/** * Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc * * See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. */ package com.todoroo.astrid.sync; import java.util.ArrayList; import com.todoroo.andlib.utility.AndroidUtilities; import com.todoroo.astrid.data.Metadata; import com.todoroo.astrid.data.Task; /** * Container class for transmitting tasks and including local and remote * metadata. Synchronization Providers can subclass this class if desired. * * @see SyncProvider * @author Tim Su <tim@todoroo.com> * */ public class SyncContainer { public Task task; public ArrayList<Metadata> metadata; /** * Check if the metadata contains anything with the given key * @param key * @return first match. or null */ public Metadata findMetadata(String key) { for(Metadata item : metadata) { if(AndroidUtilities.equals(key, item.getValue(Metadata.KEY))) return item; } return null; } /** * Method called when sync container is about to be saved into the database. */ public void prepareForSaving() { // override me necessary } }