package com.todoroo.astrid.utility; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import com.timsu.astrid.R; import com.todoroo.andlib.service.ContextManager; /** * This class caches common images based on resource ID to avoid * the performance hit from constantly loading them from disk * @author Sam * */ public class ResourceDrawableCache { private static Drawable ICN_DEFAULT_PERSON_IMAGE = null; private static Drawable ICN_ANYONE = null; private static Drawable ICN_ANYONE_TRANSPARENT = null; private static Drawable ICN_ADD_CONTACT = null; private static Drawable DEFAULT_LIST_0 = null; private static Drawable DEFAULT_LIST_1 = null; private static Drawable DEFAULT_LIST_2 = null; private static Drawable DEFAULT_LIST_3 = null; public static Drawable getImageDrawableFromId(Resources r, int resId) { if (r == null) r = ContextManager.getResources(); switch(resId) { case R.drawable.icn_default_person_image: if (ICN_DEFAULT_PERSON_IMAGE == null) ICN_DEFAULT_PERSON_IMAGE = r.getDrawable(resId); return ICN_DEFAULT_PERSON_IMAGE; case R.drawable.icn_anyone: if (ICN_ANYONE == null) ICN_ANYONE = r.getDrawable(resId); return ICN_ANYONE; case R.drawable.icn_anyone_transparent: if (ICN_ANYONE_TRANSPARENT == null) ICN_ANYONE_TRANSPARENT = r.getDrawable(resId); return ICN_ANYONE_TRANSPARENT; case R.drawable.icn_add_contact: if (ICN_ADD_CONTACT == null) ICN_ADD_CONTACT = r.getDrawable(resId); return ICN_ADD_CONTACT; case R.drawable.default_list_0: if (DEFAULT_LIST_0 == null) DEFAULT_LIST_0 = r.getDrawable(resId); return DEFAULT_LIST_0; case R.drawable.default_list_1: if (DEFAULT_LIST_1 == null) DEFAULT_LIST_1 = r.getDrawable(resId); return DEFAULT_LIST_1; case R.drawable.default_list_2: if (DEFAULT_LIST_2 == null) DEFAULT_LIST_2 = r.getDrawable(resId); return DEFAULT_LIST_2; case R.drawable.default_list_3: if (DEFAULT_LIST_3 == null) DEFAULT_LIST_3 = r.getDrawable(resId); return DEFAULT_LIST_3; default: return r.getDrawable(resId); } } }