package com.todoroo.astrid.actfm.sync.messages; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import com.todoroo.andlib.sql.Order; import com.todoroo.andlib.sql.Query; import com.todoroo.astrid.actfm.sync.ActFmSyncThread; import com.todoroo.astrid.dao.DaoReflectionHelpers; import com.todoroo.astrid.dao.OutstandingEntryDao; import com.todoroo.astrid.dao.RemoteModelDao; import; import; import; @SuppressWarnings("nls") public class ReplayOutstandingEntries<T extends RemoteModel, OE extends OutstandingEntry<T>> { private static final String ERROR_TAG = "actfm-replay-outstanding"; protected final Class<T> modelClass; private final Class<OE> outstandingClass; private final String table; protected final RemoteModelDao<T> dao; protected final OutstandingEntryDao<OE> outstandingDao; private final boolean afterErrors; public ReplayOutstandingEntries(Class<T> modelClass, String table, RemoteModelDao<T> dao, OutstandingEntryDao<OE> outstandingDao, boolean afterErrors) { this.modelClass = modelClass; this.outstandingClass = DaoReflectionHelpers.getOutstandingClass(modelClass); this.table = table; this.dao = dao; this.outstandingDao = outstandingDao; this.afterErrors = afterErrors; } public void execute() { TodorooCursor<OE> outstanding = outstandingDao.query( .orderBy(Order.asc(OutstandingEntry.ENTITY_ID_PROPERTY), Order.asc(OutstandingEntry.CREATED_AT_PROPERTY))); try { OE instance = outstandingClass.newInstance(); for (outstanding.moveToFirst(); !outstanding.isAfterLast(); outstanding.moveToNext()) { instance.clear(); instance.readPropertiesFromCursor(outstanding); processItem(instance.getValue(OutstandingEntry.ENTITY_ID_PROPERTY), instance, outstanding); } } catch (InstantiationException e) { Log.e(ERROR_TAG, "Error instantiating outstanding entry", e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { Log.e(ERROR_TAG, "Error instantiating outstanding entry", e); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(ERROR_TAG, "Unexpected exception in replay outstanding entries", e); } } protected void enqueueChangesHappenedMessage(long id) { ActFmSyncThread.getInstance().enqueueMessage(new ChangesHappened<T, OE>(id, modelClass, dao, outstandingDao), null); } protected boolean shouldSaveModel(T model) { return true; } private void processItem(long id, OE instance, TodorooCursor<OE> outstanding) { try { T model = modelClass.newInstance(); model.setId(id); OutstandingToModelVisitor<T> visitor = new OutstandingToModelVisitor<T>(model); int count = 0; for (; !outstanding.isAfterLast(); outstanding.moveToNext()) { instance.clear(); instance.readPropertiesFromCursor(outstanding); if (instance.getValue(OutstandingEntry.ENTITY_ID_PROPERTY) != id) break; count ++; String column = instance.getValue(OutstandingEntry.COLUMN_STRING_PROPERTY); Property<?> property = NameMaps.localColumnNameToProperty(table, column); // set values to model if (property != null) property.accept(visitor, instance); } model.putTransitory(SyncFlags.ACTFM_SUPPRESS_OUTSTANDING_ENTRIES, true); if (shouldSaveModel(model)) { dao.saveExisting(model); if (count > 0 && !afterErrors) { enqueueChangesHappenedMessage(id); } } outstanding.moveToPrevious(); // Move back one to undo the last iteration of the for loop } catch (InstantiationException e) { Log.e(ERROR_TAG, "Error instantiating model", e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { Log.e(ERROR_TAG, "Error instantiating model", e); } } private class OutstandingToModelVisitor<MTYPE extends T> implements PropertyVisitor<Void, OE> { private final MTYPE model; public OutstandingToModelVisitor(MTYPE model) { this.model = model; } @Override public Void visitInteger(Property<Integer> property, OE data) { Integer i = data.getMergedValues().getAsInteger(; if (i != null) model.setValue(property, i); return null; } @Override public Void visitLong(Property<Long> property, OE data) { Long l = data.getMergedValues().getAsLong(; if (l != null) model.setValue(property, l); return null; } @Override public Void visitDouble(Property<Double> property, OE data) { Double d = data.getMergedValues().getAsDouble(; if (d != null) model.setValue(property, d); return null; } @Override public Void visitString(Property<String> property, OE data) { String s = data.getValue(OutstandingEntry.VALUE_STRING_PROPERTY); model.setValue(property, s); return null; } } }