package org.bbssh.ui.components.keybinding; import; import javax.microedition.lcdui.Font; import net.rim.device.api.i18n.ResourceBundle; import net.rim.device.api.i18n.ResourceBundleFamily; import net.rim.device.api.ui.Field; import net.rim.device.api.ui.FieldChangeListener; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.BasicEditField; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.Dialog; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.LabelField; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.ObjectChoiceField; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.SeparatorField; import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.HorizontalFieldManager; import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.PopupScreen; import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.VerticalFieldManager; import org.bbssh.command.CommandConstants; import org.bbssh.i18n.BBSSHResource; import org.bbssh.keybinding.ExecutableCommand; import org.bbssh.keybinding.KeyBindingHelper; import org.bbssh.keybinding.TerminalKey; import org.bbssh.model.KeyBindingManager; import org.bbssh.model.MacroManager; import org.bbssh.ui.components.ClickableButtonField; import org.bbssh.util.Tools; /** * This popup screen allows the caller to select a command to bind to a key. It will display the help text for the * command and allow the user to enter a parameter if required. */ public class CommandBindingPopup extends PopupScreen implements FieldChangeListener { private ResourceBundleFamily res = ResourceBundle.getBundle(BBSSHResource.BUNDLE_ID, BBSSHResource.BUNDLE_NAME); /** * This member is intended to accurately reflect true if we've made a change <i>during the current edit</i> while * this dialog is displayed. Conversely, member state.changesSaved tracks whether changes need to be committed to * the persistent store, and is managed at the screen level. */ // during the current edit; while state.changesSaved will reflect if the binding has changed at all // since the last save of key bindings. private boolean changeSaved; boolean firstRun; Object[] macros; ObjectChoiceField availCommands; private int titleId = 0; private Field currentParamField; private LabelField helpField = new LabelField(); private BasicEditField paramEditField = new BasicEditField(res.getString(BBSSHResource.KEYBIND_LBL_PARAMETER), ""); private BasicEditField paramNumericField = new BasicEditField(res.getString(BBSSHResource.KEYBIND_LBL_PARAMETER), "", 32, BasicEditField.FILTER_NUMERIC); private ObjectChoiceField paramChoiceField = new ObjectChoiceField(res .getString(BBSSHResource.KEYBIND_LBL_PARAMETER), new Object[] { "" }); private ClickableButtonField saveChanges = new ClickableButtonField(res.getString(BBSSHResource.GENERAL_LBL_OK)); private ClickableButtonField cancelChanges = new ClickableButtonField(res .getString(BBSSHResource.GENERAL_LBL_CANCEL)); private KeybindState state; HorizontalFieldManager okCancelHFM; HorizontalFieldManager parameterContainer = new HorizontalFieldManager(); // private boolean macroMode; public CommandBindingPopup(boolean macroMode) { super(new VerticalFieldManager(VERTICAL_SCROLL | VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR), PopupScreen.DEFAULT_CLOSE); // This title text is used whenever this screen is displayed. titleId = macroMode ? BBSSHResource.KEYBIND_MACRO_EDIT_TITLE : BBSSHResource.KEYBIND_SHORTCUT_EDIT_TITLE; setFont(getFont().derive(Font.STYLE_PLAIN, 17)); // this.macroMode = macroMode; ExecutableCommand[] commands; if (macroMode) { commands = KeyBindingManager.getInstance().getMacroActionCommands(); } else { commands = KeyBindingManager.getInstance().getBindableCommands(); } availCommands = new ObjectChoiceField(res.getString(BBSSHResource.KEYBIND_LBL_ACTION), commands); availCommands.setChangeListener(this); // @todo - use menus instead? Or replace with our standard component? okCancelHFM = new HorizontalFieldManager(HorizontalFieldManager.FIELD_HCENTER); okCancelHFM.add(saveChanges); okCancelHFM.add(cancelChanges); saveChanges.setChangeListener(this); cancelChanges.setChangeListener(this); currentParamField = null; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see net.rim.device.api.ui.FieldChangeListener#fieldChanged(net.rim.device.api.ui.Field, int) */ public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) { if (field == availCommands) { int sel = availCommands.getSelectedIndex(); if (sel == -1) return; state.command = (ExecutableCommand) availCommands.getChoice(sel); // @todo - handling for command.isParameterOptional helpField.setText(res.getString(state.command.getDescriptionResId())); if (state.command.isParameterRequired()) { setupParameterField(); } else { //if (currentParamField != null && currentParamField.getManager() != null) { parameterContainer.deleteAll(); } } else if (field == saveChanges) { if (isDataValid()) { try { save(); } catch (IOException e) { } close(); } } else if (field == cancelChanges) { setDirty(false); changeSaved = false; close(); } } /** * This method creates and appropriately populates the required parameter for teh currently active command. At the * moment, this is more than a little ugly - this screen is manually mapping each command to its permitted values * and ranges. In the longer term, we will need to set up a proper object model around executablecommand. * */ private void setupParameterField() { parameterContainer.deleteAll(); currentParamField = null; // @todo optional parameter support! case CommandConstants.INPUT_MODE: // note that we already filtered out commands that don't support params, // so those won't be listed here in this switch switch (state.command.getId()) { case CommandConstants.MOVEMENT_KEY: currentParamField = paramChoiceField; paramChoiceField.setChoices(KeyBindingHelper.getDirectionalTerminalKeys()); if (firstRun && state.parameter != null && state.parameter instanceof Integer) { int key = ((Integer) state.parameter).intValue(); int idx = KeyBindingHelper.getMovementTerminalKeyIndex(key); if (idx > -1) { paramChoiceField.setSelectedIndex(idx); } } break; case CommandConstants.RUN_MACRO: currentParamField = paramChoiceField; macros = Tools.vectorToArray(MacroManager.getInstance().getMacros()); paramChoiceField.setChoices(macros); if (macros.length > 0 && firstRun && state.parameter != null && state.parameter instanceof String) { // @todo - this SHOULD work if .equals is being used ... paramChoiceField.setSelectedIndex(state.parameter); } break; case CommandConstants.SHOW_DEBUG_MESSAGE: case CommandConstants.SCROLL_DOWN_LINES: case CommandConstants.SCROLL_UP_LINES: case CommandConstants.WAIT: case CommandConstants.WAIT_FOR_ACTIVITY: // @todo support to have a separate numeric field? currentParamField = paramNumericField; if (firstRun && state.parameter != null) { paramNumericField.setText(state.parameter.toString()); } break; case CommandConstants.SEND_TEXT: currentParamField = paramEditField; if (firstRun && state.parameter != null) { paramEditField.setText(state.parameter.toString()); } break; case CommandConstants.SEND_TERMINAL_KEY: // @todo this should be modified to sendStandardKeyAtIndex... currentParamField = paramChoiceField; paramChoiceField.setChoices(KeyBindingHelper.getTerminalKeys()); if (firstRun && state.parameter != null && state.parameter instanceof Integer) { int key = ((Integer) state.parameter).intValue(); int idx = KeyBindingHelper.getTerminalKeyIndex(key); if (idx > -1) { paramChoiceField.setSelectedIndex(idx); } } break; case CommandConstants.INCDEC_FONT_SIZE: currentParamField = paramChoiceField; paramChoiceField.setChoices(KeyBindingHelper.getFontChangeChoices()); if (firstRun && state.parameter != null && state.parameter instanceof Integer) { int action = ((Integer) state.parameter).intValue(); if (action > -1) { paramChoiceField.setSelectedIndex(action); } else { paramChoiceField.setSelectedIndex(0); } } break; default: currentParamField = null; break; } // If the param field we're needing now isn't the same as the last time we displayed, // replace the old one with the correct field. if (currentParamField != null) { parameterContainer.add(currentParamField); } state.parameter = null; } /** * Returns state tracking for the the key-binding being managed by this field. * * @return state instance for key being managed */ public KeybindState getKeybindState() { return this.state; } // @todo - freeform text is a problem here: fucking virtual kbd in horizontal // mode makes it unusable. /** * Updates this popup to reflect the specific key binding state provided. Invoking this will cause fields to * refresh/repaint, so it is up to the caller to ensure that it's invoked from the UI thread. * * @param state */ public void setKeybindState(KeybindState state) { this.state = state; LabelField title = new LabelField(res.getString(titleId) + state.bindingDescription); changeSaved = false; firstRun = true; // @todo - do we really need to deleteAll? Or just refresh values... deleteAll(); add(title); // 0 add(availCommands); // 1 add(parameterContainer); currentParamField = null; paramChoiceField.setChoices(new Object[] {}); paramEditField.setText(""); paramNumericField.setText(""); // 2 - we are inserting the parameter field here, when parameter field is needed. add(new SeparatorField()); // 3 add(helpField);// 4 add(okCancelHFM); // 5 if (state.command == null) { availCommands.setSelectedIndex(0); } else { // this will trigger fieldChanged, which populates the rest of the screen as needed. // Hmm. Unless it's already set from a previous display. int old = availCommands.getSelectedIndex(); availCommands.setSelectedIndex(state.command); // If the command hasn't changed from last time we displayed, then the change event won't // fire. Let's fire it manually. if (old == availCommands.getSelectedIndex()) { fieldChanged(availCommands, 1); } } firstRun = false; } /** * Invoked by framework when there are chanegs to be saved, this implementation simply updates local member objects * to reflect the new parameter. Owning screen is responsible for determining whether the actual changes are to be * persisted. * * also @see net.rim.device.api.ui.Screen#save() */ public void save() throws IOException { changeSaved = true; if (currentParamField instanceof ObjectChoiceField) { // Note tha we're not checking for -1 -- because isDataValid guarantees that // if we reach this point, we have a valid selection int index = paramChoiceField.getSelectedIndex(); // Now we have to do the same mess as when the field changes - we need to map the // enterd value to the real underlying type. switch (state.command.getId()) { case CommandConstants.MOVEMENT_KEY: case CommandConstants.SEND_TERMINAL_KEY: if (index > -1) { state.parameter = ((TerminalKey) paramChoiceField.getChoice(index)).getValue(); } break; case CommandConstants.RUN_MACRO: // Here our parameter is the name of the macro - so we can use the string object in the list. if (index > -1) { state.parameter = paramChoiceField.getChoice(index).toString(); } break; case CommandConstants.INCDEC_FONT_SIZE: state.parameter = new Integer(index); break; } } else { switch (state.command.getId()) { case CommandConstants.SCROLL_DOWN_LINES: case CommandConstants.SCROLL_UP_LINES: case CommandConstants.WAIT: case CommandConstants.WAIT_FOR_ACTIVITY: state.parameter = Integer.valueOf(paramNumericField.getText()); break; default: state.parameter = paramEditField.getText(); break; } paramEditField.setText(""); paramNumericField.setText(""); }; } /** * returns true if a change has been made on this screen and it was not canceled. * * @return true if change was saved. */ public boolean isChangeSaved() { return this.changeSaved; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see net.rim.device.api.ui.Screen#isDataValid() */ public boolean isDataValid() { if (state.command != null && !state.command.isParameterRequired()) { return true; } int messageId = 0; int len1 = paramEditField.getTextLength(); int len2 = paramNumericField.getTextLength(); int len = len1 + len2; if (state.command == null) { messageId = BBSSHResource.MSG_KEYBIND_NO_SELECTION; } else if (currentParamField instanceof BasicEditField) { // currently the only special handling in place is for "WAIT" - // this value must be numeric. if (len == 0) { messageId = BBSSHResource.KEYBIND_MSG_NO_PARAM; } else { int minValue = 0; switch (state.command.getId()) { case CommandConstants.WAIT: minValue = 1; // no break intentional - both fields use numeric validation. case CommandConstants.WAIT_FOR_ACTIVITY: try { if (Integer.parseInt(paramNumericField.getText()) < minValue) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // might happen if the number is too big for an int... messageId = BBSSHResource.KEYBIND_MSG_INVALID_MILLISECONDS; } } } } else { if (paramChoiceField.getSelectedIndex() < 0) { messageId = BBSSHResource.KEYBIND_MSG_NO_PARAM; } } if (messageId > 0) { Dialog.ask(Dialog.D_OK, res.getString(messageId)); currentParamField.setFocus(); return false; } return super.isDataValid(); } }