package; import android.content.ContentValues; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.todoroo.astrid.api.AstridApiConstants; @SuppressWarnings("nls") public class UserActivity extends RemoteModel { // --- table /** table for this model */ public static final Table TABLE = new Table("userActivity", UserActivity.class); /** model class for entries in the outstanding table */ public static final Class<? extends OutstandingEntry<UserActivity>> OUTSTANDING_MODEL = UserActivityOutstanding.class; /** content uri for this model */ public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://" + AstridApiConstants.API_PACKAGE + "/" +; // --- properties /** ID */ public static final LongProperty ID = new LongProperty( TABLE, ID_PROPERTY_NAME); /** Remote ID */ public static final StringProperty UUID = new StringProperty( TABLE, UUID_PROPERTY_NAME); /** Pushed at */ public static final LongProperty PUSHED_AT = new LongProperty( TABLE, PUSHED_AT_PROPERTY_NAME, Property.PROP_FLAG_DATE); /** User ID (activity initiator) */ public static final StringProperty USER_UUID = new StringProperty( TABLE, "user_uuid", Property.PROP_FLAG_USER_ID); /** Action */ public static final StringProperty ACTION = new StringProperty( TABLE, "action"); /** Message */ public static final StringProperty MESSAGE = new StringProperty( TABLE, "message"); /** Picture */ public static final StringProperty PICTURE = new StringProperty( TABLE, "picture", Property.PROP_FLAG_JSON | Property.PROP_FLAG_PICTURE); /** Target id */ public static final StringProperty TARGET_ID = new StringProperty( TABLE, "target_id"); /** Target name */ public static final StringProperty TARGET_NAME = new StringProperty( TABLE, "target_name"); /** Created at */ public static final LongProperty CREATED_AT = new LongProperty( TABLE, "created_at", Property.PROP_FLAG_DATE); /** Deleted at */ public static final LongProperty DELETED_AT = new LongProperty( TABLE, "deleted_at", Property.PROP_FLAG_DATE); public UserActivity() { super(); } // --- Action codes public static final String ACTION_TASK_COMMENT = "task_comment"; public static final String ACTION_TAG_COMMENT = "tag_comment"; public static final String ACTION_REQUEST_FRIENDSHIP = "request_friendship"; public static final String ACTION_CONFIRM_FRIENDSHIP = "confirm_friendship"; public static final String ACTION_ACHIEVEMENT_REACHED = "achievement_reached"; public UserActivity(TodorooCursor<UserActivity> cursor) { this(); readPropertiesFromCursor(cursor); } public void readFromCursor(TodorooCursor<UserActivity> cursor) { super.readPropertiesFromCursor(cursor); } // --- helpers @Override public String getUuid() { return getUuidHelper(UUID); } /** Default values container */ private static final ContentValues defaultValues = new ContentValues(); @Override public ContentValues getDefaultValues() { return defaultValues; } static { defaultValues.put(, NO_UUID); defaultValues.put(, NO_UUID); defaultValues.put(, ""); defaultValues.put(, ""); defaultValues.put(, ""); defaultValues.put(, NO_UUID); defaultValues.put(, ""); defaultValues.put(, 0L); defaultValues.put(, 0L); } /** List of all properties for this model */ public static final Property<?>[] PROPERTIES = generateProperties(UserActivity.class); @Override public long getId() { return getIdHelper(ID); } private static final Creator<UserActivity> CREATOR = new ModelCreator<UserActivity>(UserActivity.class); @Override protected Creator<? extends AbstractModel> getCreator() { return CREATOR; } }