package org.bbssh.ui.components; import; import net.rim.device.api.applicationcontrol.ApplicationPermissions; import net.rim.device.api.applicationcontrol.ApplicationPermissionsManager; import net.rim.device.api.i18n.ResourceBundle; import net.rim.device.api.system.Alert; import net.rim.device.api.system.Bitmap; import net.rim.device.api.system.Characters; import net.rim.device.api.system.KeyListener; import net.rim.device.api.system.KeypadListener; import net.rim.device.api.ui.Color; import net.rim.device.api.ui.Field; import net.rim.device.api.ui.Font; import net.rim.device.api.ui.Graphics; import net.rim.device.api.ui.Keypad; import net.rim.device.api.ui.UiApplication; import net.rim.device.api.ui.XYPoint; import net.rim.device.api.ui.XYRect; import org.bbssh.exceptions.FontNotFoundException; import org.bbssh.i18n.BBSSHResource; import org.bbssh.keybinding.BoundCommand; import org.bbssh.keybinding.KeyBindingHelper; import org.bbssh.model.ConnectionProperties; import org.bbssh.model.FontSettings; import org.bbssh.model.KeyBindingManager; import org.bbssh.model.SettingsManager; import org.bbssh.platform.PlatformServicesProvider; import org.bbssh.session.RemoteSessionInstance; import org.bbssh.session.SessionManager; import org.bbssh.terminal.TerminalStateData; import org.bbssh.terminal.VT320; import org.bbssh.terminal.fonts.BBSSHFontManager; import org.bbssh.terminal.fonts.FontRenderer; import org.bbssh.ui.screens.TerminalScreen; import org.bbssh.util.Logger; import org.bbssh.util.Tools; public class TerminalField extends Field { // This will change when the keyboard is shown/hidden, so we'll track this // to know protected int width, height; ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(BBSSHResource.BUNDLE_ID, BBSSHResource.BUNDLE_NAME); private FontRenderer renderer; private int lastKeyControlTS; int lastNavTime = 0; private FontSettings oldFontSettings = null; private String expiringMessage; XYRect statusBarRegionRect = new XYRect(0, 0, 0, 0); private boolean statusInvalidated = false; private boolean processChars = true; private Font statusFont; SessionManager sessionMgr; private int messageTimer = -1; Runnable expireMessageTask = new Runnable() { public void run() { if (expiringMessage != null) { synchronized (expiringMessage) { messageTimer = -1; // no longer valid now that the task has // executed. expiringMessage = null; invalidateStatusIcons(); } } } }; public void attachInstance(RemoteSessionInstance rsi) throws FontNotFoundException { updateFontSettings(rsi.state.fs); sizeChanged(rsi.termInitPending); rsi.termInitPending = false; lastKeyControlTS = 0; oldFontSettings = null; expiringMessage = null; statusInvalidated = false; } public TerminalField() { Font f = getFont(); sessionMgr = SessionManager.getInstance(); statusFont = f .derive(Font.ITALIC, (int) ((float) f.getHeight() * 0.65)); processChars = !PlatformServicesProvider.getInstance() .isReducedLayout(); } protected void layout(int width, int height) { setPosition(0, 0); setExtent(width, height); this.width = width; this.height = height; statusBarRegionRect.height = statusFont.getHeight() + 16; statusBarRegionRect.width = (width / 10) * 9; statusBarRegionRect.x = width - statusBarRegionRect.width; statusBarRegionRect.y = 0; } /** * Internal method invoked to reflect any size changes to the display region * (includign that at initial load.) This initializes character grid * height/width, and (if it occurs after session is launched) sends update * to the remote server of dimension changes. * * @param updateRemote * if true, also send a request to remote terminal requesting * term size change */ public void sizeChanged(boolean updateRemote) { // Okay, this is messy - basically don't process anything if we // haven'tinitialized. . if (width == 0 || height == 0) return; RemoteSessionInstance rsi = sessionMgr.activeSession; if (rsi == null) return; XYPoint dim = renderer.getFontDimensions(); rsi.state.numColsVisible = width / dim.x; rsi.state.numRows = height / dim.y; rsi.backingStore = new Bitmap(width, height); rsi.backingStoreGR = PlatformServicesProvider.getInstance() .getGraphicsObjectForBitmap(rsi.backingStore); rsi.backingStoreGR.setColor(Tools.color[rsi.session.getProperties() .getBackgroundColorIndex()]); // Our font might not take us up to teh edges of the screen - so provide // a proper fill rsi.backingStoreGR.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); int virtualCols = rsi.state.numColsVisible; int virtualRows = rsi.state.numRows; boolean colOverride = false, rowOverride = false; if (rsi.state.settings.getTerminalCols() != 0) { // don't force a resize as we're overriding screen-based terminal // size. colOverride = true; virtualCols = rsi.state.settings.getTerminalCols(); } if (rsi.state.settings.getTerminalRows() != 0) { // don't force a resize as we're overriding screen-based // terminal size. rowOverride = true; virtualRows = rsi.state.settings.getTerminalRows(); } if (colOverride && rowOverride) updateRemote = false; rsi.emulator.setScreenSize(virtualCols, virtualRows, updateRemote); rsi.state.maxHeight = rsi.emulator.getTerminalHeight(); rsi.state.maxWidth = rsi.emulator.getTerminalWidth(); redraw(true); } protected void paintBackground(Graphics graphics) { RemoteSessionInstance rsi = SessionManager.getInstance().activeSession; int color = 0; if (rsi != null) color = rsi.session.getProperties().getBackgroundColorIndex(); graphics.setBackgroundColor(color); graphics.clear(); } protected void paint(Graphics g) { RemoteSessionInstance rsi = sessionMgr.activeSession; if (rsi == null || rsi.backingStoreGR == null) { g.drawText("No session connected", 0, 0); g.pushRegion(statusBarRegionRect, 0, 0); paintStatusIcons(g); statusInvalidated = false; g.popContext(); return; } rsi.state.debugPaintCount++; // If our terminal has been updated, this will refresh our bitmap. redrawBackingStore(rsi.backingStoreGR); // Now render the bitmap to screen. XYRect r = g.getClippingRect(); g.drawBitmap(r, rsi.backingStore, r.x, r.y); // save current alpha so that we can restore it later. int alpha = g.getGlobalAlpha(); g.pushRegion(statusBarRegionRect, 0, 0); paintStatusIcons(g); statusInvalidated = false; g.popContext(); // g.setGlobalAlpha(175); // paintChild(g, overlayFields); g.setGlobalAlpha(alpha); } private void paintStatusIcons(Graphics g) { g.setGlobalAlpha(200); XYRect r = g.getClippingRect(); // offset from the right by 10% - this will allow the standard // indicators // to be displayed without overwriting our own indicators int xpos = (int) (r.width - (r.width * .10)); int ypos = 2; g.setFont(statusFont); if (sessionMgr.activeSession == null) { return; } if (sessionMgr.activeSession.state.settings.isCaptureEnabled()) { xpos = drawIndicator( g, xpos, ypos, Tools.getStringResource(BBSSHResource.STATUS_MSG_IND_RECORDING), Color.RED); } TerminalStateData state = sessionMgr.activeSession.state; if (state.typingMode == TerminalStateData.TYPING_MODE_LOCAL_SCROLL) { xpos = drawIndicator( g, xpos, ypos, Tools.getStringResource(BBSSHResource.STATUS_MSG_IND_SCROLL_MODE)); } if (state.ctrlPressed) { xpos = drawIndicator( g, xpos, ypos, Tools.getStringResource(BBSSHResource.STATUS_MSG_CTRL_PRESSED)); } if (state.altPressed) { xpos = drawIndicator( g, xpos, ypos, Tools.getStringResource(BBSSHResource.STATUS_MSG_ALT_PRESSED)); } // Display the fake alt/shift notification icons only if the standard OS // versions won't be displayed - PlatformServicesProvider psp = PlatformServicesProvider.getInstance(); if (state.isExternalArtificialStatusUpdate() || (psp.hasTouchscreen() && (!psp.hasHardwareKeyboard() || !psp .isSliderExtended()))) { int status = state.getArtificialStatus(false); if ((status & KeypadListener.STATUS_ALT) > 0) { xpos = drawIndicator( g, xpos, ypos, Tools.getStringResource(BBSSHResource.STATUS_MSG_IND_BB_ALT)); } if ((status & KeypadListener.STATUS_SHIFT_LEFT) > 0) { if (psp.hasShiftX()) { xpos = drawIndicator( g, xpos, ypos, Tools.getStringResource(BBSSHResource.STATUS_MSG_IND_BB_SHIFT)); } else { xpos = drawIndicator( g, xpos, ypos, Tools.getStringResource(BBSSHResource.STATUS_MSG_IND_BB_SHIFT_LEFT)); } } else if ((status & KeypadListener.STATUS_SHIFT_RIGHT) > 0) { xpos = drawIndicator( g, xpos, ypos, Tools.getStringResource(BBSSHResource.STATUS_MSG_IND_BB_SHIFT_RIGHT)); } else if ((status & KeypadListener.STATUS_SHIFT) > 0) { xpos = drawIndicator( g, xpos, ypos, Tools.getStringResource(BBSSHResource.STATUS_MSG_IND_BB_SHIFT)); } } int orientation = sessionMgr.activeSession.state.orientationMode; // For now only portrait/landscape locks are supported. east/west // not yet implemented - as this may require a more platform specific // implementation if (orientation != TerminalStateData.DIRECTION_ALL) { if (orientation == TerminalStateData.DIRECTION_NORTH || orientation == TerminalStateData.DIRECTION_PORTRAIT) { xpos = drawIndicator(g, xpos, ypos, "P"); } else { xpos = drawIndicator(g, xpos, ypos, "L"); } } String message = getExpiringMessage(); if (message != null) { xpos = drawIndicator(g, xpos, ypos, message); } } private int drawIndicator(Graphics g, int xpos, int ypos, String text, int color) { int size = statusFont.getAdvance(text) + 8; int h = statusFont.getHeight() + 8; xpos -= size; g.setColor(Color.SLATEGRAY); g.fillRoundRect(xpos, ypos, size, h, 14, 14); g.setColor(Color.BLACK); g.drawRoundRect(xpos, ypos, size, h, 14, 14); g.setColor(color); g.drawText(text, xpos + 4, ypos + 4); return xpos - 4; } private int drawIndicator(Graphics g, int xpos, int ypos, String text) { return drawIndicator(g, xpos, ypos, text, Color.GOLD); } protected boolean keyEvent(int keyCode, int status, int time) { return keyEvent(keyCode, status, time, true); } /** * Handle any/all user-generated events by looking up custom event mappings * and dispatching to them if they exist. */ protected boolean keyEvent(int keyCode, int status, int time, boolean resetVirtualStatus) { // Logger.debug("keyCode: " + keyCode + " status: " + status); RemoteSessionInstance rsi = sessionMgr.activeSession; if (rsi == null) return false; // If we're using a virtual keyboard, and this is an alted character, // then remove the alt flag - this will prevent situations where some // virt keyboard characters (such as 0 or currency) are only available // "alted" on the virt keyboard - and so become unavailable compeltely // if the user has bound them w/ alt, eg alt+0, alt+currency if (((TerminalScreen) getScreen()).isVirtualKeyboardVisible()) { if ((status & KeypadListener.STATUS_ALT) > 0 && Keypad.getUnaltedChar(, status)) == 0) { status &= ~KeypadListener.STATUS_ALT; } } // If the caller tells us that we can reset virtual status, then we'll // just do so. Otherwise we'll decide for ourselves - if we're a // touchscreen device without a keyboard; or but it's a retracted // slider... then we'll not reset it. This mirrors the actual behavior // of (example) ALT not getting reset in resposne to a touch event, // keeping our internal state consistent with device state. It's ugly, // but until RIM gives us a way to simpyl query the Alt/Shift key // status. if (!resetVirtualStatus) { PlatformServicesProvider psp = PlatformServicesProvider .getInstance(); resetVirtualStatus = psp.isReducedLayout(); resetVirtualStatus = resetVirtualStatus || (psp.hasTouchscreen() && (!psp.hasHardwareKeyboard() || !psp .isSliderExtended())); resetVirtualStatus = resetVirtualStatus || rsi.state.isExternalArtificialStatusUpdate(); } int s = rsi.state.getArtificialStatus(resetVirtualStatus); int newStatus = (status | s) & KeyBindingHelper.SUPPORTED_KEYPAD_MODIFIERS; BoundCommand mapping = KeyBindingManager.getInstance().getKeyBinding( keyCode, newStatus); boolean ret = false; if (mapping != null) { if (!mapping.execute(sessionMgr.activeSession, true)) { Logger.error("Command failed to execute: " + mapping); } // Even if the mapping failed to execute, the mapping *existed* - so // we don't want to // double-process this keystroke. ret = true; } invalidateStatusIcons(); return ret; } protected boolean trackwheelClick(int status, int time) { boolean result = keyEvent(KeyBindingHelper.KEY_NAV_CLICK, status, time); if (result == false) { result = super.trackwheelClick(status, time); } return result; } /** * Override of navigationClick that passes control to custom keyhandler. If * unhandled, the default implementation is invoked. * * @param status * @param time * @return */ protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time) { boolean result = keyEvent(KeyBindingHelper.KEY_NAV_CLICK, status, time); if (!result) { result = super.navigationClick(status, time); } return result; } /** * Override of navigationMovement that passes control to custom keyhandler. * If unhandled, the default implemention is currently NOT invoked. * * @param dx * delta in X * @param dy * delty in Y * @param status * @param time * @return */ protected boolean navigationMovement(int dx, int dy, int status, int time) { if (sessionMgr.activeSession == null) return true; if (sessionMgr.activeSession.state.typingMode == TerminalStateData.TYPING_MODE_LOCAL_SCROLL) { if (dy != 0) { if ((status & KeyListener.STATUS_ALT) > 0) { sessionMgr.activeSession.scrollViewVertical(0, dy > 0); } else { sessionMgr.activeSession.scrollViewVertical(Math.abs(dy), dy > 0); } } if (dx != 0) { if ((status & KeyListener.STATUS_ALT) > 0) { sessionMgr.activeSession.scrollViewHorizontal(0, dx > 0); } else { sessionMgr.activeSession.scrollViewHorizontal(Math.abs(dx), dx > 0); } } } else { // Rate-limit to prevent flooding if this is a 4-way devices if ((status & KeyListener.STATUS_FOUR_WAY) > 0) { if (time - lastNavTime < 100) { return true; } lastNavTime = time; } if (dy < 0) { keyEvent(KeyBindingHelper.KEY_NAV_UP, status, time); } else if (dy > 0) { keyEvent(KeyBindingHelper.KEY_NAV_DOWN, status, time); } if (dx < 0) { keyEvent(KeyBindingHelper.KEY_NAV_LEFT, status, time); } else if (dx > 0) { keyEvent(KeyBindingHelper.KEY_NAV_RIGHT, status, time); } } // in no case do we want default directional handling. return true; } protected boolean keyChar(char c, int status, int time) { // Logger.debug("keyChar: " + c); if (!processChars) return true; if (sessionMgr.activeSession == null || sessionMgr.activeSession.state == null) return super.keyChar(c, status, time); TerminalStateData state = sessionMgr.activeSession.state; if (state.typingMode == TerminalStateData.TYPING_MODE_LOCAL_SCROLL) { showExpiringAlertMessage(BBSSHResource.STATUS_MSG_IN_SCROLL_MODE); return true; } if (keyEvent(c, status, time)) return true; state.setArtificialStatus(0); // If we're in direct mode; or we're in "special key" mode where // CTRL or ALT mode is enabled , then send text straight through. // even in hybrid mode, we won't show the editor window in this // scenario. if (state.typingMode == TerminalStateData.TYPING_MODE_DIRECT || state.altPressed || state.ctrlPressed) { sessionMgr.activeSession.emulator.keyTyped(0, c, state.getModifierKeyState(status, true)); // This will change alt status, etc as well as outbound buffer size. invalidateStatusIcons(); return true; } // If we're in hybrid mode, then display the input overlay and popup the // value String value = null; if (state.typingMode == TerminalStateData.TYPING_MODE_HYBRID) { if (c != '\n' && c != '\r') { value = new String(new char[] { c }); } ((TerminalScreen) getScreen()).showInputOverlay(value); } return true; } protected boolean keyControl(char c, int status, int time) { // Even a single volume press for some reason results in two volume // events. // This will filter those duplicates out while not limiting rate too // much. if ((time - lastKeyControlTS) < 50) { return true; } RemoteSessionInstance rsi = sessionMgr.activeSession; if (rsi == null) return true; lastKeyControlTS = time; if (c == Characters.CONTROL_VOLUME_DOWN || c == Characters.CONTROL_VOLUME_UP) { if ((status & rsi.state.getArtificialStatus(false) & KeyBindingHelper.SUPPORTED_KEYPAD_MODIFIERS) == 0 && suppressBinding()) { return super.keyControl(c, status, time); } keyEvent(c, status, time); return true; } rsi.state.setArtificialStatus(0); invalidateStatusIcons(); return super.keyControl(c, status, time); } protected boolean suppressBinding() { // If we are going to get an exception for tryign .... don't try - we // can't suppress. if (ApplicationPermissionsManager.getInstance().getPermission( ApplicationPermissions.PERMISSION_PHONE) == ApplicationPermissions.VALUE_DENY) return false; if (Phone.getActiveCall() != null) { if (SettingsManager.getSettings().getDisableKeybindWhenOnCall()) { showExpiringAlertMessage(BBSSHResource.TERMINAL_MSG_BINDING_DISABLED); return true; } } return false; } protected boolean keyDown(int keycode, int time) { int key = Keypad.key(keycode); int stat = Keypad.status(keycode); RemoteSessionInstance rsi = sessionMgr.activeSession; if (rsi == null) return super.keyDown(keycode, time); // Volume Down and Volume Up are delivered only in 5.0+ - but the // keyControl // version of the same works for all versions including 5 & 6. Skip // processing it // here , and pick it up there. if (key == Keypad.KEY_VOLUME_DOWN || key == Keypad.KEY_VOLUME_UP) return super.keyDown(keycode, time); // For media and phone keys, we will need to ignore them if a call is in // progress. if (key == Keypad.KEY_SEND || key == Keypad.KEY_END || key == Keypad.KEY_SPEAKERPHONE) { if ((stat & rsi.state.getArtificialStatus(false) & KeyBindingHelper.SUPPORTED_KEYPAD_MODIFIERS) == 0 && suppressBinding()) return super.keyDown(keycode, time); } if (keyEvent(key, stat, time)) { return true; } return super.keyDown(keycode, time); } protected void onObscured() { sessionMgr.notifyActiveSessionObscured(); if (sessionMgr.activeSession != null) sessionMgr.activeSession.state.setArtificialStatus(0); super.onObscured(); } protected void onExposed() { sessionMgr.notifyActiveSessionExposed(); if (sessionMgr.activeSession != null) sessionMgr.activeSession.state.setArtificialStatus(0); super.onExposed(); } public void redraw(boolean fullRefresh) { if (renderer == null) return; // cache local reference because we use this many times in this method. RemoteSessionInstance rsi = sessionMgr.activeSession; if (rsi == null) { return; } // Ensure that the backing store doesn't get modified at the same time // we're // requesting a refresh. This indirectly guarantees that the drawing // operation // can't occur while modifications to the underlyin gbuffer are still in // progress. rsi.state.refreshRequired = true; if (fullRefresh) { rsi.state.debugFullRefreshCount++; rsi.state.fullRefreshRequired = true; rsi.state.numColsVisible = rsi.emulator.getWidth(); invalidate(); return; } else { rsi.state.debugPartialRefreshCount++; } XYPoint fontSize = renderer.getFontDimensions(); int bottomTermRow = Math.min(rsi.state.topTermRow + rsi.emulator.screenBase + rsi.state.numRows, rsi.emulator.bufSize); int drawRow = 0; // Find out which rows are invalid, so that we don't repaint the entire // screen if we don't need to. // We will also always invalidate the status bar region. invalidateStatusIcons(); int first = -1; int last = -1; for (int line = rsi.state.topTermRow + rsi.emulator.screenBase; line < bottomTermRow; line++, drawRow += fontSize.y) { if (rsi.emulator.isLineDirty(line)) { if (first == -1) { first = drawRow; } last = drawRow; } } this.invalidate(0, first, getWidth(), (last + fontSize.y) - first); } protected void redrawBackingStoreImpl(Graphics g) { RemoteSessionInstance rsi = sessionMgr.activeSession; if (rsi == null) return; TerminalStateData state = rsi.state; XYPoint fontSize = renderer.getFontDimensions(); rsi.state.debugPaintBackStoreCount++; ConnectionProperties prop = rsi.session.getProperties(); int bgcoloridx = prop.getBackgroundColorIndex(); int fgcoloridx = prop.getForegroundColorIndex(); int bottomTermRow = Math.min(rsi.state.topTermRow + rsi.state.numRows, rsi.emulator.getBufferSize()); int rightTermCol = Math.min(rsi.emulator.getTerminalWidth(), (state.left + state.numColsVisible)); // Declare these outside the loops so they don't continually get // re-pushed onto the stack. int x, termCol, count, fg, bg, currAttr; int drawRow = 0, drawCol = 0; long[] row; for (int line = state.topTermRow, index = rsi.emulator.windowBase + state.topTermRow; line < bottomTermRow; line++, index++, drawRow += fontSize.y) { state.debugLineEvalCount++; if (!state.fullRefreshRequired && !rsi.emulator.isLineDirty(index)) { continue; } state.debugLinePaintCount++; rsi.emulator.setLineClean(line); drawCol = 0; row = rsi.emulator.terminalData[index]; count = 0; for (termCol = rsi.state.left; termCol < rightTermCol; termCol += count) { currAttr = (int) (row[termCol] >> 32); if ((state.typingMode == TerminalStateData.TYPING_MODE_SELECT && (currAttr & VT320.XATTR_SELECTED) != 0)) { bg = 0xAAAAAA; fg = 0x111111; } else { fg = getColor(currAttr, fgcoloridx, true); bg = getColor(currAttr, bgcoloridx, false); } // We're not going to do an actual blink (that requires timed // regular repaints, which we want to // avoid for perf reasons on a mobile platform. Instead, treat // as invert. if ((currAttr & VT320.BLINK) != 0) { currAttr |= VT320.INVERT; } if ((currAttr & VT320.INVERT) != 0) { // Logger.debug("Attribute: INVERT"); int t = bg; bg = fg; fg = t; } // How many cols can we draw in this pass? Look to see how many // have identical attributes. for (count = 0, x = termCol; x < rightTermCol && x < state.maxWidth; x++, count++) { // @todo - any risk of breakage if a col has an attr value // but no text? eg we should // clear it but are not? if (row[x] < ' ') { row[x] = ' '; } if ((row[x] >> 32) != currAttr) break; } // Logger.debug(" ** drawing from " + colPos + " to " + (addr - // 1)); g.setColor(fg); g.setBackgroundColor(bg); // Fill the background... g.clear(drawCol, drawRow, fontSize.x * count, fontSize.y); renderer.drawChars(g, fg, bg, row, termCol, count, drawCol, drawRow); if ((currAttr & VT320.UNDERLINE) > 0) { g.setColor(fg); // offset by two lines if we're inverted, otherwise one -- // this ensures that it will show up. int yVal = drawRow + fontSize.y - ((currAttr & VT320.INVERT) > 0 ? 2 : 1); g.drawLine(drawCol, yVal, drawCol + (fontSize.x * count), yVal); } if (count == 0) { Logger.error("Char Draw Count == 0, should not have happened - rendering may be corrupt"); count++; } drawCol += fontSize.x * count; } } // If we've gone through all visible rows but still have unaccounted for // height, // then fix this now by filling in anythign remainign. if (drawRow < height) { g.setBackgroundColor(Tools.color[bgcoloridx]); g.clear(0, drawRow, width, height - drawRow); } // Set cursor color to be the opposite of the text color here (inverse) int attr = (int) (rsi.emulator.terminalData[rsi.emulator.cursorY][rsi.emulator.cursorX] >> 32); g.setColor(getColor(attr, fgcoloridx, true)); g.setBackgroundColor(getColor(attr, bgcoloridx, false)); if (state.typingMode == TerminalStateData.TYPING_MODE_SELECT) { drawCursor(g, rsi.state.selectionCursorX, rsi.state.selectionCursorY, fontSize); } else { drawCursor(g, rsi.emulator.cursorX, rsi.emulator.cursorY, fontSize); } rsi.state.refreshRequired = false; rsi.state.fullRefreshRequired = false; } private int getColor(int attributes, int defaultIndex, boolean foreground) { int requestedIndex; if (foreground) { requestedIndex = ((attributes & VT320.COLOR_FG) >> 4) - 1; } else { requestedIndex = ((attributes & VT320.COLOR_BG) >> 8) - 1; } if (requestedIndex == -1) { // not set - use default value. requestedIndex = defaultIndex; } if (foreground) { if ((attributes & VT320.BOLD) != 0) return Tools.boldcolor[requestedIndex]; if ((attributes & VT320.LOW) != 0) return Tools.lowcolor[requestedIndex]; } return Tools.color[requestedIndex]; } // private String debugGetString(long[] row, int offset) { // int size = row.length - offset; // // char[] data = new char[size]; // for (int x = offset; x < row.length; x++) { // data[x - offset] = (char) (row[x] & 0xFF); // // } // // return new String(data); // } protected void drawCursor(Graphics g, int cursorX, int cursorY, XYPoint fontSize) { RemoteSessionInstance rsi = sessionMgr.activeSession; if (rsi == null) return; cursorY = rsi.emulator.screenBase + cursorY; // draw cursor if it's visible in the current viewport // screenbase + pos > windowbase and < [end of displayed - must calc // displayed line in common place.) if (rsi.emulator.showcursor && (cursorY >= rsi.emulator.windowBase && cursorY < rsi.emulator.windowBase + rsi.emulator.getTerminalHeight())) { int height = fontSize.y / 3; // this is our cursor height g.fillRect( (cursorX - rsi.state.left) * fontSize.x, ((cursorY - rsi.state.topTermRow - rsi.emulator.windowBase) * fontSize.y) + (fontSize.y - height), fontSize.x, height); } } /** * We maintain a "backing store" image that we paint onto the screen. When a * repaint is required but nothing has changed, nothing further is needed * because the image is saved. However, if the image needs to change (such * as when text arrives in the terminal) we must redraw it. This method * handles the redrawing. When our content is invalidated, we need to * recreate that image with the new contents. We will refresh our image with * the lines that the model says are dirty -- note that when we do this, the * model is driving the behavior nad not the view - so we don't care which * rows the OS says are dirty. */ protected void redrawBackingStore(Graphics g) { RemoteSessionInstance rsi = sessionMgr.activeSession; if (rsi == null || !rsi.state.refreshRequired) { return; } // Ensure that the backing store doesn't get modified at the same time // we're // requesting a refresh. This indirectly guarantees that the drawing // operation // can't occur while modifications to the underlyin gbuffer are still in // progress. long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); synchronized (rsi.emulator.getTermBufferMutex()) { rsi.state.debugRedrawStartWaitTime += (System.currentTimeMillis() - start); redrawBackingStoreImpl(g); } } public void invalidateStatusIcons() { if (statusInvalidated) return; statusInvalidated = true; invalidate(statusBarRegionRect.x, statusBarRegionRect.y, statusBarRegionRect.width, statusBarRegionRect.height); } /** * Update the current font used. Make sure to invoke "sizeChanged" * afterwards, if the font differs. * * @param settings * @return true if the font has been changed. * @throws FontNotFoundException */ public boolean updateFontSettings(FontSettings settings) throws FontNotFoundException { if (SessionManager.getInstance().activeSession == null) return false; renderer = BBSSHFontManager.getInstance().getRenderer(settings); // We only want to do this AFTER the initial font setup is complete if (oldFontSettings == null) { oldFontSettings = new FontSettings(settings); return true; } else if (oldFontSettings.equals(settings)) { return false; } oldFontSettings = new FontSettings(settings); redraw(true); return true; } /** * returns font settings currently in use. */ public FontSettings getFontSettings() { if (renderer == null) return null; return renderer.getSettings(); } public void showExpiringAlertMessage(int messageId) { showExpiringMessage(Tools.getStringResource(messageId)); if (SettingsManager.getSettings().isVibrateOnAlertEnabled()) { Alert.startVibrate(100); } } public void showExpiringMessage(final String expiringMessage) { if (isVisible()) { UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { setExpiringMessage(expiringMessage); if (messageTimer != -1) { UiApplication.getUiApplication().cancelInvokeLater( messageTimer); } messageTimer = UiApplication.getUiApplication() .invokeLater(expireMessageTask, 500 + (25 * expiringMessage.length()), false); invalidateStatusIcons(); } }); } } private synchronized String getExpiringMessage() { return expiringMessage; } private synchronized void setExpiringMessage(String expiringMessage) { this.expiringMessage = expiringMessage; } public boolean isFocusable() { return true; } /** * Maintain */ protected boolean keyStatus(int keycode, int time) { RemoteSessionInstance rsi = sessionMgr.activeSession; if (rsi == null) return true; // note: if user has changed status while virtual keyboard is visible - // do NOT toggle // virtual status in that case, as it creates an inconsistent result -- // because we disregard // alt coming from virtual keyboard when processing the keystroke. if (PlatformServicesProvider.getInstance().hasTouchscreen() && !((TerminalScreen) getScreen()).isVirtualKeyboardVisible()) { int key = Keypad.key(keycode); switch (key) { case (Keypad.KEY_SHIFT_RIGHT): rsi.state.toggleArtificialStatus(KeyListener.STATUS_SHIFT | KeyListener.STATUS_SHIFT_RIGHT, false); break; case (Keypad.KEY_SHIFT_LEFT): rsi.state.toggleArtificialStatus(KeyListener.STATUS_SHIFT | KeyListener.STATUS_SHIFT_LEFT, false); break; case (Keypad.KEY_ALT): rsi.state.toggleArtificialStatus(KeyListener.STATUS_ALT, false); break; } } invalidateStatusIcons(); return true; } }