] { rsi.session.getProperties() })); } } setSessionNotifiedState(sessionId); } /* * Invoked when asession error causes the connection to be terminated. * Received before onSessionDisconnected. (non-Javadoc) * * @see, * java.lang.String) */ public void onSessionError(int sessionId, String errorMessage) { if (forceShutdown) return; // rsi.state.addNotificationMessage("Error: " + error); RemoteSessionInstance rsi = getSession(sessionId); if (rsi == null) return; final String error = bundle.getString(BBSSHResource.MSG_NOTICE) + errorMessage; rsi.state.error = true; rsi.emulator.setBottomMargin(rsi.state.numRows, false); rsi.emulator.putStringStartLine(Tools.CRLF); rsi.emulator.putStringStartLine(error); rsi.emulator.putStringStartLine(Tools.CRLF); onDisplayInvalid(sessionId); setSessionNotifiedState(sessionId); } /** * @return true if the terminal screen is currently displayed foremost on screen. */ public boolean isTerminalActive() { BBSSHApp app = BBSSHApp.inst(); if (terminal == null) return false; if (!app.isForeground()) return false; Screen s = app.getActiveScreen(); if (s == terminal) return true; if (terminal.isVisible()) return true; // if a popup screen is on top of the terminal (such as macro // selector or font dialog) // we'll count that as terminal active. if (terminal.isDisplayed() && s instanceof PopupScreen) { return true; } return false; } public void refreshNotifications() { NotificationManager.inst().updateNotificationIndicators(false, null); } public void setSessionNotifiedState(int sessionId) { if (forceShutdown) return; RemoteSessionInstance rsi = getSession(sessionId); if (rsi == null) { return; } if (!isTerminalActive()) { boolean newNotification = !rsi.state.notified; rsi.state.notified = true; NotificationManager.inst().updateNotificationIndicators(newNotification, rsi); // @todo - should NotificationManager also handle primaryscreen updates? } refreshConnectionList(); } /** * notify of a bell tone * * @param connId */ public void onSessionRemoteAlert(int connId) { if (forceShutdown) return; RemoteSessionInstance rsi = getSession(connId); if (rsi == null) { return; } if (isTerminalActive()) { if (rsi != activeSession) { terminal.showExpiringMessage(MessageFormat.format( bundle.getString(BBSSHResource.TERMINAL_MSG_ALERT_IN_SESSION), new Object[] { rsi.session.getProperties() })); } } setSessionNotifiedState(connId); } public ConnectionProperties getPropertiesForInstance(int sessionId) { RemoteSessionInstance rsi = getSession(sessionId); if (rsi == null) return null; if (rsi.session == null) return null; return rsi.session.getProperties(); } /** * Invoked when the application has been activated, eg swappedi n from teh background, or when we receive backlight * on event. */ public void notifyAppActivate() { // stop any blinking/alert notification behavior. NotificationManager.inst().resetNotificationState(); // Restore proper orientation lock (as much as we can - a bug prevents // full restoration // in that if the user changed orientation, locking it won't set it back // to what we want.) if (isTerminalActive()) { notifyActiveSessionExposed(); } else { // Cancel active Notifications, but do not change icon state. cancelNotifications(null); PlatformServicesProvider.getInstance().unlockOrientation(); } refreshNotifications(); refreshConnectionList(); } }