/** * Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc * * See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. */ package com.timsu.astrid.data.sync; import java.util.HashSet; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.SQLException; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper; import com.timsu.astrid.data.LegacyAbstractController; import com.timsu.astrid.data.sync.SyncMapping.SyncMappingDatabaseHelper; import com.timsu.astrid.data.task.AbstractTaskModel; import com.timsu.astrid.data.task.TaskIdentifier; import com.timsu.astrid.data.task.TaskModelForSync; /** Controller for Tag-related operations */ @SuppressWarnings("nls") public class SyncDataController extends LegacyAbstractController { private SQLiteDatabase syncDatabase; // --- updated tasks list /** Mark all updated tasks as finished synchronizing */ public boolean clearUpdatedTaskList(int syncServiceId) throws SQLException { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(SyncMapping.UPDATED, 0); return syncDatabase.update(syncTable, values, SyncMapping.SYNC_SERVICE + " = " + syncServiceId, null) > 0; } /** Indicate that this task's properties were updated */ public boolean addToUpdatedList(TaskIdentifier taskId) throws SQLException { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(SyncMapping.UPDATED, 1); return syncDatabase.update(syncTable, values, SyncMapping.TASK + " = " + taskId.getId(), null) > 0; } public static void taskUpdated(Context context, AbstractTaskModel task) { if(!(task instanceof TaskModelForSync)) { SyncDataController syncController = new SyncDataController(context); syncController.open(); syncController.addToUpdatedList(task.getTaskIdentifier()); syncController.close(); } } // --- sync mapping /** Get all mappings for the given synchronization service */ public HashSet<SyncMapping> getSyncMappings(int syncServiceId) throws SQLException { HashSet<SyncMapping> list = new HashSet<SyncMapping>(); Cursor cursor = syncDatabase.query(syncTable, SyncMapping.FIELD_LIST, SyncMapping.SYNC_SERVICE + " = " + syncServiceId, null, null, null, null); try { if(cursor.getCount() == 0) return list; do { cursor.moveToNext(); list.add(new SyncMapping(cursor)); } while(!cursor.isLast()); return list; } finally { cursor.close(); } } /** Get all mappings for specified task for all synchronization services */ public HashSet<SyncMapping> getSyncMappings(TaskIdentifier taskId) throws SQLException { HashSet<SyncMapping> list = new HashSet<SyncMapping>(); Cursor cursor = syncDatabase.query(syncTable, SyncMapping.FIELD_LIST, SyncMapping.TASK + " = ?", new String[] { "" + taskId.getId() }, null, null, null); try { if(cursor.getCount() == 0) return list; do { cursor.moveToNext(); list.add(new SyncMapping(cursor)); } while(!cursor.isLast()); return list; } finally { cursor.close(); } } /** Get mapping for given task */ public SyncMapping getSyncMapping(int syncServiceId, TaskIdentifier taskId) throws SQLException { Cursor cursor = syncDatabase.query(syncTable, SyncMapping.FIELD_LIST, SyncMapping.SYNC_SERVICE + " = ? AND " + SyncMapping.TASK + " = ?", new String[] { "" + syncServiceId, "" + taskId.getId() }, null, null, null); try { if(cursor.getCount() == 0) return null; cursor.moveToNext(); return new SyncMapping(cursor); } finally { cursor.close(); } } /** Saves the given task to the database. Returns true on success. */ public boolean saveSyncMapping(SyncMapping mapping) { long newRow = syncDatabase.insert(syncTable, SyncMapping.TASK, mapping.getMergedValues()); mapping.setId(newRow); return newRow >= 0; } /** Deletes the given mapping. Returns true on success */ public boolean deleteSyncMapping(SyncMapping mapping) { // was never saved if(mapping.getId() == 0) return false; return syncDatabase.delete(syncTable, KEY_ROWID + "=" + mapping.getId(), null) > 0; } /** Deletes the given mapping. Returns true on success */ public boolean deleteAllMappings(int syncServiceId) { return syncDatabase.delete(syncTable, SyncMapping.SYNC_SERVICE + "=" + syncServiceId, null) > 0; } // --- boilerplate /** * Constructor - takes the context to allow the database to be * opened/created */ public SyncDataController(Context context) { super(context); } /** * Open the notes database. If it cannot be opened, try to create a new * instance of the database. If it cannot be created, throw an exception to * signal the failure * * @return this (self reference, allowing this to be chained in an * initialization call) * @throws SQLException if the database could be neither opened or created */ @Override public synchronized void open() throws SQLException { SQLiteOpenHelper helper = new SyncMappingDatabaseHelper(context, syncTable, syncTable); syncDatabase = helper.getWritableDatabase(); } /** Closes database resource */ @Override public void close() { if(syncDatabase != null) syncDatabase.close(); } }